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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« on: September 15, 2005, 14:44:41 pm »
Hi Ladies

I just want to pick your brains about transition from crib to bed. Grace's "Big Girl Bed" was delivered today (my Mum has bought it for her for Christmas but had it delivered early in case we needed it).

Now I'm not sure whether to put her into it or leave her in her cot. She's 20 mths old now but is quite happy in her cot (she can't climb out of it - yet!).

I'm umming and ahhing over what to do. There's no real reason to move her into the bed, other than the fact that it's here now.

Tbh I quite like the fact that she's contained in the cot and can't ransack her room in the morning or after nap time  :wink:  ..... but by the same token I'd be happy for her to be in a big bed too (which would make it easier if we travelled anywhere because we wouldn't have to lug the travel cot, we could just take a bed rail). I don't think the actually transition will be a problem (she's an angel/textbook child and tends to take change in her stride - thank goodness!).

Any ideas/tips etc? What ages did you do the transition?


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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 14:54:40 pm »
My DD didn't get a big girl bed until she was 2 1/2....Mainly for the ransacking of the house...That and I felt safer knowing if I was sleeping..she was safe and not running around getting into potentially dangerous things.....My best advice is to go with your instincts  :lol:  When she climbs out of the cot, then give her the BGB :) Cause it's all down hill after that  :D

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 22:17:17 pm »
Hello Marie-ek!
Harry turned 2 in July and has been in a BBB since he was about 20 months.  I have found he sleeps better in it, deeper and for longer!  Can't be a bad thing.
The 1st night it took H a couple of hours to 'get it'.  He was in and out of bed, but since then, touch wood, he has been great.  He doesn't get up at all during the night, and doesn't some into us before 7am.
Go for it!!  You may be pleasantly surprised.
Harry: 29 July 2003
Lydia: 28 June 2005
Sam:  28 June 2005
David: 28 June 2005 - 12 August 2005
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That's all folks!
(Well, maybe another girl if I can convince DH!)

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 22:36:02 pm »
Well we have just made the move out of neccessity rather than choice :roll:  I think Ruby is half monkey as climbing seems to be a speciality of hers, no kidding she scaled a 6ft freestanding shelving unit the other day!!! :shock:  :shock:

So long-story short, we had a hellish week - no naps, not sleeping till 9pm but after just one week she has 'grasped' it and is now back to napping and taking 15 mins to settle. Oh, but we did take everything out of her room!!! And put a gate on the door!!!!
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 23:04:28 pm »
we moved our son at 17 months to a big boy bed...he was happy in his crib, but we were due in a few months so i planned to move him early enough....

anyway, the bed was in his room for 2 weeks....then we read bedtime stories on, talked about big boys sleeping in beds, and then back to crib for bed.  one night he wanted to be in the we tried.  he got up, so he went back to crib.  after a few nights he learned not to get so upset so he could stay in the bed.  so then we said no more crib.  he agreed.  so when he cried that night i did not go to him right away.  he slept on the floor for a few nights, then figured out the bed was more comfy. 

i admit.....hearing him play in his room after i left was dh wouldn't let me go up there....said, its his room, let him explore.  sure enough in 10 min he was back in bed asleep.  never had any more issues. 

but we had a one strike rule that first week....he went back to crib if he got out of bed and cried....then when it was no crib i just did not go to him right away....and he fell asleep everytime on his own......but we hyped up the bed thing before trying it out.....naps were harder b/c he wanted to play more.....but soon he got it and stayed in bed. 

just be consistent and make clear the rules of the bed.....but don't be afraid to let the child play some in the room after you leave...its their room and they need to be able to explore....they think they are getting away with something ;-)
DS, 13
DD, 12

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2005, 23:21:07 pm »
I'd say leave her in her crib if you don't have a reason to move her.  But don't be too frightened of moving her either.  We moved dd about a month ago and I thought she'd be all over the place since she's active, but we took all the toys out and put a doorknob cover on her door (for the rare times she does get out of bed) and she's done great.  She's only gotten out of bed twice and fought falling asleep.  Otherwise she's doing great!

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Offline Mariek

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2005, 11:59:52 am »
Thanks for the advice ladies.

We've decided to bite the bullet and go for it (after much deliberation - mostly on my part, DH had already made up his mind I think!). Worst case scenario she hates it and we have to go back to the cot and try again in a month or two.

We've been bigging up the "Big Girl Bed" thing today and have picked some duvet covers. I've also bought a bed guard, safety gate and wardrobe lock.

The plan is to get the room totally Grace friendly this afternoon and tomorrow and then try her in the bed tomorrow night. Unfortuantley there isn't room for the cot and the bed in her room so we'll have to take the cot down completely.

I'll let you know how we get on. At least Sunday is my day for a lie-in so DH will have to deal with the aftermath of her discovering she can get up and get to her to all her toys ;)


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Re: Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2005, 16:26:34 pm »
Quote from: Mariek
Now I'm not sure whether to put her into it or leave her in her cot. She's 20 mths old now but is quite happy in her cot (she can't climb out of it - yet!).

Tbh I quite like the fact that she's contained in the cot and can't ransack her room in the morning or after nap time  :wink:

Any ideas/tips etc? What ages did you do the transition?

DD is a textbook too and we waited until she was 27 months to move her because she never tried to climb out.  For about 6 months after the transition (which went very smoothly) she actually stayed in her bed when she woke and called for us.   :lol:  She was done with naps at age 2 so we never had to deal with the napping aspect. 

Now, when she wakes she hops out and comes straight to our room.  I *wish* she'd stay in there and ransack her room sometimes!   :wink:
Mommy to an almost 3 year old

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2005, 17:49:29 pm »
I think you're doing the right thing by removing the cot anyway - even if you didn't have to - shows there's no going back!!

Our transition worked really well - for the first few months I swear she didn't think she could get out of bed until either me or dh were actually in the room - not a scamper!! Now she's's a VERY different story, but I don't mind her having a little play in her room or a little trot along the landing - she always ends up taking herself back to bed when she's tired!

I never put a stairgate on the door - I didn't like the thought of it somehow, but I know loads of friends who swear by it.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

Ella Rose 07/09/02
Jack Rowan 15/03/04
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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2005, 20:24:14 pm »
Jack was in a bed at 20 months ( as Charis was on her way) Charis is almost 2 1/2 and is still in the crib. I am in no hurry. But what bit of advice I have is either go for it all the way, or dont. If you are going to put the bed up then I would take the crib away. I had a friend who left both up and it turned into a game of going back and forth. Just go for if if you decide to , well, go for it.  Good Luck!

Jack 6/01/01
Charis 5/15/03

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2005, 11:28:32 am »
we moved Aiden just after his 2nd birthday... my back was killing from using the port-a-cot for Liam!
Anyway apart from 2 incidents (over a month) it has been pretty smooth sailing & he is a Spirted child.
We just made sure the night routine was really good & set the rules in place... we don't even shut his door. He comes in after his light comes on, which is set at the average time he wakes up & that is pretty much our story.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Mariek

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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2005, 11:18:04 am »
Hi ladies

Thanks you all your advice on this.

We decided to go for it on Saturday so took the cot down and put up the bed (Grace "helped" with the screws :)).

She went in without any problems (she was SO excited I didn't think she would sleep a wink but she went off no trouble) and slept in until 9am on Sunday morning  :shock:

Sunday night I heard a "flumpted" noise on the monitor - which I knew was the sound of her falling out of bed. When I went up though she was asleep in a heap at the side of the bed so I don't even think she'd woken up on the way down!! I had to get up once on Sunday night (about 1.30am) because I could hear her crying and she was wandering round the room in the dark half asleep (too cute). I popped her back in bed and she was fine.

I've moved the bed guard up a bit (I think she was falling out of the gap at the top) and we've had no problems since.

I can't believe my baby has a big bed....:( She's not little any more :( :)


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Dilemma - Big Girl Bed was delivered today *UPDATED*
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2005, 03:03:46 am »

I know exactly how you feel :cry: .  Ewan looked so small in his be at first and still does really.
