Hi there. My Marisa is 7 weeks today. She currently is own an EASY schedule of approx 3.5 hours (sometimes stretching closer to 4) as she is bottle fed and likes to eat a lot (5-6 ounces) at once.
Our rough schedule is this:
7:30am: Eat
7:50-8:45: Activity
8:50-8:55: Wind down
9-11:10: Nap
11:15-11:40: Eat
11:40-12:20: Activity
12:30-2:50: Nap
2:50-3:10: Eat
3:10-4: Activity
4-6:30 - Mishmash of sleep, awake, fussing, etc
6:30-6:50: Eat
6:50-7:30: Light Activity
7:45 or 8: Bedtime
10:30/11: Dreamfeed
Usually awakes at night around 3am
As you can see, her last nap is where things get off track. She has a hard time sleeping for long at this one, and perhaps we don't want her too? Instead of trying to get her to take another 2 hours plus nap here, should we give her one catnap from 4-5, then awake time for 30 minutes and then back to sleep from 5:40-6:30?
If so, what should the wake/activity time there consist of? I should mention that she's a refluxer and started Zantac yesterday
Thanks much.
Karen (Marisa's Mom)