Hello everybody,
I'm Ankie and will be married to James for 3 years next Wednesday. Arwyn is our first child (hopefully of 2) and we live in Burnaby, B.C. (next city over from Vancouver). I am an ESL and Learning Assistance teacher in an elementary school. I used to work in a high school in Special Education (like Erin) but with Deaf students. I will be returning to work in March 2006. We discovered BW when Arwyn was 11 weeks old and have not looked back since. I hang out with a few other moms who also follow BW -- their babies are a few months older than Arwyn. Another friend recommended I come to the site to see what other moms are doing... I came, I saw, and now, I am addicted.
There are lots of teachers on this thread... count back the months and you will see that school was just out! :wink: That lack of stress and everything, you know!
I am posting at an ungodly hour because we are having our worst night waking ever! Arwyn woke at 3:25 am... pat/shushed back to sleep by 4:10 am (I log in here)... woke again in 15 min... DH pat/shushed because I was pumping (I was up anyway)... woke again at 4:45 am... I pat/shushed for another 10 minutes before whipping out the magic boob at 5 am... poor thing seemed to be hungry and mommy just pumped! Anyhow, her night wakings are all over the place right now. When they began, I think they were due to "developmental milestones" as Tracy calls them. Now, I think they are due to her two accidents in the past week. Hopefully, this too, will pass. OH for Pete's sake, she is up again... will be back.
Okay... gotta get a few more winks of sleep before beginning my day. BTW, the tickers... depends where you get your ticker... I noticed that not all tickers tick the same. I also thought Arwyn was born on the same day as Cole because I went by the ticker without looking at the date. Coincidently, because Traci is in a different time zone, her ticker ticked already and mine hadn't... therefore, making our two children 5 months old at exactly the same time.
Thanks again everybody for well, everything! I love coming here to see what everybody is up to and how their little ones are doing. I don't know what I would do without this avenue to vent, learn, cry, share... and the list goes on.