I am at a point right now where I am a little confused.. is it a growth spurt or just awful nights/days??? (THe girls are now 6 months )
Mais and Mak decided to wake at 1 last night.. we gave them 2 oz ( we have been slowly decreasing the night intake and found they are eating more in the day.. hopefully we can just decrease the night feed to zero).. Maisie screamed bloody murder until we fed her more. Makaylee dozed back off to dreamland minutes after eating. Maisie scarfed 4 more oz and then was satisfied and back to sleep soon after eating also. Then they were awake at 5 am. Makaylee this time needed another couple of oz's. Maisie slept through makaylee's feed. Then Maisie decided that at 6:15 it was wake up time... it wouldn't have been so bad if it were any other night ( she usually isn't up until 7-730ish). She did not wake up happy.. she was fussy, very unlike her. So we left her to "fuss it out" ( she wasn't really crying just loud babble) until 6:45, then we couldn't take it. They were both up then, and were happy to start their day after they were out of bed and downstairs where the action is.
Well come nap time Mais was only down for an hour, Makaylee 2 3/4 hours! then mais needed 2 1/2 hours... and it went on ....the longer than usual naps and fussier than usual activity time....
blah blah they ate, they fussed, they slept ALL DAY ! what is going on.. it has been so long since a growth spurt, and this seems like no day we have ever had.. ANYONE? ANYONE?