Author Topic: Swaddling HELP PLEASE  (Read 1308 times)

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Holly n Harvie

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« on: September 30, 2005, 23:57:04 pm »
My LO is 4.5 mo old and still needs to be swaddled to go to sleep. I have tried to put him down without and he goes to sleep sometimes, but then wakes up in like 20 min. He scratches himself and flaps his arms about. Sometimes I try to put him down half asleep unswaddled and he wakes as soon as I put him down and I have to resettle. Most of the time I just swaddle him and he happily goes off to sleep. We are fighting a few 45 min naps but they are not all the time. His sleep is ALL over the place too. Is it just that 3 to 4 month old thing they do?? My concern is that he is rolling over onto his belly and back. Like last night on the floor he went back to belly, then back to his back, THEN over to his belly again!! It was great to watch him do this. He hasn't shown any signs of rolling in his bed though. I tuck his blanket around under his mattress to hold him in tight.

He is on some solids and has stopped the dream feed. He is 20 lbs and 66 inch long. (my big boy) He used to happily sleep till 6:30, 7ish now he is rareing to go at 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY MAN. He isn't crying out for hunger though. Sometimes we can get him back to sleep. Not this morning though. It really throughs our routine off and I am struggling with PPD and this is making me CRAZY! ! ! ! ! HELP ! ! ! !

Offline Laura's Mum

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« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2005, 11:02:55 am »
Hi there Holly,

OK swaddling first.  I swaddled my kids until they were around 8mos.  I have no idea why, but they never rolled in bed.  Cate is nearly 2 and I now lay her swaddling muslin in her bed and she holds it as she sleeps  :lol: .

I finally gave it up at around 8 months when they started to get more mobile; naps and nighttime sleep were horrible for 2-3 days and then fine.  So if you do want to get rid of it; it should only be a couple of days before he is back on track.

NOW------- sleep for BOTH my kids went haywire at 4 months ish.  I know many other mums have found this to be the case.  4 months was the start of 45 minute naps for Laura and I struggled with this until she was about 6 months old when they magically reverted back to 1.5 hours each.  No real advise, but I do know that a lot of developmental stuff goes on at 3-4 months (including changes to sleep cycles) and things can get off track at that time.

Finally (gee not much help here.........) this time of year (before daylight savings kicks in); my kids are up at 5 and always have been since birth :shock: .  I think they can hear the birds outside or something.  My only advice is to go to bed EARLY! :lol:

Hopefully someone can give you some more concrete help.........
Janelle Laura (26 March 2001) and Cate (11 December 2003)

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« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2005, 17:46:40 pm »
We swaddled until 7-8mos also and i too was worried about her rolling while swaddled in bed.  Other mom's here assured me it would be fine.  Also our doctor said if she rolled herself, not to worry -but always put her down on her back.

So unless he rolls and doesn't like it, he will be fine.

Yes, he is starting the 3-4 mo thing...have a read at the announcements above which should help give you some ideas.

Hang in there, we have all been there and it does get better i promise.  After the 4mo thing it is the 6mo thing, then the 1yr thing....oh the joys of parenthood   :wink:

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« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2005, 19:50:24 pm »
I swaddled Tyler until around 8 mo, then switched to wrapping his legs only. At 21 mo, that's still how he likes to nap! Around 4 mo or so, we switched to an Aussie swaddle with a bedsheet cut in half. I could wrap him more tightly and he couldn't break out of it, and there was no way he could roll anywhere. Instructions are at the top of the General Sleep Issues forum. It takes some practice, but I swear by it!

4 mo was a rough time sleepwise, like the other gals said. Hang in there, it should even out!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Holly n Harvie

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« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2005, 03:45:07 am »
Wow, thanks SSSOOO much guys!!! That is great. Harv LOVES to be wrapped up and I like to wrap him. I use his bed sheet and put a blanket over him. For his naps today I have let one arm out and it still seems to wake him. BACK TO THE WRAP BABE!!!

Oh last night I experimented.... I got up at 4ish and did wake to sleep and he slept till just after 6. I let him play in there till 6.45 and he didn't seem to mind. Ahhh. I was so shocked that it worked... (duh)  :roll: I will try it again tonight and see what happens.

Good to hear it is a 4 month thing... he is really changing SSSSSOOO much even in the last few days... He is rolling, but doesn't really like to be on his tummy too long (refluxer) I don't blame him, but he seems to have figured it out how to get back on his back. Today I noticed that he got his knees up underneath himself... ooooo. :shock: He is so funny.

Thanks again, consider me encouraged  :!: