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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #135 on: October 18, 2005, 20:43:12 pm »
Yay! DH is finally back to work acfter a long weekend and I am finally back to my little SAHM world...I am so scared of what life is going to be like when I go back to work!!  I am trying to enjoy every moment until then.  It helps me to know that, for example, Richelle is a working mom and still has time to post etc...this comforts me...strange huh?
So, dh turned 33 yesterday.  He took a day off of work, so I made the weekend into "the three days of dh's bday"...what was I thinking.?!  With 3 gifts, 3 dinners, etc., etc....
Needless to say, I kind of broke down on Sunday (in the middle of my fab weekend for him)  I was scrubbing the %$^#@ out of the pan that he cooked eggs in and left in the sink with coagulated egg gunk all over it....and just started to get furious. 
We blew off some steam sort of "yelling" at each other for a few minutes, then had a good talk, actually..I was surprised that we were able to do this.
During all of this, I really appreciated  my brief visits to the thread...especially the alternate aka for it!

Is everyone planning on chatting this week?

I just picked up a Nuby sippy cup after reading a thread about them in Hogg-watch.  She loved it!  I was so happy to see her suckig from the spout and drinking. wow! 
Also, we tried avocado today for the first time and she couldn't get enough. I am so happy about that one.  Such an easy meal.  She can have one half and I can have the other, mashed on toast :)

On the down side, she woke this morning at 4:30...she had a rough night last night, no cat nap, crying a bit before bed...a pain cry.  I think it must be her teeth.  Anyhow, when she woke at 4:30, I brought her into bed with us
 :oops:  Shame, shame....It's odd how your mindset (and of course how tired you are) can so effect your decisions at these early morning Ankie, you said you fed Arwyn at 2:30am I think?  It just all depends on what has happened the day before and how you feel about it and you just have to go with your instincts.  I kept thinking she was still in pain and needed to be comforted. She slept, with us until about 7:30.  I was absolutely shocked.  Thankfully, she still goes down in her crib.  I used to be pertrified about putting her in bed with us thinking she would never go back to her crib.  But obviously it's not a pattern I want to continue.
I better stop here.  I am always sooo long winded.  Must be from growing up in Chicaqo.  The Windy city..did you know that it got that nick name from some politicians at a democratic national convention?, and not from the fact that it is very windy there?
Just a little meaningless trivia to lighten up your day/night.
Have a good one.
Good luck with the storm Richelle, I am thinking about you.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #136 on: October 19, 2005, 00:28:10 am »
I just wrote a huge post and totally lost it - now I can't remember what I wrote??  :twisted:

Oh well here's the short version:

 :lol: @ Judy about night wakings. I know it's not funny to be awake all night but I love the way you can joke about it!

Erin- I've never had any trouble with the Rabbit Head Lovey Thingy - Halle likes to have it close to her face. I usually move it down near her hand before I go to bed. Last night when I did this SHE WOKE UP  :twisted:  :twisted: It took me an hour to resettle her  :twisted:

Ankie - my dd had only slept through the night twice until recently. Last week she slept through four times (well until about 5am) She is back to waking up once (or twice) so I was wondering the same thing - should I feed her when waking or not??

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #137 on: October 19, 2005, 01:05:36 am »
hey we are in the chat room at the mo if anyone is up for it!!
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #138 on: October 19, 2005, 05:30:53 am »
Swimming was great. I managed to get her changed quickly. I didn't put any clothes on her. I brought her fleece suit and just put her in that with her diaper. I has a hood and flip down hands and feet. She fell asleep in the car for the 5 minuted ride home and didn't even wake when I took her out of the convertible car seat and put her in the crib (not as gently as I would have liked.)

Anyway, had a MAJOR meltdown over the catnap. This is the second day in a row it happened. Before today, it happened 5 days ago and has been happening on and off. I am going to try to move her to 2 naps. It isn't worth the battle at the catnap anymore. She is so happy when I take her out of the bedroom and does not have any sleepy looks on her face so... I'm gonna give it a try.

For survival sake, I have made the decision to feed her if she wakes up at anytime other than 4 am, give or take 30 min. 4 am is her habitual waking and I really want to get rid of it. I know she can do it and I hope this crazy waking up will stop. I want my once a night wake ups back. Erin, I hope it is just a phase like Katie and Arwyn will snap out of it. I have a suspicion that it is developmental milestones that are causing them... I swear she "sleep crawls"!

Ta ta... sorry I missed the chat room. I went to bed when DD went to bed and just woke up (at 10 pm) only to go back to bed in an hour!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline herbst99

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #139 on: October 19, 2005, 07:50:07 am »
Hi there moms - I need some ADVICE!!
Lise - (7.5mths) - who has been sleeping through the night from 7:00 - 6:00 (sometimes would wake at 5:00 but will settle quickly) has now become a REGULAR waker - last night she woke 4 times - and this has been going on for the past 2 weeks!! Developmental things are sorted as she will roll on her tummy and continue sleeping ... or roll back. I've thought of teeth but her 2 bottom teeth broke through a week a go and is "growing" slowly - can't feel anything at top teeth. It might be the dummy (I pray not!!) but she is used to not using it to sooth at night (before she would get dummy when she goes to sleep and I remove it just before she falls fast asleep). She has a lovey - sleeps in sleeping bag. ONLY thing it might be is the DF - but this has been slowly taken away and we are into our 2nd week of no feed after 7:00pm (she gets 225ml at 7 so it is a GOOD feed) - she is on 3 solids and 4 bottles - no meat or diary yet ... ANY help would be greatly appretiated - I miss my uninterupted sleep (funny how quicky we become SPOILT!!!)
Nikki - Mom of Lise and Cara

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #140 on: October 19, 2005, 11:17:17 am »
Hi Everyone,

DH needed the computer last night to work on the second part of his exam (case).  Thanks for the good wishes.  He doesn't feel too good about the multiple choice, but no one I know that has written this exam ever feels confident after.  And DH has gotten 80 on exams that he didn't feel good about so i'm not worried.

Now, Happy Anniversary Ankie
Hope you have a wonderful day.

It looks as though Jack and Sol have made progress sleeping-yay for them!

Lisa-re: clock watching.  Tracy does say not to watch the clock but I think that their cues can be a little confusing at this age that's why so many of us focus a lot on A time.  When I clock watch now, it's a combination of A time and the actual time on the clock!  For eg. regardless of what time Cole wakes up now he has his best first nap at 8:30am, second at 11:45, catnap at 3:30, bed at 6:15.

Hannah- I read about the Nuby Sippy too and went to get it yesterday but the store I went to only had a pack of two that were yellow and purple/pinky.  couldn't have Cole going around with a pink cup!  Heading to Walmart today hoping they have the other colours.  Can't wait to see if it works.

Nikki-Good luck with Lise.  Not sure what could be.  I jinxed myself yesterday by telling DH Cole had stopped his early waking and I've been up since 5:10 today! Hope you can get it sorted out.  How are her naps?  Longer?  Shorter?  Is she overtired or getting too much sleep?  Maybe that's something to consider.  That's all I can think of.

Oh-and thanks to whomever suggested changing Cole's clothes so we didn't track in dog hair to the car etc.  I'll be putting him in his pjs and then into pack n play and then hopefully that will work.  One dog gets hysterical in the basement so that's not an option.  we'll see! 

Okay, cole is sick of the exersaucer...time for cereal anyway.

bye ladies.
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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #141 on: October 19, 2005, 14:50:51 pm »
hey girls, I just wanted to throw this out b4 I post elsewhere for help. It seems like Riley is had a major regression. She is good for one long nap a day, I am not kidding. I tried yesterday for 3hrs,yup 3, watching her cues and trying to keep on line with the routine, tries putting down at 10:30 she wouldn't go, it was 1:30 b4 she went down. She is perfectly content with staying up, not cranky, just hungry, IYKWIM.
I ould like her on the EASY routine, we had been kinda lax lately, and I am trying to get her back on it :roll:  :roll: .
Also, her solids have regressed aswell, she will take one big bite at the start of her feed, but then after that she take little tiny bites off of the end, almost as if she is testing it.
I am keeping a log of everything, I know it is going to take a while, but I know that for her to be going through more at night, she needs to get more calories in during the day, but how can I do that if she won't really take her solids, and is picky on her milk feeds.
Just looking for some suggestions on how to curb her in the right direction.
I may have missed this, but how many naps are you girls doing and what kind of solids and how often. I ask this as I could get Riley to take 1/4 jar of solids, but she wouldn't take a milk feed after, and even if I waited say an hour it didn't really help.
Anyhew, just looking for some pointers as I have really fallen off of the wagon here.....ooops!

OOOO, girls don't forget the chat tonight, there is a link to the chat room in the lounge, it starts at 9pm EST

Talk to you later girls
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline kate585

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #142 on: October 19, 2005, 15:40:27 pm »
Hi, girlies!  Lise (glad to see you back, btw!  :) ):  My only thought is it might be the dreamfeed, which is what you thought, I think, if I can remember correctly.  If it's been going on for 2 weeks and you've taken away the dreamfeed for 2 weeks, that'd be my guess.  It's so confusing, isn't it?  I just dropped Ryan to 4 bf's instead of 5 so I'm waiting to see how that is going to affect his nights.  Good luck!!!

Naomi, We are still doing 3 naps over here most days.  Here is our quickie day at a glance.

7:00 wake (or will be after time change...we're pushing more towards 8 and then adjusting all times during the day.  Confusing!   :? ) and feed
7:45 or 8  breakfast (I need to wait awhile or he's too full!)
9:00:  first nap (90 mins.)
10:30  play
11:00  bf
11:45 or 12 lunch
12:30 or 1:00 nap (90-120 mins.)
3:00 bf
5:00 catnap (maybe)
6:00 dinner, bath, books, etc.
7:00 or 7:30 bf and bed!

Hope it's okay that it's sometimes more than 4 hours before the last bf, but with all the solids and stuff he doesn't seem hungry.  Ryan is a really good eater, so he will always eat after a big bf...but I do wait up to an hour in between so that could help him.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #143 on: October 19, 2005, 15:44:16 pm » much has happened since I last posted...a new thread and 15 pages!!! I started reading the intros, and I love them. I'll have to finish later, but for now...I NEED HELP!!

I'll go ahead and introduce myself. I'm Nancy. I'm 33 years old and married to Steve who is a network analyst (something to do with networking computers together) for a medical company. We live in southwest Missouri. We've been married 3 years next week, dated for 2 before that, and were friends for 5 years before that. I was an editor for 10 years, now I'm a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer/editor. Olivia is our first. She's Textbook/Spirited. We have so much fun with her, but on her Spirited days (like today) I don't know what to do.

She's always been a good eater and sleeper. (With the exception of the occasional 45-minute nap syndrome). The only time she gets fussy is when she's tired. It all started this weekend. All day Sunday and Monday, she fussed...she wasn't happy unless she was being held and walked around. She didn't want to sit on your lap. She's had trouble sleeping...fights going to sleep, then wakes several times a night since Saturday night. (She usually goes right down and sleeps all night.) She went through a few days last week where she wasn't interested in eating. She'd only take 2-3 oz at a time from her bottle. Then all of a sudden, she was eating ALL the time. She's been on a 4-hour EASY since she was 4 months old. Her naps have been pretty consistent....until today...she's up after only 20 minutes. (And she was up for 2.75 hrs before her nap!) I tried everything to get her back to sleep and she just SCREAMED. So I got her up and she's fine...she's playing in her floor now.

I feel like someone switched my baby out with another one. I have no idea when she's going to eat or sleep or what she needs when she's fussy. I had to call DH on Monday to come home from work because I couldn't take it anymore. I haven't had to do that since she was a few weeks old! She got a tooth last week, so I thought that might have something to do with it. BUt she was fine up until the tooth came in...this all started after. She'll be 6 months on Sunday, so I thought it might be a growth spurt, but I just don't know.

Did anyone else go through this? Is it a growth spurt? Is it teeth? Is there anything I can do to keep my sanity?

Sorry for the long post, but I really feel like I'm losing it, and I knew you guys would understand.
Missouri, USA

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #144 on: October 19, 2005, 16:18:39 pm »
Hey Nancy,

Not sure why she went through a period when she didn't want to eat but it seems like it might be growth spurt.  Also, you said one tooth came in?  Maybe the other is close behind?  That's all I can think of unfortunately.

I need to work on a spreadsheet for DH fun fun.  Hoping to make the chat tonight but DH might still be on the PC to prepare for the rest of his exam tomorrow.

(((hugs))) Nancy...hang in there.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #145 on: October 19, 2005, 16:31:24 pm »
Nikki... Does Lise go back to sleep quickly after waking at night? She may just be startling awake due to increased mobility. We are struggling with the same thing... increased wakings and now, staying up as well. I am still chalking it up to developmental milestones as she is getting SO mobile. Like you, I changed one thing 2 weeks ago... I no longer fed at 4 am. Well... it may be coincidence but that was when increased wakings happened. Perhaps Lise is just trying to get used to no dreamfeed. BTW, what time was your DF when you took it away? It could be that she still needs a little bit of a top-up.

Naomi... when Arwyn doesn't want her solids, we just leave it. We try 2 more times after we get the pursed lips and if she continues, the food goes away. We now need to distract her with something if we want her to continue eating. I put 5-6 Cheerios on her tray and that gives her enough to do while I continue to feed. It is a bit messy though  :roll:  (I know, Cheerios has wheat in it...  :oops: )

About her awake times, Riley may be trying to adjust her own A time for the middle of the day. Is her A time still the same before the first nap? I know that Arwyn has increased A time between nap #1 and #2 and is trying to drop the catnap. SO... could this be it? Also, when you get Riley back on track with EASY, she may take more milk. I found that Arwyn can go longer than 5 hours now that she has solids. I really concentrate on getting a full BF each time. She is also getting very picky... will only take one breast for only 2 or 3 min. sometimes. HTH

Nancy... sounds like a growth spurt to me. Random wakings at night usually indicate this even if Olivia doesn't eat. I don't have anymore advice other than what I gave Nikki... don't know if Olivia is going through developmental stuff as well. I am sending you "de-stress" vibes... good for you on calling DH... I did so yesterday too, left a message that his daughter was having a major meltdown and I wanted to share that with him. Made me feel instantly better.  :D  Hang in there... this too, shall pass. Now how many times have we heard that?  :roll:

Traci... THANK YOU! We are going to a lovely restaurant tonight. It is on top of a mountain with a beautiful night view... we have been going for 3 years now and our anniversary coincides with their fall special where you get a 3 course meal for $27!!! I would eat there anyway at regular prices but it is even better when you get a fabulous delicious meal for a great price!!!

See you guys later!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #146 on: October 19, 2005, 16:32:31 pm »
nancy, I am not joking when I say this, but i am in the same boat as you, I could hardly believe it whenI read it, I could've written it.
The only thing I could give you for advice is take each day at a time, and I am keeping a log of everything she does, to keep me on track and see if there are any improvements each day.
I keep trying to keep Riely on track etc, but try is all I can do.
Sorry I suck for advice, I am as lost as you are, but I had to let you know that you are definitely not alone.
Join us in the chat tonight, it starts at 9pm eastern, burn off a little steam, have a chat, it will do you the world of good....
Ankie- thanks for the tips, Riley did eat 3/4 jar of apples and bananas for lunch, she needed a bit of coaxing, but I think she needs a little practice as we have slipped off of the solid train as well.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #147 on: October 19, 2005, 17:12:06 pm »
Hi Ladies,
wow can't believe I went a whole day without posting!  :lol:
We were busy yesterday and I have to say that I finally had a full night sleep without Taylor making a peep after he df to 7:30 am!  I am not trying to make anyone jealous, because believe me her ngith wakings have been going on for about 5 weeks now!!! :evil:

A few things I can think of that helped her sleep so soundly, so maybe it can trigger some thing Nikki, Naomi and Nancy:

1. we had our first day of Baby Dance which overall is a mellow class but she got to see lots of other babies and was up a solid 2.5 hours before her nap and slept for 1.5 hours (naps have been off track for the last 2 weeks).
2. She had a huge poopy!!  she hadn't gone in 5 days which is very unusual for her.  MIL said after taht poop, she was so tired she had to lay down for her cat nap! (cat naps have also been off track lately).
3. I gave her last feed at about 6:15 as opposed to after her bath at 7 and so she wasn't fussy at all and had a good feed.
4. she was in bed by 7 as opposed to 7:30 (in the Weissulbuth book it says if they are having a lot of night wakings to try and get them to bed 15-20 minutes earlier).

So who knows what caused her to sleep soundly, but I;ll take it!

Naomi, Nikki and Nancy, you have got ltos of other good suggestions.  I too think it may be developmental stuff :roll:   Nikki, how long do you let Lise try to settle herself at night before going in?  We have been waiting 5 minutes before we go in and sometimes she surprises us and goes back to sleep (I don't consider thsi CIO, as she is not crying, just fussing).
Naomi, like I said Taylor's naps have been really inconsistent lately...45-1 hour in the am, and the at least 1-1.5 hours in the pm and if we're lucky a catnap.  she has just started eating better with her solids in the last day and a half. 
For her first feed she only eats a few bites of fruit.  Then for lunch she eats 1 ice cube (1/2 jar) of sweet potato and a little more fruit.  Then at dinner about 1.5 tbs of rice cereal and some fruit.

I think this post is long enough!  Hope we all get these LO's sorted out soon!  I will try to make the chat tonight, but that means it is 6 pm PST so right in the middle of dinner/bed time ritual.  If I don't make it have fun!

BTW, T is 6 months today!  I can't believe it has gone by so fast!!!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #148 on: October 19, 2005, 17:15:20 pm »
Traci-one more thing I forgot to tell you.  I have to say I couldn't quite believe that Cole was crawling already (not that I didn't believe you, just that I couldn't imagine it!) :P

anyhow, yesterday in our class there was a lo that is 2 weeks older than T and she was crawlign like crazy!!  I guess I had to see it with my own eyes!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #149 on: October 19, 2005, 17:24:52 pm »
Thanks so much for all your encouragement and advice, ladies! All your kind words actually made me tear up a bit (of course, I'm sleep deprived and frustrated, so it doesn't take much!). After her 20 minute nap, Liv played happily for a while, then got fussy. I fed her...she took a full bottle (after refusing it an hour earlier) and fell asleep. She's been asleep since...that was almost an hour ago!!

Naomi, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through the same thing, but it's nice to know I'm not alone and that my child is not just some freak of nature!  :lol:

Thanks for the info on the chat. I'll try to make it. That's my time with DH, but I'll try to break away for a bit. Well, off to grab a bite of lunch before Ms. Cranky Pants wakes!

Hope all are having a better day than Naomi and I are!  :D
Missouri, USA