Author Topic: 2 months activity?  (Read 2555 times)

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Offline Eden's Mum

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2 months activity?
« on: September 17, 2005, 21:09:26 pm »
What do you do with your lo's at this age in the way of activity? He lies on his play mat sometimes, or sits in his seat whilst i do stuff with number1. or he lies in his pram whilst we go out.

I feel i should be stimulating him more in someway but can't remember what i did with 1. he gets tired so quickly though.




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2 months activity?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2005, 21:21:13 pm »
I think you are doing a great job. If you stimulate them too much they get cranky at this age. Kaitie just likes to look at everything. If you make sure he can see and let him look around I'll just bet he's getting enough stimuli to keep him going.

Offline NatyRoo

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2 months activity?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 15:57:55 pm »
This easy routine, I'm well up for it but I'm having problems with the activity bit! My daugher is 6 weeks old and the eating and sleeping bit is working a dream, but unless the "a" stands for "always crying" I think we're a bit stuck with the activity bit, morning seem okay, but afternoon and evening are usually quite noisy. Is she too young to put into a routine yet? Am I feeding her too much? What can I do for activities, I feel like I'm abandoning her a bit expecting her to play on her playmat and watch Baby Einstien DVDs ...

So far this is our routine ...

Eat: 6:30 (usually only 3/4oz from her bottle)
Activity: NONE!
Sleep: 7:00 - 9:00 ish Sleeps on bed with Mum!
You: I go back to sleep!

Eat: 9:30 (6oz bottle)
Activity: Wash and dress Milly then put her is the bouncy chair with activity bar (while I sterilise and make new bottles). Sometimes watch a Baby Einstien DVD if she's settled enough!
Sleep: Maybe 1/2 hour if lucky - usually doesn't sleep!
You: Trying to keep her amused so she doesn't cry!

Eat: 13:00 (6oz bottle)
Activity: Playmat but ...
Sleep: ...usually activity mingles with sleep
You: Lunch, cleaning etc if I've got time before ...

Eat: 15:30 (6oz bottle)
Activity: Cry (Is this normal)
Sleep: Too busy crying to sleep!
You: Winding, cuddling, playing ... anything to stop the crying!

This bit is a bit upside down ...

Activity: 19:00 Bathtime!!
Eat: 19:30 Lights out, baby lullabies playing in the background (3/4oz of her bottle)
Sleep: Try to put her down in her cot but lasts about 10 minutes before she's crying at which point we try dummy, pick-up/put-down etc before giving up at about 20:00 and bring her downstairs
You: 20:00-22:00 play with her and try to comfort her to sleep

Eat: 22:00 Dream-feed, if we've managed to get her to sleep! (6oz bottle)
Sleep: 22:30-02:30 ish
You: SLEEP!!

Eat: 02:30 (2/3oz from bottle)
Activity: NONE!
Sleep: 03:00 - 06:30

I just need some guidance really, am I doing okay??

Offline Eden's Mum

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2 months activity?
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 13:39:06 pm »
if it helps this sounds exactly like what we were doing at 6 weeks, by and large still are now. Everyone keeps and kept telling me that at this age they can't stay awake very long ( 1hour at a time? maybe 1 and a half?) and  will probably be stimulated enough by just watching what else is oging on.

I reckon the big thing at this age is to go with the flow, try and encourage independant sleep and encourage at least one longer sleep int he day if you can ( see the post about how to conquer 45 minute naps) but not to stress about it as it will come. this is al fine for me to say but i do stress abotu it hence my origianl post. :oops:

Sounds to me like you're oding a grand job. Keep your spirits up and keep posting!!



Offline milliesmaw

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2 months activity?
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 20:47:10 pm »
I'm with you on this one ladies. Ben gets tired v quickly so activity is really just nappy change, feed, some smiling (if I can muster the energy :wink: ) and I'll maybe carry him round the house for a bit or a couple of minutes in the bouncy chair and then I'm trying to encourage him to get back to sleep. So he's only really awake for about 45 minutes to an hour. But on a bad day if we don't get enough sleep activity is crying and me trying to encourage him to sleep. I think at this stage less is more.

Mum to Millie
4th November 2003
and Benjamin
31 July 2005

Offline joannec

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2 months activity?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2005, 08:52:36 am »
Hi Jo,
Good to hear what your A usually means. Noah is going great guns on EASY but he isn't happy to have too much activity most of the time. He's 8 weeks old, is an efficient eater, exclusively BF, making fab weight gains, sleeps beautifully etc. From wake up including feed during the day is often only 45 - 60 mins in total including nappy change etc before he is well and truly ready for bed again. It's weird, some days, at some times he'll happily stay up another 30 mins but this is rare indeed. Is this to be expected at this age?

Jo (Mum to Noah  born 29/7/05)
DS - Noah born 29/7/05