Author Topic: 11 mth old naps are totally out of whack  (Read 1252 times)

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Offline jpisaac

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11 mth old naps are totally out of whack
« on: September 24, 2005, 19:46:06 pm »
I am writing about my 11 month old little guy.  I had him on the 9am and 1pm nap routine for a while, successfully.  He would go to bed around 6ish and sleep great through the night till 7ish.

Then he started fighting the naps, especially the morning one, but usually I would only get him to nap once per day. 

Now he usually naps at 10:30 for 1.5 hrs and won't take a second nap, is miserable all afternoon, crashes in the car (he has never done that), goes to bed around 4:30-5pm, is completely overtired.  And now he's waking at night and early morning waking but still tired.  It seems like we're caught in a downward spirral...

I was thinking a nap at 10:30-12:00 then maybe a second nap at 3-4:30 with a 7ish bedtime might work.  But how do I get him taking a second nap again??  Do you think he needs one nap or two??  Should I create a schedule for him and just stick it out for the next week??

Any advice out there would be greatly appreciated.  I'm feeling very stressed out and frustrated...
Mother to Isaac my precious "grumpy" baby - Oct 24/04

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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11 mth old naps are totally out of whack
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2005, 00:58:34 am »
Hi there, it does sound like he's ready for the 2 to 1 nap transition.

Do you have Tracy's new book? There's a plan laid out in her book.

Also, come join our 2-1 nap club:   

There are many of us who are going through this transition right now.(myself included!)
Whispering since 2001
Matthew July 27th, 2001
Brendan October 21st, 2004