After my recent post about 'problems after 3 or 4 oz', we think the problem was that he was taking 6 oz at 7,11,3,6,8. We realised he was getting fussy for 6 and 8 feeds cos he wasnt really hungry enough to finish them but we wanted to top him up for bedtime and dreamfeeding didnt really work for us.
I have now decided the best thing to do is to change to 7 oz feeds, start at 8am and feed every 4 hours til his bedtime bottle at 8pm. My only query really is that by doing this he will only get 4 feeds a day, totalling 28 oz. Can anyone tell me if they have had similar issues and if you had any problems by changing to 4 feeds a day. At the moment ds sleeps 8.30pm til 7am and don't want to upset his sleeping because of not getting enough milk? He is 12 weeks old and weighs around 14lb (7lb2oz born).