Yay! DH is finally back to work acfter a long weekend and I am finally back to my little SAHM world...I am so scared of what life is going to be like when I go back to work!! I am trying to enjoy every moment until then. It helps me to know that, for example, Richelle is a working mom and still has time to post etc...this comforts me...strange huh?
So, dh turned 33 yesterday. He took a day off of work, so I made the weekend into "the three days of dh's bday"...what was I thinking.?! With 3 gifts, 3 dinners, etc., etc....
Needless to say, I kind of broke down on Sunday (in the middle of my fab weekend for him) I was scrubbing the %$^#@ out of the pan that he cooked eggs in and left in the sink with coagulated egg gunk all over it....and just started to get furious.
We blew off some steam sort of "yelling" at each other for a few minutes, then had a good talk, actually..I was surprised that we were able to do this.
During all of this, I really appreciated my brief visits to the thread...especially the alternate aka for DH....love it!
Is everyone planning on chatting this week?
I just picked up a Nuby sippy cup after reading a thread about them in Hogg-watch. She loved it! I was so happy to see her suckig from the spout and drinking. wow!
Also, we tried avocado today for the first time and she couldn't get enough. I am so happy about that one. Such an easy meal. She can have one half and I can have the other, mashed on toast
On the down side, she woke this morning at 4:30...she had a rough night last night, no cat nap, crying a bit before bed...a pain cry. I think it must be her teeth. Anyhow, when she woke at 4:30, I brought her into bed with us
:oops: Shame, shame....It's odd how your mindset (and of course how tired you are) can so effect your decisions at these early morning wakings...like Ankie, you said you fed Arwyn at 2:30am I think? It just all depends on what has happened the day before and how you feel about it and you just have to go with your instincts. I kept thinking she was still in pain and needed to be comforted. She slept, with us until about 7:30. I was absolutely shocked. Thankfully, she still goes down in her crib. I used to be pertrified about putting her in bed with us thinking she would never go back to her crib. But obviously it's not a pattern I want to continue.
I better stop here. I am always sooo long winded. Must be from growing up in Chicaqo. The Windy city..did you know that it got that nick name from some politicians at a democratic national convention?, and not from the fact that it is very windy there?
Just a little meaningless trivia to lighten up your day/night.
Have a good one.
Good luck with the storm Richelle, I am thinking about you.