Hiya Lizzie!
First of all, I want to say I envy you for being so calm during all this! Soo many 45 min nap days tend to drive me up the wall. That said, I just want to let you know what's happening.
She's going through a period of time when her day sleep is developing, so you can expect to fight with 45 min naps for awhile. You'll know when she's coming out of it when she starts taking longer naps for you. I can attest to that, I just went through it, and there is an end!
As for pat/shh, it looks like you're doing ok. She's old enough now for PU/PD. I would refer you to Tracy's sleep interview at the top of the sleep forum for detailed instructions on how to do that. It really cleared up a lot of my questions! As long as you're putting her down sleepy but awake, and you're encouraging her to fall asleep on her own without your help, you're ok. It's up to you, but I would start weaning her of the paci soon...but if you want to tackle the 45 min nap thing first, by all means, do that. You can bite the bullet and do both if you like, but it's not going to be easy unless she's already discovered her thumb or has another way to self soothe.
You may end up spending 20 or so mins in her room during this time. What you can also try is just putting a hand on her back if she isn't fully awake. What will happen is eventually she'll fall back into light, then deep sleep. Her limbs will once again stop moving/twitching, and her REM will stop (literally speaking). At that point you may want to stay for 5 mins or more to make sure she stays asleep, because at that point she's in light sleep. Once the twitching stops completely, she'll be in deep sleep.
Hope this helps!
Sonya =P