I am having a horrible time trying to feed my baby. Feeding time used to be great and predictable. My 16 week ds was consistently taking 6-8 oz. four times a day and 2-4 oz. at a dreamfeed. But the last few days have been a nightmare. His behavior is so erratic when it is feeding time.
He is on the four hour easy routine but he doesn't want to eat much when feeding time comes around! He either refuses the bottle completely (screams, pushes out nipple, is not happy until I take it away...) until it has been well over four hours, sometimes close to five, or he will suck for a short time, get upset, suck some more, get upset... or he will start beautifully and suck 5-6 minutes, eat 3-4 oz. and be totally done. Either way, he is not taking much, no where near the amount he was taking even a week ago.
I used to be able to burp him halfway through a bottle and then he would take it right back and drink more. Well, now when he is done he's done. I burp him after the 3-4 oz. and then I feel like I am forcing him to take the nipple. In fact, I have convinced myself that he hates the bottle because I am a little forceful with it. I just know that he needs to eat!
Anyways, does anyone have any ideas on his behavior? I am afraid he is sick but honestly he is so happy when we are not feeding and besides a little cough and congestion, seems to feel fine. I am just scared that mealtime is becoming a horrible experience for both of us. It makes me cry, he is acting so unusual.
Called the pediatrician and the advice I got was horrible. So, I'd appreciate any tips on how to get back to a peaceful feeding time. Thank you so much.