okay I will make this quick. I am simply feeling bummed out. I was saying to dh that i have more people I can count on here than I do who live near me. I have stopped calling them all as they don't call me, I wanted to see if they noticed that they noticed or not.
No wonder I want to move out of the country......
Jay is getting a major handful, not listening, won't get dressed to go out, I try to take him to mum and tot groups, but he won't get dressed, so I said stuff it all, I am not up for the fight anymore.
He is getting up earlier and earlier, like in bed at 9pm and up at 7:30, and with Riley still waking it is starting to be hard to fuction on little sleep.
DH was awesome and asked if I would like his mum to take him for a couple of days, but I told him she can't keep up for one day, so I don't think she could do a couple, as much as she would love to.
I am simply bummed and majorly pi$$ed off, and drained after they are all sick, I am not and have played nurse all week.
Judy, after a day like I have had I have no idea how you do it each and everyday!!!
But on the upside dh has said I should go to a club once a week with my friend who is staying with us to get out and dance, he figures it would do me good, he is awesome, I would honestly be lost without him.
TO top it off dh's boss talked about a support system, we don't have one, I have no blood relatives in this country, dad in US, mum and sis in UK and another sis in Saudi Arabia. His family is a couple of hours away, but they are senoirs and can only just about manage the trip once every couple of months. It has always been the two of us, we manage, but it gets very frustrating when people say they will help and never do, and then they all wonder why we want to move
:shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: . Well I just wanted to get it out, thank you sooooooo much for being that shoulder I have so desperately needed .
Talk to you all later girls.