Just thought i'd share my experience with a baby who would refuse a bottle sippy cup anything other than breast. I have tried on and off to encourage the bottle so i could feed and occasionally supplement with a bottle. It was distressing to both of us and i gave up hope of ever having baby that would drink from a bottle. She is 5 months and started solids 1 month ago she is having 2 meals as well as normal breast feeds. Because she has had some new taste experiences I thought id try the formula again.. I held her close but she was looking for my breast so i layed her on the floor and sat next to her and she took the bottle!! Only small amounts at first and it took about 4o mins today i did the same thing but as she was getting more tired and held the bottle for her while she was in her cot. she drank the lot! I think more out of tiredness but neverthe less this was a major improvement! I have found the NUK brand to be most effective as she loves her dummy and the teat is exactly the same shape. The formula I found worked was S-26 Gold Alpha Pro. Sorrt to ramble but i am just so excited!