Author Topic: 16monht still waking 3-4 times..........for milk  (Read 966 times)

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16monht still waking 3-4 times..........for milk
« on: October 09, 2005, 17:13:18 pm »
my 16month old son is still waking 3-4 times through the night for a bottle! I have tried substituting milk with water and not offering anything but nothing but milk will put him back to sleep!
he used to sleep for 1.5 hours at nursery (where i work) but now only sleeps for 10mins we have a bedtime routine that is always the same.

i dont know what to do anymore and wonder where i have went wrong

please help!!

Offline Matthew's Mommy

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16monht still waking 3-4 times..........for milk
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2005, 19:08:11 pm »
Hi there,

First thing, how familiar are you with Tracy's techniques? Do you have any of her books, particularly the newest one?  If not, then take the time to go through the Problem Solvings book (newest one).  It's available at the library, bookstore etc.

How does your little one fall asleep at the beginning of the night sleep? Is it with a bottle or independent? If he's bottle feeding to sleep.. that's the first place you need to start.  He may have associated the bottle with falling asleep. Don't let him fall asleep anymore on the bottle, make sure he is going into his bed, awake.

I'll check back for your response..
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Matthew July 27th, 2001
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