I did it! I caught up with you ladies and your 13 pages. The ILs were here for the weekend, lovely people, but don't seem at all capable of cleaning up after themselves. Fortunately, DH knows how much it bothers me and cleaned up quite a bit. Now, we've all got colds - DH brought it home and Katie and I have both caught it. Doesn't seem to be bothering her all that much, except she's been waking much more frequently at night - basically because she's too stuffed up to suck her thumb and put herself back to sleep. So sad to watch - she'll stick her thumb in her mouth, suck, realize she can't breathe, take her thumb out of her mouth to breathe, get mad because she's not sucking her thumb, and it all repeats. It's funny in a very sad kind of way. So, we've been doing our best trying to get enough sleep without resorting to much accidental parenting, though I have done enough of accidental-on-purpose parenting the past few days.
Anyway, needless to say, there's not been a lot of time for this site. Tomorrow, we're supposed to go to Puerto Rico for a long weekend. DH is going for business and bringing us along. I am SO nervous to fly with Katie - I'm sure she'll scream the entire flight and someone will yell at me to keep control of my baby. And then I'll have to BF and Katie will whip off the blanket and expose my boob to an entire plane of people (which in my horrid visions I always seem to be standing in front of...)
Loved the pics from everyone - too many to comment individually almost!
Richelle - hope the storm passes you by. Seems to be a smaller one so far, hope it continues like that.
Traci - good luck to DH on the exam - mine is currently applying to grad school and it is such a pain to have him busy all the time and not really able to help out. Oh, and we've taken Katie places before where we've put her to bed, stuck her in the car, and put her in bed at home and it's worked out fine. I usually feed her when we get home.
For whoever asked about solids - I've been giving Katie jarred baby food, which is about 2.5 ounces per jar - so at breakfast she gets half a jar of fruit mixed with about an ounce of EBM and a few tablespoons of cereal. We also do new foods at breakfast so today she had a few spoonfulls of peas in addition to that (she did not like them at all!) At lunch she has a jar of veggies which she usually finishes. At dinner, we do a whole jar of fruit mixed with about an ounce of EBM and a good amount of cereal (I have no idea how much - I could measure if you want to know.)
Naomi - hang in - we don't have much family nearby and I have a ton of friends without kids who just don't seem to realize how much things have changed - and if I'm going to see them I can't go trekking into the city all the time and be out at the bars all night and come home the next day.
Ankie - when I take Katie swimming, I bring her infant seat - I wrap both of us in towels when we get out of the pool, get Katie dressed quickly into warm clothes, buckle her into her infant seat, and then get myself dressed. Some moms in my class bring their strollers and put their LOs in there after they dress them. Katie also had a hard time settling a few weeks ago (she does now too, but I think that's more because she's sick) - seemed to be related to teething and to the amount that she's now able to move around.
Katie doesn't have a lovey, but she does have one of those rabbit head things, maybe I should start giving it to her at nap/bedtime. Andrea - they do say the SIDS risk decreases after 6 months and once your baby can move around well, they're not at much risk for smothering themselves.
Whew, think I'm caught up - oh yeah, hi to everyone new! Always nice to see more (virtual) faces around here!