Hanna - hang in there. I know that sometimes it seems like everyone else's kids nap, but they don;t. One of my twinb boys is a TERRIBLE napper, and naptime (and sleep in general) has become a huge stress for me. When I realized that the sleep issue was making me miserable and making it hard for me to enjoy motherhood I realized I had to take a step back and understand that hving your child nap well is not the most important thing in life. Your child will get over this, I promise. It may take weeks, months, or even a couple of years before the sleep gets better. Some kids are just not that great nappers. I know that because I have 11 month twin boys and one is a great napper and one is a HORRIBLE napper. He is a horrible napper even though have tried so hard to make him a better happer - followed all the 'rules' etc. He just won't sleep. So it;s not only what you do, it is also part of who they are. So.... if I were you I would just put the baby in the stroller and go on a walk, or go shopping, or whatever. It;s hard to hear about other moms who worry about their child sleeping too much when yours never sleeps.... but I am sure you have a wonderful baby who will grow up and be a wonderful child! No one ever said motherhood was easy!
Hang in there!