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Offline i-wei

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How to Play
« on: October 04, 2005, 22:39:14 pm »

I'm a first time mummy to a 9mth old.  This is going to sound really stupid but I'm going to ask anyway!  What kind of play do you do with your babies?  I'm looking for ways were we can play together and where he can learn.  Right now he plays under his play mat, he sits in his play station and plays with the toys on the tray and he plays with his musical toys.  I've tried reading to him but he just tries to play with the book!  My parents never really played with me as a child but mostly just left me to play by myself.  I want it to be different with DS but I really don't know where to start, what to do etc.  For example, when I'm playing with his drum with him we just end up banging it.  I'm not sure what I should say etc.  Sorry for sounding stupid but I hope someone can offer some advice.  Thank you.

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How to Play
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 22:50:14 pm »
you don't sound "stupid" at all!!!! You sound like a wonderful, caring mum!  :D

Only have a second but off the top of my head... when dd and I "read" books she used to just chew them. Now she does point to some stuff but mainly wants to try to turn pages. It's always a good thing to do even when they just bash the book about.  :lol:

Peek a boo is a big favorite here too. I hide my face, then Ella's, we even do it with toys.

Ella's latest is helping me do laundry. I fold, she unfolds, and chucks it about. One of her favorites...

Make a treasure basket or chest and help him figure out how to take the objects out and put them back in.

Sing and dance together.

Go out in the backyard, the street, whatever and show him leaves, flowers, sticks, whatever. Everything is wondorous to them at this point.

Get some of his teddybears and have them do a song and dance for him. Ella likes it when her teddy's "sneak up on her" and give her kisses.

When you're in the kitchen, pull out all the tupperware, plastic bowls, wooden spoons, pots, etc and let him bang away.

Hope some if this helps... will check back.

Oh and sometimes just mummy smiling and laughing is the entertainment they like the most!  :D

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
Alexander James March 19, 2008


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How to Play
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 01:57:46 am »
I think it's a great question.   Maybe I can pick up some great ideas as well.  Here are some of the things we do.

Play soccer with beach ball.  She hold onto my hands while she "kicks" the ball. 

Play "tent" underneath blanket.

Climbing up/down stairs.  DD loves this and it's great practice too.

Chase/crawl around furniture.

Brush mommy's, baby's hair or anything with hair or fur.

Leg/arms raises.  Say up/down everytime you do it.  I let her watch me do it and encourage her to do it herself.  Most of the time she would copy me. 

Play "Mommy gotcha ... nose!"  I kiss her nose.  Do this for other body parts.

Play flying Superbaby!  We have these really large soft pillows that we use for the landing.  Not really a learning experience but this is dh and dd's game.

Brush teeth.  We give her a baby toothbrush and she "brushes" her teeth as she watches us brush ours in the morning.

Make faces.  We do this every morning in front of the mirror.  Describe the emotion/expression on the face - happy, sad, surprise, silly, etc.   DD can do several "faces" when I name them now.

Can't think of anymore right now.  Everything you do around the house can be fun and provide a great a learning experience.  Remember to describe your actions and soon he will "get it". 


Offline kim&savannah

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How to Play
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2005, 03:06:58 am »
Keep reading with him, even if he is just playing with the books!  That is so important and as he grows, it will change.  We have gone through so many different stages of "reading"--the book chewing, book throwing, book stacking and organizing, pointing to pictures, letting me actually read. . .  It has changed over time, and throughout the day depending on how tired she is, what her mood is. . .

For other things you can "play"--I think its great to involve them in whatever you are doing, so it doesn't even have to be a game, but let him help you fold laundry (just pile the clothes near him and he can grab things and you can talk to him while you work), give him a rag to help you clean, tell him about what you are cooking, the steps of preparing his food.  You can teach him lots just by being with you and talking with you.

Sometimes I do find it hard to think of more things to say, but I try to keep a good dialog going (and now that DD is older, she "answers" me more which makes it easier to keep going.


Savannah,  6/04
Abraham,   11/06
Henry, 5/8/11

Offline i-wei

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How to Play
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2005, 18:24:36 pm »
Thanks for all the ideas ladies.  You know, after reading your posts I was so happy.  Why?  Because I realised that I have actually already been doing some of the things you mentioned.  I'm not a 'can't' play mummy after all :D