Author Topic: strange new naps  (Read 997 times)

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Offline thodder

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strange new naps
« on: September 30, 2005, 18:47:06 pm »

While this isn't a post for help, just thought I would share my strange new naps for my LO.  He's never been a good napper, but has always slept great at night.  He actually has been sleeping 12 hours at night for about 1.5 months (he's 5 months old).  Recently he had been doing a 2.5 hour nap in the morning and 2 shorter naps in the afternoon.  He then dropped an afternoon nap and was down to 2 longer naps.  Now it looks like a change again - he's napping for only about 45 minutes in the morning and is perfectly happy / content / not tired until about 4 hours later, at which time he's now going down for a long afternoon nap.  It's just really funny.  Apparently my brother did the same thing, so it runs in the family.  But 9 months he would only sleep about 1.5 hours all day, and dropped both his naps by 1 year, and was perfectly happy and slept well at night.  Just goes to show that the "suggested" nap times are just that, suggestions - every baby is different.  Mine seems to be happiest on a long nightime sleep and less daytime sleep.  :-)

Theressa Hodder
Mom of Joshua, Spirited baby
Born May 6, 2005


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strange new naps
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 02:12:12 am »
Thanks for sharing. :D