Hi, not sure if that was to the OP or me, but our day went a bit better as DS was quite tired after his long morning and managed both a good afternoon nap of nearly 2 hours plus a 40 min catnap. Bedtime went ok too, but he woke up just before his dreamfeed with a leaky diaper and DH couldn't get him settled after the feed so he was up for over an hour -- I guess he was too excited after sitting on the daybed watching DH clean up after the diaper mess. He slept in until 8:12 am after that.
DS has done OK so far today too, 1.25 hr nap in am (woke him up to stay on routine), 1.5 hr in afternoon (woke up on his own), and MIL is offering him his catnap now, so we'll see.
I'm wondering, if he'll nap for 3.5+ hrs combined his first two naps, is it likely that his awake times will naturally stretch to drop the catnap? I'm sure my mom will want to try this next week, so I was just wondering if anyone had experience with that. I've just been too chicken to do more than tweak his routine since it had been going so well (thanks to BW!).