Hugs Jo!!! I hope your family can come and help out, just make sure they're helping out in things that make a difference to you, ie house chores if that's what you prefer rather than just holding Fraser - unless that is the better option for you. For me in those early days it was doing the routine of housework that got me through the mayhem.
Judy, just thought I'd add something else about Danielle and her solids drama. Today when I did pumpkin for lunch she kind of made her arrrr noise with tongue out, this went on for about 5mins and I just casually kept adding a bit in there on her tongue and gave her another spoon dipped in it (it was actually a mix of pumpkin and the baby rice - not too thick, kind of like a smoothie). Then I started to hold the spoon at her lips and she started to kind of lap/drink it off there! This is actually what happened yesterday as well when she ate all the rice cereal. Strange! Anyway, thought I'd let you know and see if that works for you.
Traci, that's just crazy Cole getting into things like that already! I'm kind of laughing though, because it sounds just like Nathan was and I'm sort of relieved not to be running around mad from an early age this time. :wink:
Bec, to me fussing is kind of coughing noise, intermittent with pauses, not a distressed baby, kind of cranky, just kind of saying come and get me or something, no tears. Dunno, it's hard, Danielle doesn't cry a lot but when she does it's a full on loud cry with no pausing, face goes red and tears.
Hannah, Danielle has really big spit up days (like soak her top type, big mouthfuls of spit/milk come out), I don't know what triggers it (possibly something I eat), but she's not bothered by it, so I just go with it, I personally haven't been to the doctor about it, Nathan was the same and outgrew it around 8mths.
Danielle slept until 4.30am last night which was a long sleep for her, so I wonder if the rice cereal at dinner helped or whether it was just another of her fluke sleep throughs?