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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #120 on: October 18, 2005, 04:52:31 am »
Kate-shucks you found us!!  we were trying to ditch you! :wink:  :lol:
just kidding of course!  so cute about the great grandma thing!

Richelle-praying for your saftety with the storm coming!  let us know everything is all right tomorrow please!

Traci-we have put Taylor down to sleep somewhere else and then got her up to go home about 8-10 times.  the first was on the 4th of July and i was freaked out, but of course all was well!  when we can we give her a bath, put her in her pj's and then put her to bed.  when we get home (which is usually around 9pm) we put her back to bed and then df as ususal.  Only once have we had trouble putting her back to sleep.  all other times she goes right back down.  good luck and I think all wil be fine.  I agree with Macaire~stay if you're having fun and leave if you are stressed.

alright ladies, I am exhausted!  we have a big day ahead of us!
Tomorrow we start BABY DANCE!  I am so excited to meet other moms and lo's in the neighborhood.  plus I signed up wiht a gal 2 blocks away who has a dd 2 weeks older than T, so looking forward to getting to know her.

wish us luck!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #121 on: October 18, 2005, 05:51:49 am »
Hello again,

I have to keep checking to keep up !!

Nikki - That website is

Traci - Could you maybe sit Cole in the pram or use your travel cot as a play pen or something? Also don't be shy to ask them to put dogs outside (Get DH to ask them). I have two dogs that fight sometimes, they are not inside but I automatically lock them in their kennels if people are bringing their kids outside. You never know what could happen - regardless of breed.

Richelle - Good luck with the storm, hope everythings OK

Kate - LOL at typing DH - it is still weird for me because we use it as short for " Head"  :lol:  :lol:



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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #122 on: October 18, 2005, 06:12:40 am »
Bec, they do look cute!

Funny about "DH", that's how I think of him all the time and have to make sure I don't actually say it in real life! LOL

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #123 on: October 18, 2005, 11:36:16 am »
thanks everyone for the tips on bedtime and going out and the dogs.  I will keep to his schedule and put him down as normal.  He was fine last time we were out for his nap, so hopefully bedtime will be the same.  The only issue may be how loud the house is (dogs barking etc) but I guess all we can do is try!

As for the dogs, we will try to keep them outside as much as possible.  If it's raining though they'll want to be in and it's hard to keep them trapped in a bedroom.  I may have to ask though if it's too crowded.  Have you ever seen where the dogs run the house!  This is the case here.  MIL will get off the sofa so the dog can sleep.  It's makes me so mad to tell you the truth.  They never should have gotten the second dog.  The first is a great dog on it's own.  It's a 7 year old Catahoula (Louisiana Farm Dog) though and doesn't get nearly enough exercise.  I think this adds to his irritability, that and the younger (lab/husky mix) dog always pestering him.

Bec-those bunnies are totally cute.

Richelle- sending you positive vibes that the storm passes you by.  Good luck.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #124 on: October 18, 2005, 12:04:12 pm »
lab/husky eh?  Wow now there's a dog with excess energy!!  let us know how things go Traci

Richelle - thinking of you - what's up with the storm?

Loveys:  I started my older girls with one at about 6-7months.  I only ever had one of each item though.  THankfully they never got that attached to any one item.  Eventually they just picked whatever 'friend' they wanted for bed - or as many as they could get.  Some nights they only have their 'babies' and other nights every stuffy we have is on the end of their beds.  Zoe used to go to her crib (at about a year +) with thirteen 'friends' every nap and bedtime.  Barely room for HER in there. 

I've actually TRIED to get loveys for Kaia and Hannah but each time I've come home with something cute for them Zoe and Sarah take them over. :)

I'm so back and forth on the dreamfeed.  Didn't bother again last night.  Hannah woke at 10.30pm though but instead of simply picking her up to feed I patted her and she really just wanted a couple pats and was back to sleep.  Sadly though she wanted this also at 12.15am and again at 1.15am and 2.20am (when I decided to just feed her cuz I couldn't stand up anymore).  Then fed Kaia who only woke once at 4.00am, then Hannah needed patting again at 5.15am and 5.50am and a final pat that DH got up to do on his own at 6.10am.  Then they woke at 7.20am.  So I'm just thrilled to have slept right through the entire 3 o'clock hour! (where's the sarcasm emoticon?)

Soooo nice to have so many new gals joining us.  Any other lurkers should just POST.  Not a private club here!! :)  Glad to have all the support we can!!

Traci  Keep us posted on DH's exams!!  Big week - hope it goes quickly for you both!!

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #125 on: October 18, 2005, 12:40:47 pm »

Thanks for the good vibes evereyone, the storm has not moved much over night but has manged to edge a little closer to us but I don't think enough for me to have to leave with Sophie.  Yes this would be the 3rd time i have had to fly off island due to a storm scare, such a pain :evil: .  Oh well, I will be keeping a close eye and here's to hoping Sophie and I can stay put.

Traci - We have friends with a dog and dh (lol  head now that is all I will think of) anyway dh hates going there as the dog loves to lick Sophie least it isn't dirty, I say good idea on the dark coloured clothes and blanket :shock: !  We have brought Sophie out and stuck basically to our routine and brought her blankets so she felt at home.  A couple of times she had a bit of trouble settling once we got home as she maybe thought that she had just had a nap - hard to say but it only took a half hour to get her back to sleep for the night.

LOL - judy about Zoe going to bed with all the stuffies and stealing the lovey's from the twins.

Q - anyone else having trouble with their lo's pulling their hair - their own hair :shock: !  Sophie is always pulling her hair lately?!

Welcome all newcomers - everyone should post, I didn't lurk and jumped right in and everyone here made me feel very welcome!

Have a great day everyone


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #126 on: October 18, 2005, 13:00:39 pm »
Judy, thanks for the good wishes on the exam.  He's likely walking in as we speak.  It has been such a long road for us.  He never thought it would be this stressful.  He's doing his CMA (Certified Management Accountant).  He started last Sept. taking a course that would qualify him to write the exam.  The course was a substitute for taking about 6 university courses.  He had class every Sat. from 9-4 from Sept. until April.  He wrote 4 exams over that period, his final one being written 3 days after Cole was born :shock:   yep, he was studying in the delivery room! 

The exam he writes this week was supposed to be written in June but he felt he wasn't ready so he deferred it.  It made me really angry because I had bent over backwards for the first 6 weeks of Cole's life doing EVERYTHING so he could study.  Then he deferred and it pretty much ruined our summer :oops:   We haven't gone anywhere or done anything.  Well, he took June and some of July off...but would hum and haw and do bits of studying here and there so the weight of it was still on our shoulders.

It's been very stressful for me because although he is home, he's not really.  He's always studying, working or worrying about both.

Anyway, enough about that.  We all have stress in our life to deal with.  I know he will pass.  He's a really bright guy, just doesn't have much confidence in himself sometimes.  We won't find out until December or so if he passes.

okay, really, enough about that!

I gave Cole more rice cereal this morning-more than the last two days and he just keeps gobbling it up.  I made it thicker too.  He made a bit of a face at first but then was fine.  Can't wait to get to veges!  Actually, can't wait to move rice to dinner to see if it helps him sleep through!

Thanks for listening to my DH rant.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #127 on: October 18, 2005, 15:11:49 pm »
Traci I hear you!!  I find it frustrating to have dh around while I do all the work - I'd rather he just go to work.  Usually when that happens he's out somewhere on the property working so not even in the house but I still *know* he's home and it bugs me.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #128 on: October 18, 2005, 16:03:08 pm »
Traci... wishing your DH good luck!

Richelle... hope the storm misses the Caymans or at least, decreases in force. Take care of yourself and your family.

Kate... glad you found us after your trip to Chicago!

Whose definition of "DH" was I laughing my head off at?  :lol: 

We start swim lessons today. I am quite looking forward to it but wonder how I am going to get her dressed without freezing my a$$ off. Kate... how did you do it?

We are struggling with random night wakings. For 3 days, it was at 4 am so... on the 4th night, I was all set to do wake to sleep. She woke at 3 am. Last night, she woke at 2:15 am so I just nursed her  :oops: we have totally stopped all night feedings so I am now worried about starting that habit again. Oh well... survival, right?

Happy Tuesday everybody!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline Erin M

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #129 on: October 18, 2005, 16:32:10 pm »
I did it!  I caught up with you ladies and your 13 pages.  The ILs were here for the weekend, lovely people, but don't seem at all capable of cleaning up after themselves.  Fortunately, DH knows how much it bothers me and cleaned up quite a bit.  Now, we've all got colds - DH brought it home and Katie and I have both caught it.  Doesn't seem to be bothering her all that much, except she's been waking much more frequently at night - basically because she's too stuffed up to suck her thumb and put herself back to sleep.  So sad to watch - she'll stick her thumb in her mouth, suck, realize she can't breathe, take her thumb out of her mouth to breathe, get mad because she's not sucking her thumb, and it all repeats.  It's funny in a very sad kind of way.  So, we've been doing our best trying to get enough sleep without resorting to much accidental parenting, though I have done enough of accidental-on-purpose parenting the past few days.

Anyway, needless to say, there's not been a lot of time for this site.  Tomorrow, we're supposed to go to Puerto Rico for a long weekend.  DH is going for business and bringing us along.  I am SO nervous to fly with Katie - I'm sure she'll scream the entire flight and someone will yell at me to keep control of my baby.  And then I'll have to BF and Katie will whip off the blanket and expose my boob to an entire plane of people (which in my horrid visions I always seem to be standing in front of...)

Loved the pics from everyone - too many to comment individually almost!

Richelle - hope the storm passes you by.  Seems to be a smaller one so far, hope it continues like that. 

Traci - good luck to DH on the exam - mine is currently applying to grad school and it is such a pain to have him busy all the time and not really able to help out.  Oh, and we've taken Katie places before where we've put her to bed, stuck her in the car, and put her in bed at home and it's worked out fine.  I usually feed her when we get home. 

For whoever asked about solids - I've been giving Katie jarred baby food, which is about 2.5 ounces per jar - so at breakfast she gets half a jar of fruit mixed with about an ounce of EBM and a few tablespoons of cereal.  We also do new foods at breakfast so today she had a few spoonfulls of peas in addition to that (she did not like them at all!)   At lunch she has a jar of veggies which she usually finishes.  At dinner, we do a whole jar of fruit mixed with about an ounce of EBM and a good amount of cereal (I have no idea how much - I could measure if you want to know.)

Naomi - hang in - we don't have much family nearby and I have a ton of friends without kids who just don't seem to realize how much things have changed - and if I'm going to see them I can't go trekking into the city all the time and be out at the bars all night and come home the next day.

Ankie - when I take Katie swimming, I bring her infant seat - I wrap both of us in towels when we get out of the pool, get Katie dressed quickly into warm clothes, buckle her into her infant seat, and then get myself dressed.  Some moms in my class bring their strollers and put their LOs in there after they dress them.  Katie also had a hard time settling a few weeks ago (she does now too, but I think that's more because she's sick) - seemed to be related to teething and to the amount that she's now able to move around. 

Katie doesn't have a lovey, but she does have one of those rabbit head things, maybe I should start giving it to her at nap/bedtime.  Andrea - they do say the SIDS risk decreases after 6 months and once your baby can move around well, they're not at much risk for smothering themselves. 

Whew, think I'm caught up - oh yeah, hi to everyone new!  Always nice to see more (virtual) faces around here!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #130 on: October 18, 2005, 16:57:38 pm »
hi to everyone!!  it's so hard to keep up with this thread now....everyday I have 3 pages of posts to read...impossible to catch up on or comment on!!   But a couple that stood out:

Traci: we have two big dogs, luckily they are very well behaved and not allowed on the furniture....but I would have no hesitations of locking them up (in the basement) if a friend or family member asked or even if any of their kids looked hesistant around them....I'd rather everyone have fun at my house rather than stress! :D   As for the hair....I'm meticulous about vacumming every couple of days but the fur still accumulates! :shock:   Maybe bring a change of clothes for cole so you don't track it into your car and carseat.HTH

Richelle: Good luck with the storm!!  We are keeping our fingers crossed for you!

I'm not sure who asked when Jackson's surgery is??  but it is booked for Nov. 9th.  we will possibly be in the hospital 1 or 2 nights.  Luckily DH is able to come home to help! :(

I also just started giving Jackson a lovey....I was a little apprehensive to give him one because of his spirited side....I thought it might keep him up and cause him to just play in bed. :shock:   So far so good!
We had an interesting morning so far...he woke from his morning nap after 30 minutes and talked to himself for about 10-15 and then put himself back to sleep!!!!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:   can you believe that??!!!  I am shocked!  I'll have to keep ignoring him! :lol:
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #131 on: October 18, 2005, 18:24:57 pm »
Hey, girls!  Just have a minute, but wanted to tell Ankie...the hardest part of the swim lessons is afterwards!  Ryan is in a "big boy seat" in the car, so I can't use the car seat, but that would be the best, I think.  Instead, I will take his Bumbo in or just grab some extra towels up front and lay him on the floor.  I usually make sure Ryan is dry and warm, then get myself dressed so I don't drip all over him.  Then, I get him dressed and pack up.  It is a pain, but so worth it!!!
Have fun!!!

~~~Good test vibes for your dh, Traci!!!~~~~
~~~Good airplane vibes for Erin and Katie!!!~~~
~~~Good storm vibes for Sophie and Richelle!~~~
~~~Good sleep vibes for the rest of us!~~~
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Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #132 on: October 18, 2005, 18:39:32 pm »
Erin - I am a veteran flyer with Sophie and I have always traveled by myself with her.  These lo's are very portable and I think generally good flyers.  Obviously they should be eating or sucking for take off and landing so that their ears don't pop.  The popping ears is what produces those screaming babies :shock: !

Also for feeding bring at least 3 long blankets.  I would make a 'fort' in my seat tucking one corner of the blanket in the tray table then drape across yourself and the seatdo this on bith of you sides and you have a little fort and don't have to worry about any peep shows!!  I also found it helpful to have 'hanging toys' with velcro - these stick to the tops of airline seats.  i also never leave without my boppy pillow, it sounds strang and cumbersome but a must if you and baby are going to have a comfy and nonsweaty nap.

This is all coming back to me as I am still on the wire here not knowing if Sophie and I will be leaving island for a few days!

It seems as though everybody has their lo's in swimming lessons - what do you do?  I haven't had Sophie in a pool or the ocean yet but I am now thinking maybe we should? :?

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #133 on: October 18, 2005, 19:26:26 pm »
hey, hey

Richelle - I'm so glad you asked about the hair pulling!!! Sols constantly pulling at his hair during his BFs.  DH used to stand beside me and hold his hand but that creeped me out.  Now I just take my hair down and let him pull at it.  He's not gentle at all. Ouch!!
It sometimes works but I've also noticed his hair getting thinner where he pulls at it.

Thanks for the suggestion Nikki!! I stretched lo's a.m. nap by about 1/2 hour this morning.  He woke up at 5 & 7 but put himself back to sleep each time before getting up at 8:30.  This is very unusual since he's always up by 7.

Anyway, he woke up from his nap after 30mins but put himself back to sleep!! :shock:  :shock:
Who knew? :D

Happy naps, sleeps & eats to everyone!

Sol  Enzo - Born April 29, 2005

Reese Ivana - Born June 4, 2007

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #134 on: October 18, 2005, 20:11:17 pm »
HI Everyone,

This forum moves very fast indeed.  What busy active lo's we have :D James is now crawling and pulling himself up.  Loves his solids.  I haven't been able to read up on everyone I will have to make some time tonight and read all the pages.  Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hello and thought I would try and put a photo of James on. 

Just one question though, yesterday I clocked-watched and James went down very easily.  At exactly 2.5hrs of A time, even thought he was only just starting to rub his face etc, he seemed to go down with little fuss.  Only at his catnap did I have to give him a little pat and also at bedtime, but everytime he put himself to sleep.  I will try and do the same thing tomorrow. :)

l have to go back and read, but i thought Tracy said not to clock-watch.  Was I wrong with this? :?

Anway, if it works, I will use it, although everything seems to change from week to week. 

Lovely to hear that everyone is doing okay but it certainly makes me feel better that sometimes there are struggles as well. :oops:

Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala bear