I have a 6 wk old DS that has fortunately been sleeping through the night since last week, but now at the time of his night feed (4 or 5am) he has been waking up and playing in his crib. He unswaddles himself and you can hear him kicking his legs, cooing and sucking his thumb even though he doesn't always find his mouth.
He has not gone back to sleep on his own and has been known to stay awake playing for about 2hrs. I'm not sure if he will fall asleep himself if we leave him to it because in our exhaustion and you could say impatience, to get him off to sleep, myself and DBF give him his pacifier and within 15 mins he is asleep. I am worried that he will become dependent on his pacifier to sleep.
He is quite spirited and does not settle easily for his naps and as a result very quickly becomes overtired. The pacifier is then used to help calm him before he falls asleep.
He doesn't cry wanting to be fed at this time and I don't think he has his day and night mixed up because he follows his daytime routine quite well. He is fed every 4hrs and takes it all and he naps for about 2 1/2 hours but he will occasionally stay awake through his nap, especially if we have a visitor or if we go out.
Does any body have any suggestions to stop him waking up at this unsociable hour. And could any body please comment on our use of the pacifier, im worried i could be over using it.
Luliu xxx
Mum of Joshua