We really need some advice, my 18 month old caitlin has always been a fairly good sleeper, sometimes taking a while to go down and occasional night wakings but nothing too awful. All of a sudden though with no change to her routine, nursery etc she has become petrified of going to bed. She has started walking which could be a reason but has no problems laying herself back down in cot ect as suggested in latest book.
As soon as we take her into her nursery she clings round our neck, screaming saying "no ma ma, no ma ma , no!!", the screaming lasts for anything from 1 to 3 hours and is unbearable to listen to. I have tried, pick up put down, staying with her constantly, rocking her to sleep etc etc but as soon as she is put back in cot or we creep out she screams.
Last night was the worse ever and was heartbreaking! it's not like she is just putting it on for attention she is truly petrified.
Her bedtime routine is same every night and is as follows:
6:15pm (normally showing signs of tiredness by now), bath put pj's on
6:30pm quiet play and story time and cuddles, lights dimmed, no tv
6:45pm get her milk ready, give her dummy, cuddle bear and prepare her by saying, "nearly bedtime Caitlin"
7:00pm take her upstairs, let her finish her milk off while we are there, kiss her goodnight and leave
We are thinking about trying her in a toddler bed but not sure if she is too young. Silly thing is, most nights once she is asleep, she stays asleep for a good ten hours but if she does wake, there is no way to get her back to sleep in her own room. It is now affecting her during the day as she will only nap in car, isn't eating well but is normally a fantastic eater and is very clingy.
any advice would be greatly appreciated