My 9.5 month old DD is still in the little tub - its just a plain baby tub with a flat bottom, nothing fancy. Until she was 3 months old, she lay on one of those removeable terry cloth slings. Then she started to prefer sitting up in the tub, and that's how she still is - she's crawling all over the place and pulling up to stand, but has never made any attempt to stand up in or get out of her tub. I also take her in the shower with me a couple of times a week. When I visited my grandmother (so I didn't have the baby tub), I bathed her in the big tub with myself in there too (killed two birds with one stone!!). Anyway, the reason we haven't moved her to our big tub yet is our tub is disgusting, old and mucky and we can't get it properly clean. Our whole bathroom is bad, and we are getting it renovated early in the New Year, and we just don't want to bath her in the yucky tub. Also, we have sliding glass doors on a frame, and the frame would dig into my stomach as I leaned over - its just not a good set up, so we're waiting until we renovate.