Hi, how old is your baby and toddler? We have a 45min nap in the morning and it's always been that way (my dd is now 6mths old), I tried in the beginning to extend it but gave up because I did find it too difficult with Nathan running around and it actually suited my lifestyle to have a short nap in the morning (and when she was younger I'd just have her up for an hour after that nap and then do a short catnap to take her through to next feed time). However, I did work on extending the afternoon one since I have both my two sleeping at the same time and if my dd woke I'd spend the time doing pat/shsh to extend it out - now she sleeps consistently for 2-2.5hrs in the afternoon.
If your toddler is old enough to understand about playing quietly while you tend to the baby means that he then gets mummy when bubs is asleep is one approach to take, another could be the TV (not my choice, but you do what it takes if it keeps everyone happy), playing or reading quietly on the floor of the baby's room if he doesn't disturb things. I've tried all of these, and really I just decided it was less stressful to just accept the short nap in the morning.