Hello. After 6 months of no napping (15 minutes here or there) my now 8 month old began to take 30 minute power naps approx 2 months ago. I nursed him to sleep day and night because that was all that seemed to work. He is revived after 30 minutes so although longer would be nice for me, if that's what he needs I will manage.
Approx. 3 weeks ago we began pu/pd and had really good success at night however nap time is a different story. At night, I nurse until sleepy and then move him into the crib and while he sometimes cries he usually settles within a couple of minutes and sleeps.
During the daytime, I try a similar rountine with a wind-down period before getting into the crib but my little guy immediately sits up, reaches the sides to try to stand up, cries only when he gets himself caught up in the rails, plays and chatters in his crib and generally just refuses to nap. I know that he is tired because sometimes I "give up" and take him out and when i nurse him he falls fast asleep.
Our routine is somewhat challenging as my little guy still nurses every 2 hours... and yes, he is hungry every 2 hours.
Part of me just wants to give up during the day and just nurse him to sleep, but I know that this won't make my life any easier as he gets older and I return to work in the new year.
Any thoughts, advice... it would be greatly appreciated