If it helps, Lici gets ezcema with bread. I thought nothing about it and didn't really connect the two until I started her on weet bix for breakfast. WHoa! Bad bad bad (I cannot stress how bad) nappies. Took them to a paediatric gastro specialist and even he was shocked at how bad the nappy stench was.
So although I will occasionally give her bread to eat, her ezcema incidents are pretty rare now but of course I don't o/d her on wheat products. And I am not about to test the weet bix theory again. Though she is toilet trained so it won't be so bad I guess :lol: .
She seems to be growing out of it.
So yes, it could be an allergy. Eliminate from the diet and try again in a week and see if the ezcema comes back - slowly eliminate items from diet until you have it pinpointed.