Author Topic: short naps mess up EASY  (Read 1551 times)

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short naps mess up EASY
« on: October 11, 2005, 19:46:50 pm »
Hi all

I have been reading posts (and Tracy's new book) for a few weeks and can't quite figure this out...  (maybe this could be on EASY board too?).

DS is 22 weeks.  I have not had a schedule, but have been trying to go to EASY for the past few weeks (mainly to get a better napping schedule).  I have tracked his pattern for about 2 weeks; while trying to start easy.  He is fairly consistant in routine - gets up at around 7:30, eats at about 8, 12, 3:30, 7 and df 10:30.  Bedtime is around 7:30.  No difficulty going to bed and generally sleeps the night (only up once in the past two weeks, we do hear him wake during some nights - around 3 and 5:30, but he does not cry and goes back to sleep on his own.

Problem has been too short naps.  He generally wakes after 30-45 minutes.  Sometimes happy, generally a little cranky - but over the past few days he has been crying upon wake up.  Also, is very "whiney" all day.  So I know he is not getting enough day time sleep. 

He will take 3 naps (10, 1, 4:30).  I watch for tired signs and also 1.45 to 2 hours since last nap (he seems only good to up that long).  Generally settles to a nap with a little fussing (although his crying before a nap has been increasing).

My problem...  How do I work EASY with DS napping every 2 hours for only 45 minutes?  His naps and meals run together.  From my reading today I think I should be trying to get him back to sleep for the remaining nap time?  Then if that takes to feed time, feed him?  Then, when is his next nap (do I keep him up?  How long?)?  I understand the goal is to get him to nap for 2 hours and then schedule won's mush together - but how do you get there?

I generally just quietly talk to him, rub back/stomach and shush.  I find that picking him up sometimes aggravates situation as he fights (squirms and pushing away) or seems to come more alert.


PS Today tired calming/pu/pd at wake up.  Did not work this morning (tried for about 30 minutes after 50 nap).  But, this afternoon after 35 minutes of calming (nap was only 40 minutes), DS went back to sleep and has been asleep for an additional hour so far... (guess I better wake him up soon!).

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short naps mess up EASY
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2005, 23:46:38 pm »
hi there,

have you read tracy's sleep interview?  here's a link:

she goes into more specifics here but, yes, you keep trying to get him to go to sleep for the rest of the nap time.  the key is to find what works best with your lo.  not all babies respond well to pu/pd, and it should mainly be used if soothing in the crib doesn't work.

now, since you do have short naps, your routine isn't going to look like EASY.  if he didn't get a good nap, he will be ready for another one not too long after he eats.  AEASY is okay too - the main thing is to make sure he doesn't start feeding to go to sleep.

it does take time, but once he starts to get the idea, you will be amazed at his progress.

DD - Textbook
DS - Touchy/Grumpy