Author Topic: Napping while out  (Read 1138 times)

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Offline mum2isabella

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Napping while out
« on: September 15, 2005, 13:07:34 pm »
I've managed to get my spirited 5 month old into a great nap routine at home during the day ( 2 long naps and one short one) BUT now I want to start having a life again!!!! I went to a mother & baby group yesterday and  DD just got more and more over stimulated and refused to sleep in her buggy or in my arms (every other baby in the room was asleep!). She won't even sleep in the car anymore! Is there anything I can do to encourage her to sleep while out and about? I really need to start making friends with other mums!
Isabella Grace born 17th April 2005 - spirited
Samuel Oliver born 22nd July 2006 - textbook/touchy

Offline Aarismom

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Napping while out
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 14:44:06 pm »
We're friends too ;)

Actually, I know exactly what you mean. Mine won't really sleep outside her crib either. It's really really frustrating, as I can't leave the house until the second nap is over.

What you might want to try that has worked for others is taking a familiar bedtime object with you...a sheet that you always use, something with the same kind of surface your lo usually sleeps on, a stuffed animal, lovey, etc. You want to try the best you can to duplicate the kind of environment she's use to sleeping in. Obviously it won't be exact, but close is good enough. Use the same routine you normally use to get her to sleep, as close as you can. Also, you can try getting her use to sleeping in her travel seat or whatever you'll be using during naptime at home, so she gets use to the feel of it.

Also, I'm not sure any lo sleeps really well outside the normal sleep environment unless they're really use to it. You'll get as far as getting her to sleep, but go expecting a short nap. There's just too many new things to see!

Hope one of these ideas help!

Sonya =P

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April 26, 2005

Offline Arwyn's mom

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Napping while out
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 16:55:22 pm »
Mine is the same... she doesn't like to sleep anywhere but her crib. This includes her playpen at home, etc. To get her to sleep at my parents' place, I bring her sleepy blanket and hope for the best. Usually we are successful. However, when I go to the mom & tots drop-in, we are not. She usually has a VERY short nap or she holds out until we go home about 1 hour after her normal nap time.

I also usually wait until after her second nap to go out (because I am a obsessed "nap-timer") but if she had a 1h30m nap in the morning, I will brave it and head out as I have figured out she needs about 3h15m total naptime to be a happy night sleeper.

I have "let go" of proper naps when I go out with other mommy friends (i.e. the drop-in0 because I too, want to have friends who have children similar in age. I love the support and great advice/ideas we share!

Good luck.
Burnaby, B.C. Canada