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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1200 on: November 24, 2005, 12:50:37 pm »
Oh man, I just had 5 pages of posts to catch up on!!!  Well we got our first snow "storm" in WIndsor yesterday.  To Windsorites, 2cm is a snow storm!!!!!  Anyway, of course it was the day that we were heading to the GTA for a mini holiday (DH has thurs and Fri off due to U.S Thanksgiving).  So, the regular 3 hour drive turned into 4 hours because of the snow and all the accidents on the 401.  We were going to leave at like 7:00 so Carter would sleep (cause it is his bedtime) but we left at catnap time instead due to the weather.  As a result he slept for 1hr30min and cried the rest of the way  :(   There is nothing like being stuck in traffic with a screaming baby!!!  Then when we arrived at my brothers Carter wouldn't go to sleep.  Finally got him down at 10:00, he woke up at 12:00 but resettled after 10mins and then was up for the day at 6:00 which is an hour earlier than usual.  So, I guess that's how the next few days are going to be!!!

Did I read something about intro's and pics of everyone?  Where are these?  It would be great to see all the pics of you ladies!  I have seen a few that were recently posted.  It always amazes me how different people look from the way I picture them!  I'm just bad at that I guess!

Anyway, it's breakfast time for Carcheezy and then we have to pack and head to my parents (another hour away).  Hopefully that will be his morning nap.  I am going to try and stop at my old vet clinic (where I used to work before the move to Windsor) and see if I can do some large animal calls!!  I miss wrestling with cows and horses!!!  Have a good few days everyone, don't know when I will be able to get back on!!

Traci:  I will send you my address pronto!!
Cathy - Mama to:
Carter Luke - March 29, 2005
Mason Henry - April 7, 2007
Daphne Catherine Grace - May 30, 2010

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1201 on: November 24, 2005, 14:51:41 pm »
Hi cathy..good to know you are okay after that drive on the 401. There are pics on the first march/april thread. It is locked now, but I think you can still see the pics on there. Also there is a "sticky" in the photo gallery called "what do you all look like". There are pics of some of us but also some of the other mums on here too.
So what about you
Oh and I believe that there are introductions of people on the first few pages on this thread too...HTH
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1202 on: November 24, 2005, 16:38:43 pm »
hi girls!!

Richelle: I love the idea.  I totally think it would be a hit.  I would love to see some pics if you can post??  I might get some for my next babe!! :D

Jody: No worries!!  I chatted with Michelle and she let me know when you were meeting but unfortunately it didn't fit in with Jack's music class.  I hope next time I'll be able to squeeze in some adult interaction! :)  I'm always game for a coffee break! :wink:

DH and I are reno-ing our kitchen.  We are getting new countertops.  The counter guys came last night at 7:30 pm....right at Jack's bedtime.  Luckily one of my girlfriends showed up for our Wed. night "America's Next Top Model" date.  She did me a huge favor of getting Jack dressed after his bath and then she tried to put him to bed for me...  He was soooo confused!!!  He was screaming his head off because she wasn't following the routine (but she didn't know).  She had got him dressed and then just plopped him in his crib, had the lights still on, was patting his belly and talking to him to try and get him to calm down......all of which just gets him more amped up.  I gotta give her an A+ for trying and helping me tho.  Finally the counter guys finished just before 8pm and I was able to go in and get Jack settled rather quick since he was exhausted!!! :shock:   Poor guy....thankfully he slept ok even tho he was totally overtired by the time he got to bed.
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1203 on: November 24, 2005, 23:42:22 pm »
Hey Girls,

Was experiencing major cabin fever here after staying inside through two relatively cold days.  Headed out for a short while and picked up some  paint chips.  Going to paint our remaining three rooms.  Main bath, master bedroom and "great room/laundry/workout room" in the basement.  Of course those will get done then it will be time to start on the rest of the house which has been done for a few years now.  I find the colours too dark now and want to freshen things up.  For those of you that own your home, do you find yourself constantly thinking of things to be done?  It's driving me crazy.  We had to combine a spare room/office when we did the nursery and now it's just crammed.  We don't have a dining room table, well, we do, but I'm sitting at it right now as it's where the PC is. (convenient while DH did all his studying in the office).  It's an old 70's style laminate table. Anyhoo, I'm trying to figure out the best solution to our space problems.  I'm thinking of doing a wall to wall built in unit in the dining room which would have a small area in the middle for the PC that would be behind doors.   It would also store all of our files, books etc to free up the spare room to be only that.  Of course, within a year or so it would be Cole's or #2s room anyhow.  We never sit at a table to eat, but I suppose we should have something to sit at when we have our friends over.  Seeing all the christmas specials on entertaining has really motivated me to get this house in order.  I would LOVE to have two couples over for a fondue party.  So fun!  okay, i just needed to get that out.  I am always running things through my head that need doing, that's all.

As for my lo, he fought catnap like crazy today.  It's not like he couldn't have been tired.  I put him down after 2.75 A.  Got him up when he didn't settle, tried again after about 10 minutes.  At 4:10 he'd been up 3.5 hours, didn't know why he wasn't settling...fed him to sleep and he slept in my lap :oops:   Oh well.  I have to admit it was nice cuddling with him.  I know I will miss that a lot when I can't do it anymore.

For bed it was the same.  I'd leave the room, give him time to settle and he wouldn't.  Tried pupd.  I only did this twice, unlike last night when it went on and on.  When he didn't settle I got him up and we went to go stare out the window at the snow blowing around.  I talked to him in a soft voice telling him how much i loved him and that when he goes to sleep I'm always here when he wakes up.  I gave him a kiss and he gave me the cutest little smile :)   I went back to his room, sat in the glider for a minute.  Then I laid him in the crib and did something I haven't done in ages...I stayed with him.  I just left my hand on his hip (he on his side) and he was asleep in minutes.  PHEW.  so, only 15 minutes to go down tonight instead of our hour long battle yesterday.

Slow on the thread today. Guess many are off enjoying turkey day.  What I wouldn't do for a homemade turkey dinner right now.  YUM!  Speaking of which, I'd better go and round up dinner.  Didn't get my late afternoon snack since Smuggies was sleeping in my lap.
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Offline Carter'sMama

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1204 on: November 25, 2005, 00:22:51 am »
The weather here is crazy!!  Both my dad and DH's dad are stuck on the highway somewhere going 20 km/h because the roads are so bad.  We are meeting for dinner at my parents house and dinner is ready and there are no people.  At this rate dinner will be at 8:30 and my parents only have a 2 bedroom condo.  Poor Carter will not be able to sleep due to noise level and everyone will want to see him anyway.  DH is bathing him right now and I can tell he is already overtired  :?   Gotta love travelling  .... always messes up your perfect routine!!! 

Ok that was my little vent!  I did get Carter to take a catnap in his playpen which I couldn't believe.  He did have his soother mind you (which I never usually give him) but I needed him to nap.

Traci:  I know what you mean about the house!  We bought a house 3 years ago and have redone EVERY room (that's 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room and family room) except we haven't touched the bathrooms yet.  Now we are selling the place ... go figure. 

Anyway, hope everyone is having a safe Turkey day!!!
I'm off to make gravy!
Cathy - Mama to:
Carter Luke - March 29, 2005
Mason Henry - April 7, 2007
Daphne Catherine Grace - May 30, 2010

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1205 on: November 25, 2005, 00:23:12 am »
Hi ho

Traci, the story of how you put Cole tonight sounds lovely. Very peaceful and reassuring for Cole. It's funny how sometime we get caught up in doing things the 'right' way, according how we normally do something and forget that sometimes our babies just want a snuggle sleep or snuggle before sleep. I have to admit it was so nice having Daniel sleep in the spare bed with me yesterday morning and waking up to us both being together. DH said how cute it looked, of course he didn't think to get the camera. Oh well, maybe there'll be a next time.

Daniel had a much better night last night, slept all night with only 1 waking cos he'd moved up the cot and was banging his head. So I feel much better today for a full nights sleep. My cold got progressively worse yesterday so with us both being sick I've decided to delay my Auckland trip until Sunday. So I'll still get about 4 days there, and at least we should both nearly be healthy by then. I don't want any popping ear drums for Daniel or me.

Traci (again) I know what you mean about wanting to change your house, we don't even own this one and I've managed to paint 2 rooms, put carpet squares down and do the gardens! The way I see it the airforce should be thankful I'm improving the look of the place rather than the hideous wallpaper they put up.   :lol:

Micky, your comment about Jack being confused about his routine change reminds me that I keep meaning to 'borrow' a friend to come over and put Daniel to bed at night. Ideally sticking with the routine, but just to see if he'll go down for other people, not just me and DH. I'll try in Auckland with mum, but she's in her 70's and finds bathing a bit tricky. I'll get her to give him his bottle and put him into bed though, that's a good start.

Right, time for me to rest again, this cold is taking it's toll on my energy levels. I've got to go out later, so I should make the most of Daniel being asleep while I can.

TTFN. Happy THanksgiving to anyone who celebrates it!
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1206 on: November 25, 2005, 01:06:27 am »
Hey Cathy-sheesh, I should have stayed out longer today.  The flurries started and I headed home only to have the sun come out as I drove in the driveway!  Now it's just a mess out there!  I certainly won't be going anywhere tomorrow.  Paranoid new mom and all.  Please be careful travelling-people are so clueless the first few days it snows.

Gotta go check the GO transit website.  DH was due home 20 minutes ago, must be a delay.  That's okay though, I didn't turn the knob all the way on the oven so I went to put my lasagna in and it was cold :shock:
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Offline becca24

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1207 on: November 25, 2005, 04:37:49 am »
Traci - we have our pc and office in a built in cupboard. It is so good I can scatter papers everywhere then just shut the doors and no-one can see it.

I went to the hairdressers today as the regrowth on my hair was just disgusting. Halle stayed with Mum and she had no nap  :twisted: So of course now she is napping at the time she would normally be waking up. When I went to get her, I got a freddo (chocolate frog) out of the fridge. Mum says - "Oh I was going to give Halle on of those"  :shock:  :shock: I'm said to her no giving her food unless you ask me first please  :roll: Since she is napping now it will be interesting to see how tonight goes.

Hope everyone enjoyed their turkeys or whatever those things are you guys eat. !! I am off to make spaghetti bog. The divorce party is on tomorrow so I will check in on sunday  :D


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1208 on: November 25, 2005, 05:30:05 am »
Hello my friends.

For those of you who celebrate, happy thanksgiving.  Hope you had a lovely time.

Bec - what is it about the M's and MIL's thinking they can give decide what the LO's eat.  We were visiting with MIL last weekend and when Fraser was showing interest in some rubbish food or another, she said "not yet, you can have that when you are a bit bigger" I said "when you are a lot bigger" and she said "oh, yes, you have to wait until you are 18" in a horrible sarcastic voice  :evil: How rude. 

Speaking of MIL - I have to share.  I am not a big fan of this lady, for so many reasons that I won't go into right now.  Anyway, she looks after BIL and his wife's kids 1 day a week.  Before I got pg DH and I had a chat and I said "your mother will not have a regular babysitting gig with our child".  Well, she raised it when Fraser was a couple of weeks old and DH said - we aren't looking to put anything permanent in place. 

Well, she knows that I am looking for childcare so I can go back to full time work at the office so last weekend she announces "I will be giving up my Tuesday's at work so I will be able to look after Fraser".  Excuse me??  Did I ask you to do that??  When I said we are not looking at entering into such arrangments, perhaps she could look after him occassionally, she said "well you have to arrange permanent childcare for him" I said "yes, but not with family".  She said "I thought I would save you some money".  Is is just me or is that SO out of line....  I just know that she will raise it again - I'm thinking of just saying "thank you for the offer, however just because you are able to look after him doesn't mean that we have to accept your offer". 

Any other responses you think would be more appropriate, please feel free to offer and I'll consider  :lol:

I won't be able to make chat tomorrow - we are going for family photos.  Have a great time and I'll catch you all over the weekend or next week.


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1209 on: November 25, 2005, 06:12:19 am »
Hi Ladies,

Since quite a few have asked and it was mentioned on the chat last night, I am going to start a new thread and will ask the EASY moderator (either Nikki or Debinoz) to lock this one.

Hope that's okay with everyone!

Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1210 on: November 25, 2005, 06:38:25 am »
Hi everyone. Gosh, I didn't realise how lucky I am with my MIL. The only issue I have with her is she constantly tells me how much Daniel is like his dad. And how how my DH did something this way, implying Daniel will too. He's 1/2 of me too, so perhaps he may just do some things like me! At least she says he's got my personality... .I think that's meant to be a compliment. I take it that way, it's his determination that she's refering too.

Jo - could you perhaps say that you don't want to 'abuse' her kindness and would prefer to be able to call on her for special nights out etc, rather than just being a weekly 'job' she does. And that you'd like her to be able to enjoy Fraser as a grandmother/nana rather than having to be responsible for him when you're working. Kind of make out like you're doing this in her best interest. Just a thought.

DH went away for 8 days today, and of course it had to happen, we get a curly question from our property manager who's trying to find a tenant for our rental property. The tenants move out next weekend and we still don't have any new ones. Well, the question is, there's a family interested who have 3 teenagers and 2 golden retrievers. Would we accept them???? I guess so long as it's clear in the contract that any damage done from the dogs to the gardens or house must be repaired and that the carpets commercially cleaned when they leave then it should be okay. What do you girls think? I'm not sure if they're inside or outside dogs, hopefully outside. But if they're inside, maybe it's not such a good idea. I can't get hold of DH and tomorrow he'll be totally unreachable until next Friday. Typical.

I bought Daniel's first Chrissy present today, it's a bouncing Tigger. I just love Winnie the Pooh and his friends, and I saw this Tigger a few years ago, but it was too early to buy baby toys back then. So I advertised on a website here that I was wanting one, and a lady contacted me yesterday. It's second hand but in really good condition. He's about 30cm tall and stands up, when you push him down he bounces up and down and talks. I just love him. I showed Daniel and after 2-3 goes he gave this huge smile.  :D Now I've just got to wrap him up and put him away until Christmas.

All for now. Bye bye and happy sleeping!
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #1211 on: November 25, 2005, 07:11:38 am »
i notice you already have the new thread started so will lock this one - let me know if it is a problem (but i assume from Andrea's message that it was already decided  :wink: )
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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