you don't sound "stupid" at all!!!! You sound like a wonderful, caring mum!
Only have a second but off the top of my head... when dd and I "read" books she used to just chew them. Now she does point to some stuff but mainly wants to try to turn pages. It's always a good thing to do even when they just bash the book about. :lol:
Peek a boo is a big favorite here too. I hide my face, then Ella's, we even do it with toys.
Ella's latest is helping me do laundry. I fold, she unfolds, and chucks it about. One of her favorites...
Make a treasure basket or chest and help him figure out how to take the objects out and put them back in.
Sing and dance together.
Go out in the backyard, the street, whatever and show him leaves, flowers, sticks, whatever. Everything is wondorous to them at this point.
Get some of his teddybears and have them do a song and dance for him. Ella likes it when her teddy's "sneak up on her" and give her kisses.
When you're in the kitchen, pull out all the tupperware, plastic bowls, wooden spoons, pots, etc and let him bang away.
Hope some if this helps... will check back.
Oh and sometimes just mummy smiling and laughing is the entertainment they like the most!