Author Topic: I know this has probably been asked before  (Read 1250 times)

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Offline ~Jency's*Momma~

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I know this has probably been asked before
« on: September 27, 2005, 16:28:25 pm »
This is both a napping issue and sleeping through the night issue.

My son will be 3 months on Sept 30th.
Before about 6 weeks he would take really good naps (if not put down as soon as put down was awake) and eat every 3 hours.  He would wake up in the morning and be awake for 3 hours then sleep until 5:30 (with feeds in between) and then be awake for 3 hours and go to bed. He also started a one 4 hour stretch at night.   Then at around 9/10 weeks he started going 5.5 hours and sometimes 6 and once 7 hours.
But at around 6 weeks everything seemed to start changing and it slowly
has progressed to what it is today. (we also moved his bedtime up by 1/2 hour and he started taking to the swing and napping in the swing because that was the only place I could get him to sleep more then an 1/2 hour-hour).  One thing I know I did wrong was in the beginning when he had to eat every 3-4 hours at night I would pick him up as soon as he would stir (DH has to get up at5:30am to go to work and I didn't want to wake him).
Like I said it slowly came to this and I'm not sure how or what caused it.
This is his normal routine of what I can tell (he never sems to be consistent)

7:00 DH give him a bath
7:30 Feed
7:45 put down awake or groggy (if awake will fight and cry)
8:00 asleep (sooner if not fight)
12:00/12:30 Feed (he really seems hungry at this)
3:00/4:00 Feed (sometimes seems hungry other times doesn't)
6:30/6:45 wakes but still tired and cries if I don't nurse, so I do because he is suppose to eat at 7:00am
8:00 Wakes up and wants to eat
1-1/2 hours of play
goes down for nap (if in swing will wake up at 30-45 min but will stare and go back to sleep, if in play pen will toss head and then eyes will pop open and won't even take paci. but is still tired and crying)
If he sleeps the full 1.5-2 hour nap he will go 3-3.5 hours between feedings.

This is where things get bad.  He will be awake for 1-1/2 hours and then be put down but he cries and fights it and not even the swing makes him happy and holding him doesn't make him happy (he will calm down if bounced but as soon as stop he is at it again) when he does go to sleep he will only sleep for 30-45 min even in the swing and he wants to eat every 2-2.5 hours.  He then takes two 45 min naps, is awake 1- 1/2 hours between each nap and eats every 2.5 hours until 4:00/4:30 then he has another 45 min nap and gets a bath and then bed routine and will go the full 3 hours.

I'm sorry this is so long but we are struggling with everything it seems like. 

Do I lay him in his play pen (where he sleeps at night) or do I continue with the swing since he sleeps longer there?  Also should I have the radio on or something during his naps?  He sleeps with the fan on at night should I do that at naps as well?  Since he sleeps on his tummy when he starts to wake should I lay my hands on his head since he doesn't jolt he just starts tossing his head?  When he wakes up at the 45 min mark do I let him struggle until he goes back to sleep no matter how long it takes?  What if it takes an hour and it's time for his next feeding? Or what if he does go back to sleep but his next feeding is in 15 minutes? Should I just not worry about it since we will be trying to change his schedule here in a few weeks or  a month anyway?

(posting on the night waking forum too, SORRY!)
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

Offline ~Jency's*Momma~

  • ~Adria
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I know this has probably been asked before
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2005, 16:56:19 pm »
Oh ya I forgot this.  If I let him nap in the swing he will wake up everyonce in a while and stare and go back to sleep.  I have never let him go past 2 hours but what if I do?
What if he sleeps for 3 hours that first nap but doesn't sleep well between 4:00am-8:00am?  Shouldn't I be trying to get him to sleep well during that rather then his nap?
Should I put him in the swing at 4:00am and see if that helps?
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08