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Offline Arwyn's mom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2005, 12:20:44 pm »
Hello everybody,

I'm Ankie and will be married to James for 3 years next Wednesday. Arwyn is our first child (hopefully of 2) and we live in Burnaby, B.C. (next city over from Vancouver). I am an ESL and Learning Assistance teacher in an elementary school. I used to work in a high school in Special Education (like Erin) but with Deaf students. I will be returning to work in March 2006. We discovered BW when Arwyn was 11 weeks old and have not looked back since. I hang out with a few other moms who also follow BW -- their babies are a few months older than Arwyn. Another friend recommended I come to the site to see what other moms are doing... I came, I saw, and now, I am addicted.

There are lots of teachers on this thread... count back the months and you will see that school was just out!  :wink: That lack of stress and everything, you know!

I am posting at an ungodly hour because we are having our worst night waking ever! Arwyn woke at 3:25 am... pat/shushed back to sleep by 4:10 am (I log in here)... woke again in 15 min... DH pat/shushed because I was pumping (I was up anyway)... woke again at 4:45 am... I pat/shushed for another 10 minutes before whipping out the magic boob at 5 am... poor thing seemed to be hungry and mommy just pumped! Anyhow, her night wakings are all over the place right now. When they began, I think they were due to "developmental milestones" as Tracy calls them. Now, I think they are due to her two accidents in the past week. Hopefully, this too, will pass. OH for Pete's sake, she is up again... will be back.

Okay... gotta get a few more winks of sleep before beginning my day. BTW, the tickers... depends where you get your ticker... I noticed that not all tickers tick the same. I also thought Arwyn was born on the same day as Cole because I went by the ticker without looking at the date. Coincidently, because Traci is in a different time zone, her ticker ticked already and mine hadn't... therefore, making our two children 5 months old at exactly the same time.

Thanks again everybody for well, everything! I love coming here to see what everybody is up to and how their little ones are doing. I don't know what I would do without this avenue to vent, learn, cry, share... and the list goes on.
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline jay&danny'smummy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2005, 15:51:42 pm »
Hello everyone! :D

Thought it was time I posted something!

Well here I name is Emi, Im 27 and work as a registered nurse. Due to start back in two weeks :cry: ...sooo don't want to, but needs must and all that!

Ive been with my partner Dom for just over 3 years, and Jay is our first child, a beautiful baby boy :D

I first found out about tracy when I watched the tv programme on Discovery Health. I was pregnant at the time and became addicted!
Then I brought the first book, and started putting it into practice when Jay was around 4 weeks...have not looked back since!
I have got him in a routine that makes things so much easier, a big relief as Im returning to work and won't have to worry to much!

I look on the website daily and have got so much great help from you lovely ladies....a BIG THANKYOU!



Mummy to
Jay Matthew 24/4/05
Danny James 20/5/08
and 2 angel babiesxx

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2005, 17:24:04 pm »
Hi everyone,

it is nice to hear everyone's stories about finding BW.  I read BW while I was pregnant and it has been a lifesaver!  My friends threw me a going away party last night and I was telling them my story about findign this website.  I apologize in advance and hope I don't offend anyone (or Tracy), as it is a little insensitive, so here goes:
 :arrow: Taylor was 3 weeks and had "woken up".  To say she was very difficult is an understatement!  I was exhausted and a wreck, and also suffering from a mild case of PPD.  I did a search for the BW on the internet thinking I could hire Tracy for a personal consultation, as I knew she was based in LA.  When I found the site I read that she had died the year before and I started bawling and said to DH, "Now who is going to help us with this child!?!?!" :oops:   Now that we've sorted things out and everything is pretty smooth sailing for the most part, I say a little prayer to Tracy thanking her for all she's done to help out so many moms and famililes :)

BTW, JUDY, I knew what you meant in your last post to me about finding out 'why' it was bothering me.  After thinking about 'why' I realized I couldn't come up with a good enough answer! :wink:  I was definitely over reacting!

ANyhow, off for our walk to try and get some fresh air.  I feel a little hung over quite honestly! :oops:  I haven't felt like this in quite some time!  Did you know that there is now a key lime martini and a 'fore-play' martini!  You miss a lot when you're raising a child! :roll:

Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2005, 18:54:00 pm »
Oh Judy, now I feel like a goof.  I've got your baby brain working overtime doing incorrect calculations.  Cole's bday is April 6th.  I mucked it up because I had the 26th in my head for our anniversary!  Sorry :oops:   So K&H are doing just fine...and obviously they will take a bit of time to catch up size wise because they didn't have as much room to grow as the single babies did :D   How much did they weigh, by the way?  Cole was 7lb 13oz, but came home just under 7 after 3 days because he didn't latch for the first 3 days and my milk finally came in on the 5th.

I've had a rough couple of nights and have to say I don't know how you do it.  At least I can nap when he does, even if it's only 45 minutes.  I know everyone keeps saying it...but you truly are super mommy.  BF twins while surfing!  holy toledo...that is just amazing :shock:

Can I ask everyone a question.  What do you do when your little one won't sleep, screams when you leave the room, but plays when you return?  I have no problem staying in his room to console him if he's upset...but do you just sit there and wait for him to get tired?   Last night I went in about 4 times before I finally gave up and had to let him cry. (He went down great at 6 but woke at 6:45 screaming-this was a day of short naps after a sleep in until 7:30, whole day messed up).  As I've said he often takes 10 min. to settle so finally I just had to let him do it.  And it was hard crying but every time I went in he stopped, grabbed my hand and wanted to play :oops:   And I don't remember who said their lo is doing the bababa, mamamam sounds...but so is Cole and it's heartwrenching to hear him go mamamamamamamama when he's so upset :oops:

Gosh, I have other questions too, like who's lo is now grabbing their penis and fears they will wrench it right off!  And I'm trying to be so PC about it.  It's dirty Cole, well, not dirty, you can touch it, but not when there's poop on it!  LOL  I think I read too much :wink:

okay, gotta get ready for catnap.  He's been hanging in his exersaucer long enough.

<img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2005, 19:03:44 pm »
Traci - Jay still grabs his pee pee and gives it a good yank, it makes dh cring with fear.
When Riley won't go down like that I just pull her back out and let her play a little longer and watch her cues very closely to make sure she doesn't get over tired.
Hi there Roz and Emi, welcome from us all, it was a good idea to start another thread, we've met new mums already.
Riley is gettting better through the night too, she df at 10pm and goes till morning, I think she does, I don't remember getting her at her early am feed, maybe dh did!! :oops:  :oops: .
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2005, 19:12:01 pm »
I am such a rookie!  I only read Judy's post and there were about 6 more after.

Welcome Emi and Solnme!  Can't wait to hear more about your adventures.

And a public apology to you all for such confusion over the tickers.  I had noted Cole's bday incorrectly.  It's April 6th.

I knew I had another Q.  Anyone tried sippy cups with their LO?  Would that be too much to introduce with the cereal tomorrow?  Maybe cereal in the am and sippy cup in the pm?

Alright, off to have tea and muffin (mmmmmm) and a nice hot shower while he catnaps.

<img src="" alt="Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2005, 19:26:47 pm »
okay here's to show you all what a nut my boy is.
A little something to brighten your day.....
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2005, 19:44:33 pm »
Welcome Emi and Roz!  :D

Traci, the tugging of it doesn't get any less either... :wink:  Nathan's just been toilet trained and it's more of a toy than ever.  I've now had to explain that that's something he can do in his bedroom if he wants.  I do object when he grabs for it straight after his morning nappy is taken off though and have to watch what I say so "dirty" doesn't come out in the wrong way.  I now say, just let mummy clean you up first rather than don't touch it because it's dirty. 

Judy, how do your arms reach the keyboard when you're nursing?  I'd love to see a photo, but of course I guess you're all out there as well ( :oops: )?


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2005, 20:11:39 pm »
Nikki I don't have a pic of me feeding and typing... maybe I'll have to get dh to take one soon.  He's up at the cottage this weekend - I'm sure Zoe would be happy to try but it takes about 20 attempts before she gets everything wanted in the picture.  LOL.  Here though is a pic of me with K&H sitting on the nursing pillow after feeding... you can see my arms are just long enough... basically I put the chair as close to the desk as I can (their heads just at the edge of the desk) and then have the keyboard on the edge of the desk so I can just reach.  Often though now Sarah and Zoe want to play their DORA game or type themselves so I then have Sarah sitting on what space is left by my knees and Zoe standing beside me doing their thing.  :)

Traci naps - yes I too, just get the girl(s) up if they aren't seeming to be ready to go to sleep.   I might pop in a few times but if it's not really helping once I leave then I just get them up.  In fact Hannah is on my lap now since Kaia wanted to sleep but Hannah wanted to chat and carry on.  Of course NOW she's tired almost an hour later and Kaia is likely to be waking soon so I don't really want to put Hannah in there as surely it will disturb Kaia at this stage in her nap.... hmmmm


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2005, 20:13:30 pm »
:roll:  :oops:  :roll:  oh yeah - the pic

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2005, 20:15:00 pm »
traci-what i meant by I get her up is sometimes she simply needs to snuggle. I don't let het play but I will hold her like an extra wind down time. Riley mostly does it in the day though, but there have been times at night and we pick her up, hold her and she goes right back to sleep in our arms, maybe she just needs a little reassurance when she does this. HTH
judy- I wish I looked as good as you do after having 4, and I have only had 2 and am all extra blubber.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline kq

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2005, 20:22:44 pm »
JUDY-Fab photo. I often wondered how you fed and typed at the same I get it! Good job we are women and can multi task!
NIKKI-You are right, Sam only went poops once a week or 10 I miss those days. He now goes once a day..does not appear to be straining too hard although I definitely know when he is going as he grunts lol. Have contemplated putting him on the potty, might go and get one this weekend. He seems to go at the same time everyday..after his morning BF!
TRACI-Thank you for clearing up the confusion about Cole's age. I was sooo confused and kept staring at the calender last night. I also go by calender months so Sam will be 6 months next week.
That means that he will be 6.5 months when I go back to work, ANKIE. Clueless as I was, I said that I only wanted 6 months off. I was really the career woman way back when but now the thought of going back to work makes me sad! :(
Have a great weekend all.


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2005, 20:51:32 pm »
Karen, can you extend out your maternity leave to the full 12mths?  I did that with Nathan since I was originally going to go back when he was 9mths old.  Thanks for the info re pooping.  I think it's a great idea to put him over the potty since he's so regular - would save cleaning a mucky bum (just have to clean a mucky potty instead :wink: ).  Will also get him used to the concept - in the book Tracy has a plan for starting at 9mths anyway.

Judy, great pic.  They're just adorable!  BTW, are the twins identical?

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #28 on: October 15, 2005, 20:57:55 pm »
Traci-Taylor has started to touch her privates as well!  I know it's totally normal and all, but it is still funny to see :lol:   
We tried the sippy cup with T for a couple of days now but has no idea what to do with I guess I will just keep trying.  I have been putting water in it because they say once they start eating solids, they should drink water afterwards... :?: anyone else doing this religiously?
and yes, it is so painful to hear them do the mamamamama thing!  When we're in the same situation like you were last night, we do just stay close by for "moral support" as DH calls it (he's so cute!), but we just have to let her figure it out basically. 

Judy-great pciture!!!
And Naomi, Jayson is such a doll!  love the slicker :)

Welcome Emi and Roz :D

Gotta get ready for a wedding tonight.  I swear I feel so bad taking Taylor out so much lately, but if I leave her at home for MIL to babysit tonight, my family would have a caniption!

Bye for now!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2005, 21:10:37 pm »
OK, my last post for now  :oops: ...DH is wanting the computer.

I also offer the sippy of water after Danielle's had her lunch (well her half cracker LOL).  It's just a free-flow one at the moment without a valve.  It's taken her a few days to figure out to suck on it, but if I tip it up and down a few dribbles come out.  I think Nathan was 8mths before he properly got the hang of drinking water.