SLEEP > General Sleep Issues

moving to new home=disrupted sleep/routine??


we have a 9 month old dd who will be about one year when we relocate to northern california.  i am wondering how this will affect her sleep and routine in general.  if anyone has experince with a big move and a child this age, can you please post your experience and what you did to make the transition easier for everyone?  thanks!!

Maddy's Mum:
Hi there - we moved from the UK to the US with Mads who was about 14 months at the time and so had to deal with major change in time zone and moving into a hotel before finding a house and then moving into that - the main thing which helped Mads adjust was to stick to her routine and get back on track as quickly as possible - I also had lots of things around her at bedtime which had her smell on them - like her favourite cuddly toys and brought some sheets that she had slept on for a couple of days at home before the move.

Good luck with your move!


we have moved a lot(!).

andrew has moved at 8 months, 18 months, 2 years, 2.5 years, 2.75 years....and each time has been pretty good. 

caroline moved at 3 months, 9 months, 15 months......and she too always did good.

the worst my son has ever done is be wary of the room.  needed more light for one move....none the next(shadows bothered him then), then brighter light the next......each time was different, but if possible see the house/room they will sleep in before it happens....try to set up the room the same as they had it...then move it after a few weeks to the way you want.  this helps tons.  then they aren't so freaked out about a new room....b/c the layout is the same in the room.  it's the little things that matter at such a young age. 

yes, they may wake up, but once they realize you still come when they cry they settle quickly.  don't mention the word scared. admit it's different but new and wonderful and how great they will sleep!  be positive and they will do well.  dont worry....they pick up on it!

having moved so much you may think my kids are used to it.  nope.  it is never easy on them....but you can prevent the stress by just being positive and trying to keep routines the same.....once settled then you can move furniture or change routines if needed.

good luck with your move


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