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Offline Olivia's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #150 on: October 19, 2005, 17:25:06 pm »
Thanks so much for all your encouragement and advice, ladies! All your kind words actually made me tear up a bit (of course, I'm sleep deprived and frustrated, so it doesn't take much!). After her 20 minute nap, Liv played happily for a while, then got fussy. I fed her...she took a full bottle (after refusing it an hour earlier) and fell asleep. She's been asleep since...that was almost an hour ago!!

Naomi, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through the same thing, but it's nice to know I'm not alone and that my child is not just some freak of nature!  :lol:

Thanks for the info on the chat. I'll try to make it. That's my time with DH, but I'll try to break away for a bit. Well, off to grab a bite of lunch before Ms. Cranky Pants wakes!

Hope all are having a better day than Naomi and I are!  :D
Missouri, USA

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #151 on: October 19, 2005, 19:14:58 pm »
Happy 6 months, Taylor!

We are currently spinning around and around in our crib, using the rungs as push off points while screaming until our voice gives out.  :roll: Wish me luck with a nap or my sister (the babysitter tonight) will have a rough night!!!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #152 on: October 19, 2005, 19:33:24 pm »
Nikki, Naomi and Nancy {{HUGS}} - I think that you have gotten some great advice, some that I may heed. 

May I also suggest Tylenol?  For those of you not wanting to dope your baby I understand but Sophie who is an angel has been very clingy for the last 2 days.  She has her bottom 2 teeth in and they didn't seem to bother her but usually I can just plunk her anywhere and she wiggles around and plays.  Not so, I would put hr down and if I went out of sight she would cry  :(  Sophie very rarely cries.  I have many theories as to why - one of which is the nanny never puts her down :evil: Today I stayed home from work as Hurricane Wilma passed us within 150 KMH PHeww but the storm surge is very erratic and we live right on the water - still looks ok, hopefully it stays that way.  Anyway, this morning it was the same and alot of ear pulling and rubbing eyes and nose and whimpering, I was at my wits end carrying around my chunker babes for the past 2 days so gave Tylenol a try and it seemed to do the trick she even ate her lunch better and I had Sophie back! 

FYI - This is our day, as I do not feed her Milk and solids at different times it just did not work for us and she is no longer breastfed so I am not sure if that helps..

6-630 - wake up
7 - 2TBS Cereal, 2oz fruit + 180ml formula (she usually has 60 ml before the solids but she drinks it in her chair)
9 - Nap
1030 - Wake Up
11 - 2 to 4 oz Veggies + 180ml formula
1 - Nap
230 - Wake up
3 - 180ml formula
430 to 515 Cat nap
515 - 2 TBS Cereal + 2 to 3oz veg + 2oz Water
645 - bath
7 - 730 - 180 ml formula straight to bed

FYI - as part of our nap time routine Sophie has a bottle of water in her room for the day and has a few sips before she goes to sleep.  We also stick to the clock not her tired cues which the last few days has been hard as Sophie has been cranky and rubbing her eyes from 1 hour after she got up???  I hope that helps and I am not sure what everyone else's routine's or as my DH calls it 'regimes' go. 

Wow long post, I am just glad we have kept power ect...with the weather.  The condo below us is getting flooded by the storm surge, a very scary 4 feet!! 

All please pray for those in Cuba and Mexico, then Florida as this is the biggest Hurricane EVER recorded and what we are experiencing now is scary enough and we are far west of it.  Click here for a look if you like.

Hopefully I will be around for the chat, if the weather eases up I may try to go in to the office and get some work done.

I must go wake Sophie from her nap.....


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Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #153 on: October 19, 2005, 19:35:21 pm »
OMG knew I forgot something.........



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Offline Olivia's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #154 on: October 19, 2005, 19:50:45 pm »
Richelle, It sounds like Sophie and Olivia are in cahoots. Olivia has been clingy as well. She was fine yesterday, but we went to a Mommy & Me group and I think she was distracted by all the other kids. Then she was too pooped to be fussy. But Sunday, Monday, and again today, I can hardly put her down without her fussing. She's OK if I'm right there. And usually she will play contentedly in her floor or crib while I pop in and out getting some things done.

I have used Tylenol, but sparingly...only at bedtime. It does seem to help. I may have to start using it during the day, too. I don't know how much more of this I can take!

Thanks for the tip. And hang in there...our prayers are with you as you enure Wilma. My sister and her family are in Florida, so I am watching the path closely.
Missouri, USA


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #155 on: October 19, 2005, 19:59:23 pm »
Happy Anniversary Ankie!!!  Hope you have an excellent evening out!!

I'd love to give advice on sleep ladies - but - who'd listen to me  :P

Solids too - hmmm, how many ladies started then stopped solids?  I know some have been back and forth (Naomi & Nikki come to mind).  I'm not making progress here with it.  After almost 2 (or is it 3??) weeks Hannah is still only opening up for MAYBE 1 bite a DAY (I offer 3x each day now).  Kaia likes it but still only takes a few bites at each meal.   My other girls took right off with it.  Sarah went in reverse once weaned to formula as she preferred milk to food but we cut back the milk and she was game again. 

Maybe I need to try a different brand?  Using Heinz right now - samples from dr..  Also have them in infant to toddler booster type chairs that do recline.  They attach to the kitchen chairs... wondering if they aren't liking them as they seem to be unhappy most of the time they are in the chairs.  I should pull up the highchair from downstairs but I'm afraid they'll really like that and then I'll need a second one.  I don't have a very big kitchen and it's nearly impossible to pass through it now with the table & chairs, 2 exersaucers, sometimes 1 or 2 rocking chair sitters....  oy, can you imagine 1 or 2 highchairs too??

I even cooked up some squash from the garden today but they weren't overly thrilled with that either.  Sarah liked it though  :lol:

Not sure if I'll make chat.  I should but I found before that I'd be stuck there till almost midnight which isn't such a good thing right now.  It is fun though!


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #156 on: October 19, 2005, 20:18:49 pm »
Judy, yes we've been back and forwards on the solids issue for about 4/5wks now.  But I'm finally beginning to get a break through.  Danielle seems to be one of those babies that need the same food offered at least 10 times before she thinks it's ok.  Yesterday, for the first time she ate about 2 Tbspns baby rice (up until then maybe one bite and spit LOL) - I really don't want to do BR but it seems such a pain and a waste to make heaps of pumpkin for her to spit it out.  But I intro'd pumpkin yesterday and will work on that for a few weeks.  We also have one of those booster high chairs, but Danielle loves hers.

Oh, Nathan also likes the left overs and also steals any new toys that Danielle gets. :roll: 

Naomi, was lovely chatting to you yesterday!

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #157 on: October 19, 2005, 20:36:37 pm »
jsut a suggestion on the sweet potatoes/squash eating.  Taylor was not too keen on them (the Gerber brand and my own that I made for her) until I strated mixing a little pears with them and she gobbles them up.  I figured it was ok to mix the 2 since pears is what we started out with and she's been eating them for almost 2 weeks now.

now if I could just get her to eat avocado without gagging! :lol:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #158 on: October 19, 2005, 20:37:17 pm »

have a blast tonight and some romance too! :P
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #159 on: October 19, 2005, 20:43:50 pm »
Andrea-sorry about the avocado problem. We seem to have the opposite situation here...she can't get enough.  I need a tree.  Happy 6 months to Taylor.

Naomi, don't know if this helps but we are doing ebm first then solids about an hour or so later.  She's been all over the map on how much she'll take, especially at the 11 and 3 feedings.  Someimtes the bed time feeding is really bad too (the bottle).  The df and morning bottle feeds are the best.  Lunch and dinner are the best times for her for solids.  Sorry I just missed you guys in the chat last night.  Looking forward to tonight.

Nancy Nikki Naomi--hang in there.  I am sure you have all noticed that nothing seems to last for long...this too shall pass.  (It will probably pass right on to my house, as I have been noticing is the case with some of the other issues posted here :D )

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #160 on: October 19, 2005, 20:57:29 pm »
Ach, I wasn't done!  No way I could get away with that small of a post!!

Traci- hope you like the Nuby's...that is funny about the colors, and yes I was pset that I had to buy two as well...we are going to have a mountain of sippy cups after this is all over.  It's funny, I always thought I would NOT care about colors with here, in fact I was completely against pink for her before she was born...but now, it's a totally different story! It only takes one time of someone saying "what a cute little boy!"  and I want to dress her head to toe pink.

I have to agree with Richelle about the tylenol thing.  I bet alot of these lo's issues are due to the pain of cutting teeth which they can feel long before you see any signs. (So I've heard) Again, I never thought I would want to drug my child.  I have criticized friends for using it, but I really think it helps.  And I don't use it all the time, maybe once during the day if it seems like she is really struggling (ie: drooling a ton, fingers in her mouth, crying, rubbing things on her gums)  I figure, you know, if I have really bad cramps/headache/whatever, I would take why not her?

Richelle, I cannot believe the looks of that hurricane.  OMG.  I am thinking about you in the storm. 

I think that's for me:
I went to our local co-op today for groceries...I always feel guilty shopping at the SUPER-market.  It was a nightmare.  The carts are too small, the aisles are too small, the clipbaords that you ahve to write all of the plu numbers on are too small.  I had to carry Sophie in in the new native which was ok, but a little hard to put bulk items in bags and make sure everything is labeled.  Plus they just didn't have half of what I was looking for.  So...I guess it's back to the supermarket for this mommy.  I can put Sophie in the BIG cart in her comfy seat and have my hands free to buy lots of genetically engineered foods. Yum! (insert sarcasm emoticon here)
We are off to the doc for my annual and her 6 month appt and shots.  Ugh. DH is leaving work early to meet us there.  Thank goodness.  She has been all over the map again today.  45 minute naps and tired as a result.  Plus, she spit up all over me and he carrier in the coop. That was fun. 
Does anyone else have a "spitter"?  I am going to ask the doc about it today...I have looked it up online a million times and continually am assured that it's natural and she'll grow out of it. In the meantime, it's disgusting!
Ankie- Happy anniversary! Have fun at dinner.  And, we have to talk some more, Sophie seems tobe rejecting the cat nap as well.  What's your plan?  Fighting with her every night for an hour is no fun...any ideas?

you all are wonderful!!
See you tonight.
PS Just in case this wasn't long enough, I've attached a pic of Sophie...although she's not crawling yet she manages to get around!

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #161 on: October 19, 2005, 21:23:02 pm »
thank you for the suggestions on Riley, both of them have been better today, Jay has been amazing, his new thing is to kiss the mouth, then nose, then each eye, each ear and then the head. Maybe I am being initiated into something i don't know about :wink:  :wink:
Riley was good on her solids too, for some reason she likes the combo things, like apples and blueberries, she had 1/2 a jar, and she would only take a bite or two with just the apples on their own.
Thank you sooo much for the support over the past couple of days, I forgot how much this place gets me through my days at times.
Judy - you should pop on the chat sometime, it would be so nice to see you there, that is my once a week late night "treat", maybe more if there are other chats during the week.
I think next week i am going to try heading out of the house again, the way Jay has been I haven't even tried it, but  maybe by monday my batteries will be recharged to try again once more.
Richelle - so nice to hear you are okay, I was thinking of you today and am so glad that you got word out to us.
Take Care everyone, especially the "lurkers", come join in the fun sometime, we only nibble you the first couple of times..... :wink:
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #162 on: October 19, 2005, 21:34:49 pm »
OMG too cute Hannah - I went into the kitchen the other morning and left Sophie on her play mat when i came back in the room she wasn;t there - I found her under the desk a few feet away, I should have taken a picture but i was sort of panicked and grabbed her up!!!  Also my Sophie is a puker -  :?

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #163 on: October 19, 2005, 22:50:37 pm »
Hi Again,

You ladies seem to be all such good mates, I still feel weird about posting for fear of 'butting in' (but I do it anyway :lol: ).

Happy Anniversary to Anke and Happy 6months Taylor!

Richelle that storm sounds scary  :( Hope all ok

Kate and Richelle - thanks for posting your schedules, it's interesting to know what babies around the same age are doing. A lot of you are having the same problems as me so this thread is SO helpfull.

Just a question about 'fussing'  Fussing is not a term we use here in Australia so I was just wondering what it means exactly. I have been leaving dd a few minutes before going in to her. She is kind of yelling (LOUD) but not crying. I wait until it's a full blown cry before going into her. I have worried that is CIO ( :( I hope not. ) so sometimes I will go to her - so now I am worried that I am not consistent :?  :?

Hannah - that photo of Sophie is so cute. I am the same as you with the 'pink'. I really wanted a boy, only because I LOVE the name Hamish. When we discovered we were having a girl I decided to call her Hannah! But then my SIL gets a boyfriend with a daughter named Hannah :evil: I was determined she was not going to be a 'girly girl' so no pink was used in her room at all. I didn't buy many pink clothes etc etc. Recently I 'pinked-up' her room with pink clothes, pink paint, pink lamp, pink toys, pink grobag, pink sheets, pink rug,.................. :lol:

Cheers everyone have a good day

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #164 on: October 19, 2005, 22:57:34 pm »
Hi all,
Just wanted to pop in and say that. We are having a fun day here (insert sarcasm emoticon!) so I must dash! Will try and check in during the chat but have no idea about times so will have to pop into the chat room and see who is there.