Author Topic: Teething and no naps?  (Read 1453 times)

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Offline branwen

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Teething and no naps?
« on: September 14, 2005, 17:02:48 pm »
Hi there-

Just wondering from other mom's what their strategies were with teething and no napping.  My dd just can't seem to settle during the day.  She will go 4 hrs to the point of exhaustion and passing out.  I give her motrin, she sucks on cold/frozen things, teething tabs, etc.  Nothing is seeming to make it so she can "let go" during the day.  After our nighttime routine she can let go- it is like she is relieved that it is bedtime- trust me we all are!!! :wink:

Basically should I employ PU/PD to enforce the naps?  I haven't had to use for a long while before her teeth started coming in and I feel bad using it because I know it is the teeth and not about not wanting to sleep- she actually REALLY wants her naps and can't suck her thumb, etc. because of the pain.

Any ideas would be helpful.  I did have her checked out today b/c I was going INSANE with all of the crying and fussing- so unlike her and nothing else out of the ordinary.
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

Offline sara_derek

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Teething and no naps?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 20:19:36 pm »

When Canyon was teething, or any other time I was sure he was not feeling good or in pain I would give him a light nursing right before nap, change him to keep him a wake a minute or two, then just hold him to sleep, and put him in his crib.  Then I would get him back on track after the tooth cut or his sickness was over.  Everything was so well established before the messed up naps that it was easy to get him back in the routine again.  I definitely do not recommend pu/pd when teething.  It will just make things worse for her.  Just love and comfort her through this short will pass!

Canyon 12/27/02
Christian 7/4/05

Angel#1 12/23/01
Angel #2 5/23/06
Angel #3 11/27/06