Author Topic: progress  (Read 1211 times)

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Offline ~Jency's*Momma~

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« on: October 12, 2005, 21:51:43 pm »
I just want to let you all know that we have progress and to ask another question.

Jency has gone past his 30min nap into a 45min but he has also started letting me put him back to sleep for another 30min.  Mind you it takes me 20min to get him back to sleep...but HE IS GOING BACK TO SLEEP!

That's all I can say about that.  Pray he keeps it up at least.

Question:  How long does it take before I don't have to put him back to sleep and he will go straight through?
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

Offline albertasweetpea

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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 22:20:44 pm »
Hi there. Sorry to say but it does take awhile until they are fully able to put themselves back to sleep. I expected a much shorter time with Molly but in fact it was about a month until we were able to put her down awake and have her go to sleep on her own.
Probably not what you wanted to hear right??   :shock:
No matter how tough it gets though (and there will be days you will feel like giving up) try to keep to it because it is truly amazing the day that you put them down and they go straight to sleep and stay asleep for 2 hours! You will do the dance of joy!!  :lol:
One thing to be mindful of though is that from about 4-5 months it is typical of little ones to have 45 minute naps, very frequently! I have read so many posts on here about that age and the 45 minute problem and we have gone through it as well. It lasted about 5 or 6 weeks and now she goes through the 45 minutes on her own (95% of the time) and sleeps an hour and a half or more. Try not to give up at this point or revert to any accidental parenting and you will get through it!
Sounds like you are doing great so far.  :lol:
~Michelle (Spruce Grove, AB, Canada)
