I posted this on the Night Wakings forum, but wanted input here as well:
DD will be 5 months next week and is on 4-hr EASY. She was doing great for the longest time...taking 2 long (2-2 1/2 hr) or 1 long/2 short (45 min) naps a day and waking only once at night (usually between 2:30-4:30, then right back to sleep after feed and would sleep till 7:30-8:00). I was still BF during the nighttime feeding, but was doing formula the rest of the feedings.
Last week her naps started getting shorter (now only 2-3 naps of 30-45 min each). Now she sleeps until 4:30-5:00 before waking, but instead of settling right back to sleep after feed, she stays awake for up to 1-1/2 hours! She's not fussing, just talking, squirming, kicking (right out of her swaddle!), and rolling around. Sometimes, when she does fall back to sleep, she'll stir again in 45 min, but can usually put herself back to sleep.
Here are a few things that have happened in the last week that I think could be a factor: 1) we switched the last feeding to formula, so she is completely weaned now, and 2) she's started rolling over. I'm guessing one, or both, of these things are contributing to the shorter naps and night wakings. My question is this: Should I do something to try to "fix" this problem now, or is this just a phase and I just need to "ride it out"?