Author Topic: Waking from naps early, how does this affect routine?  (Read 1160 times)

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Waking from naps early, how does this affect routine?
« on: October 07, 2005, 11:03:46 am »
My little one is now 6 weeks old, and has started waking from naps earlier than she used to. She use to be like clockwork waking every three hours for a feed (she if bottlefed), sometimes she would try to sleep longer but I would wake her. But she has started waking after 45 mins to an hour after putting her down. Now I know that her awake time will become longer, but how does this affect the routine ie if she fed at 10am then played for half hour so I put her down at say 11am, then she would wake at 11.45,  but she isnt necessarily hungry so she will play for half hour or so, so she wouldnt be due for a feed for another 45 mins to an hour. Now using EASY, baby should Eat, Activity then Sleep, well my lo now Eats, Activity, Sleeps for the first one of the day, then Activity, Eat, Sleeps, I wont let her fall asleep whilst eating, maybe change her bum then she starts to get kranky as she is overtired. She will go to sleep relitively easily, but sometimes when she wakes early, she will play for a little while and then get kranky as she is not hungry, but i assume still tired, so I will give her a pacifier and try to get her back to sleep but she will usually lay there and eventually whinge for a feed. What do I do? Am I right in doing what Im doing at the moment? As it seems her by doing this her routine is back to front, mainly cause when she is waking early she is not hungry just wants to play for a while?
Some advice would be great. She normally has 3oz at everyfeed, sometimes 4oz, but will  not take more.

Thanks Lara x

jade's mum

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Waking from naps early, how does this affect routine?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 11:23:02 am »
Hi Lara,

I have experienced the same issues with my lo, she's 12 weeks now, but we've been dealing with this for a few weeks.

When she wakes up at the 45min- 1hour mark, if she is happy and not grumpy, I'll get her up and do some quiet activity before her next feed (hence we are effectively doing EASAE) Whilst she is doing this quiet activity, if she starts showing tired signs or fussing, I'll try and put her back to bed until the next feed. However, if she's happily playing, then I'll just keep her up to the next feed. Regardless, we stick to the same 3hr eating cycle.

If she wakes up early and is grumpy, I'll put the dummy back in and try to put her back to sleep as she has clearly not slept enough. It doesn't always work though  :?

I hope that helps!