I just wanted to respond to your post, because it sounds like my own experience with our son, Grayson. There was a time when I never thought this could happen!
Things were happening a little at a time, here and there. And now, sort of all of a sudden, he naps for 1.5-2 hours twice a day and then takes an evening cat nap for 45 minutes to an hour. He sleeps 10 1/2 to 11 hours at night, with one DF and one waking of his own, at 4:30am, but he is able to put himself back to sleep. He is waking somewhere between 5:30-6am, but is able to play by himself in his crib until I am willing to start the day around 6-ish. Now that we have had three consistent days like this, I can comfortably say, I think we've finally gotten to the point we were trying to reach! It sounds like you are right around that same corner!! We just have to bare in mind that there will always be regressions of some sort now and again. Since we've got good routines going, it should be easy to get back on track when needed! Way to go Traci, you should be proud of yourself!
Jessica with Grayson - 17 weeks