Author Topic: Cough-Cry at Nap - 14 mo. old  (Read 1343 times)

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Offline tcrjfisher

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Cough-Cry at Nap - 14 mo. old
« on: September 20, 2005, 16:14:33 pm »
Strange problem in the past week or two - when ds wakes from nap, he cries this cry that sounds more like a cough, continuing until I come get him, and is hard to console even then.  Sometimes it is in the middle of his nap, and I soothe him and put him back down, sometimes it is at the end of his nap (he takes one afternoon nap, usually from about 1:30-3:00).  He isn't getting sick, and he doesn't do this at night, even if he is woken up (we had visitors this weekend and that happened).  Any thoughts on what this might be all about????  Oh, and there is always a LOT of drool on his sheets when I get him, don't know if that might be related.  Thanks!

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Cough-Cry at Nap - 14 mo. old
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 19:44:31 pm »
Two things come to my mind:

1. Teething: may cause lot of drolling, hence dry mouth, hence coughing therefore he wakes upset and "kinda" coughing.

2. Dry environment: dries up his nose, hence he breathes trhough his mouth, drolling is because of that and that's why he's waking up upset because his throught is dry.

For dry mucose, try washing his nose with saline solution (or 1 lt. of boiled water -must be boiling for 15 mins- with 1 teaspoon of salt):put some drops of this solution in his nose, but he has to be facing down, so the water comes in and out of his nose (I don't know if I'm being clear here, language sometimes plays tricks on me). With this washing before his nap you make sure he has a moisture nose. Also try rubbing some Oraljel on his gums before the nap, to see if that makes the trick

If not, then we'll have to think about something else.... :wink:
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Cough-Cry at Nap - 14 mo. old
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2005, 13:00:21 pm »
When my ds is teething he always has a weird cough combined with a bit of a runny nose.  I find that running a cool mist humidifier in his room helps with it.

Myles 12/06/03

Offline tcrjfisher

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Cough-Cry at Nap - 14 mo. old
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2005, 13:21:43 pm »
Thanks for the replies, ladies - I think it might be the teething thing.  We have been waiting for his bottom canines for quite a while, and he's looking a bit puffy in there now.  I will keep watch.  He did much better during his nap yesterday.  It was just so weird 'cause it was only during his nap and not during nighttime sleep.  He's been a champion teether - got 6 teeth at once one time and they only way we knew was to see them keep popping out!   :D  Thanks again!