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Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #165 on: October 19, 2005, 23:13:30 pm »
Hey Everyone,

I feel I have a million things to say so I'll try to abbreviate each and keep it short.

Andrea-good sleep certainly due to #4, earlier bedtime!  It works and I advertise it all over this site.  Cole went down about 20 min. late last night and presto-up at 5:10 this morning.

Richelle- hope things stay okay over there.  glad you're not on the bottom floor :D

Hannah- no cups in stock at the store I went to (not walmart) so I'll have to try walmart tomorrow.  phooey!  Cole is a spitter on occasion...i find he does when he's overtired...does it just before i put him down.  Love the pic...the inquisitive look on her as she looks around the corner kind of.

Now for us:
Cole's mobility is just crazy.  He has crawled up that one step 3 times today unassisted and climbed up the first three stairs of the main staircase!  He got into a plant so i moved the plant only to uncover a very dusty air return vent :cry:  While I was cleaning the vent he was hanging around the area and all of a sudden i noticed he was bleeding :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  He cut his finger (from cuticle to first knuckle) I am assuming on the corner of the vent.  I was so worried trying to figure out how to stop it bleeding.  DH convinced me just to rinse and leave it.  I fed him early so he wouldn't be crawling around and it kind of clotted up and then he licked it and it stayed clean.  phew.  what else.  He pulls himself up on the coffee table and sofa.  so crazy as the top of the sofa is even with or higher than he is standing.  OH, and i popped him in his crib to go the bathroom and when i went back he was standing!  I have to lower the mattress tomorrow.  That's going to make pupd so much harder now.  And I felt something go in my back last night as i was leaning over.

DH and I tried on his halloween costume today and it's way too cute.  Q:i would like to paint his nose and put whiskers on him (Lion).  Is anything safe for baby skin?  He won't even be able to participate in real Halloween because he goes to bed so early, so we're dressing him up for the neighbours on Sunday and we have a 1st b-day to attend sunday for brunch as well and they want the los dressed up.

okay, gotta go.  DH is eating dinner and it's our only time together today.

hoping to make the chat.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #166 on: October 20, 2005, 00:42:03 am »
Hi Everyone,

I'm going to make this short - I'm at work after all  :lol:  :lol:

Things have been very rough at our place.  Nikki, Nancy and Naomi (LOL!) we are going through exactly the same thing with the difficulty in settling etc.  Fraser decides on many occassions not to nap - especially weekends when DH and I are both at home.  Too much going on perhaps (and we don't even leave the house  :roll: ).

I finally bit the bullet on Monday and went to see my GP about how I am feeling.  She has offered me meds for PPD but because I am still breastfeeding I have declined for now.  I am going to see how I go with out first - but I really feel like I am drowning.  At least I have started to tell some of my family how I am feeling so they are trying to help out a bit more.

I wish you all lived nearby - I really need to just stop and have a coffee with good friends (and you all feel like my good friends).  If only we could just hold each other's LO's on those days when we'd really prefer to throw them out the window, and really give each other a break!

Anyway, that's my sad story.  Take care everyone!


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #167 on: October 20, 2005, 01:39:37 am »
Hugs Jo!!!  I hope your family can come and help out, just make sure they're helping out in things that make a difference to you, ie house chores if that's what you prefer rather than just holding Fraser - unless that is the better option for you.  For me in those early days it was doing the routine of housework that got me through the mayhem.

Judy, just thought I'd add something else about Danielle and her solids drama.  Today when I did pumpkin for lunch she kind of made her arrrr noise with tongue out, this went on for about 5mins and I just casually kept adding a bit in there on her tongue and gave her another spoon dipped in it (it was actually a mix of pumpkin and the baby rice - not too thick, kind of like a smoothie).  Then I started to hold the spoon at her lips and she started to kind of lap/drink it off there!  This is actually what happened yesterday as well when she ate all the rice cereal.  Strange!  Anyway, thought I'd let you know and see if that works for you. 

Traci, that's just crazy Cole getting into things like that already!  I'm kind of laughing though, because it sounds just like Nathan was and I'm sort of relieved not to be running around mad from an early age this time.  :wink:

Bec, to me fussing is kind of coughing noise, intermittent with pauses, not a distressed baby, kind of cranky, just kind of saying come and get me or something, no tears.  Dunno, it's hard, Danielle doesn't cry a lot but when she does it's a full on loud cry with no pausing, face goes red and tears.

Hannah, Danielle has really big spit up days (like soak her top type, big mouthfuls of spit/milk come out), I don't know what triggers it (possibly something I eat), but she's not bothered by it, so I just go with it, I personally haven't been to the doctor about it, Nathan was the same and outgrew it around 8mths.

Danielle slept until 4.30am last night which was a long sleep for her, so I wonder if the rice cereal at dinner helped or whether it was just another of her fluke sleep throughs?


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #168 on: October 20, 2005, 02:27:17 am »
Bec never ever ever feel like you are butting in.  Silly girl!!

Jo  {{{hugs}}}  Hey I'd LOVE to have coffee with you!!  I could use to get out :)  Lean on us here - and take all the help from family you can.

Nikki thanks for the info on solids.  I think it's just going to take a while I guess - just like a good night's sleep.  :wink:   I'll try what you suggest.  If I walk away from the table Zoe or Sarah try to feed the girls and they DO seem to like this, if only they didn't get the spoon jammed down their throats. :(  I actually remember having to let Zoe feed Sarah her cereal because she just seemed to take it better that way.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #169 on: October 20, 2005, 02:48:37 am »
Happy Anniversary, Ankie! Hope you had a great time!

Sorry I didn't make it to the chat, ladies...had to go grocery shopping. DH offered to do bedtime, so I took my chance to get out alone!

As for solids, Olivia's been eating cereal for about 4 weeks now...she took right to it. Rice first, then oatmeal. I've tried to introduce sweet potatoes, but she wasn't too interested. Of course that was when she stopped eating altogether (right before her tooth came in), so I stopped trying. I'll try again once we're past the teething thing.

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to work the solids and bottles into the schedule. Does anyone do solids first? Then bottle? We've tried bottle first, then solids an hour later; solids then bottle right after; and solids first and bottle an hour or so later. She just doesn't seem interested in the bottle at all until late in the day. She doesn't want anything to do with it in the morning...even when I offer it first. Has anyone run into a similiar situation?
Missouri, USA

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #170 on: October 20, 2005, 02:58:36 am »
no problem nancy, nice to know you got out on your own tho. well I simply had to come and do a little bragging.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #171 on: October 20, 2005, 02:59:14 am »
Thanks Nikki and Judy - just keeping on trying to  :)   (This too shall pass, this too shall pass...)

Nancy - wouldn't it be great to have a "solids consultant" like they have "lactation consultant's"!  We have been trying what I've read is called two-tier feeding.  Fraser is still breastfed so I give one side, then solids, then the other side.  When he is having a bottle of EBM he has about 2/3 of the bottle, then solids, then offer the other side.  (Obviously only at the 7am and 11am feeds)  Otherwise he was filling up on the milk (he drinks a lot of milk each feed) and we were not making any progress with the solids.  But I didn't want to go to solids before milk because I know the milk is the primary source of nutrition at this stage so I didn't want to adversely effect him drinking his milk. 

Anyway... it seems to be working for us and he is taking both quite well.  He slept last night 7.00pm - 5.00am which is one of our best nights ever so something was working.  Oh, maybe that was because I fed him one side in the bath last night - I've been trying to work out how to keep him awake for the final feed because he usually passes out during the feed and doesn't get a full feed - or maybe not enough to fuel him through the night.  Anyway, that seemed to work well, although not a practical long term solution it will do for now!

Oh Naomi, just saw the new pic of Riley - she is SO CUTE!!

Bye for now...

Offline Olivia's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #172 on: October 20, 2005, 03:15:02 am »
Jo, Yes! It would be wonderful to have a solids consultant! I even asked the pediatrician, but she just said, "People do it differently, so find what works for you." That was not much help!

I like how you're doing it...I've tried everything else. I might have to give the two-tier feeding a try. Thanks!

Naomi, adorable picture!![/b]
Missouri, USA

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #173 on: October 20, 2005, 03:31:13 am »
jo..i hope you are feeling better...I also was just recently put on meds for PPD and it has helped HUGELY with being able to enjoy Jackson and not get so stressed over his sleeping, eating, pooping, etc....I"m still not sleeping but hopefully that will come with a little more time :)   Keep your chin up and if your not feeling better meds have made me be able to smile and laugh again....and like I said ENJOY Jack again...HTH
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #174 on: October 20, 2005, 03:37:23 am »
Hi Everyone.

I know others posted recently but jsut wanted to pop in to say HUGS to JO.  I am glad you say your doc and wanted to say that you can take Zoloft and Paxil and cont. bf.  I am not trying to push meds, but want you to feel that there is an option.  I and many others on this site have taken zoloft or paxil while BF to deal with PPD.  I was lucky that I only had to take it for 4 months and no real side effects.
good luck to you. 

have you looked into any mom's groups?

soooo cute Naomi :wink:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline hayes

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #175 on: October 20, 2005, 05:37:26 am »
Hi!  Hope everyone is doing well.  Ben is very picky about solids like some of your LOs.  I mix different things together (fruit with fruits and cereal with veggies), give him ten minutes to get used to liking his food (since I made 2 trays of sweet potato, he better like them!), make a variety of airplane noises, give him a break with some toys-then remove the toys, I have also held him twice when eating and he liked that.  I don't think I will continue to do that :lol:   I really want him to eat solids on a regular basis but I am getting better about stopping after he is spitting it out and trying later on in the day.  He doesn't like solids in the morning at all because I think that is his biggest BM feed.  I think that Ben has been having some problems with eating solids because of teething and gas but not positive.  If only I could get inside his head!
Hannah-Ben is a spitter upper too.  Today he did it 3 times small amounts.  I have been telling the doctor about it since the get go.  FINALLY at his 6 month appointment he barfed on the examining table and the doctor said, he may have a little reflux but didn't seem concerned at all so I am trying not to be.
Jo-I have been on a variety of meds for depression and anxiety.  I have been off them since 4 months before I got pregnant.  I find that if I excercise daily, take out as much caffeine/sugar in my diet as I can and breathe A LOT I make it through with smiles.  IF you want to PM me please do.  I have been working on it for a long time. Hugs to you.
Here is our schedule for the most part.  Today the little cherub woke up at 5, had two 30 minute catnaps and didn't go back to bed until 12:45!

6:30-7:00 wake and play in crib
7:00 BF
7:30-9:30 A
9:30-10:45 S
11:00 BF
11:30 solids 2 cubes veggie 2TBS cereal
1:00-3:30 S
3:30 BF
5:30 solids 2 cubes veggie or fruit 2 TBS cereal
6:15 bath
6:45 BF
7:00 nightie night
He has been extending his afternoon nap this week so I have been taking out the cat nap after 2 days of screaming.  He seems to be fussy after 6, wants to be held or talked to while he is playing.  I am trying to save a special toy or activity for this time to really satisfy him!  I think that he is having a little bit of seperation issues so I pop my head back in the room frequently and make a game out of it, or let him fuss a bit come in say hello then leave again. I also turn on music with voices.
Once again so nice to know that my baby is having similiar growing pains as yours.  How long do we have things figured out when they go and change... 24 hours or 20 minutes!?
My prayers are with you all, along with thanks that I belong to a special club that you can only be in if you are a woman and have a child, mommyhood!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #176 on: October 20, 2005, 05:46:39 am »
Phew, finally finished reading the last 7 pages. Away for 2 days and look what happens. Hugs to everyone who needs them for support and congratulations, please apply whichever is appropriate :lol:  :(  :lol:

It was my birthday on Tuesday and as my DH had to go away first thing in the morning and I had no-one to spend the day with (except Daniel of course) as my good friend was also away, I decided to ring a friend who lives a couple of hours away and go to stay earlier than planned. I didn't tell her why I wanted to come earlier than planned, as I felt silly saying why. To cut a longish story short, she had been emailed by another friend (are you still with me here) telling her it was my birthday, so she bought a cake and present for me and kept it a surprise until dinner! I was so shocked and touched.  :D So my day ended up being really nice and I didn't feel alone.

To make things better Daniel had slept thru the night before so that was good too. He didn't quite make it thru the nights while we were away but went from 6.30pm - 4.30amish so that was good enough for me. However today he decided not to sleep at all, except for some of the car trip home, so from 6am until 5.45pm he only had 1.25h sleep! Hence the early bedtime! He wasn't grumpy unless I tried to put him down, when he'd scream, so I just got him up. I wasn't too worried, which made me feel really good, if that makes sense. In the past I would have stressed about it, but today.... hey..... it's only one day (I hope!)

Anyway, just wanted to come back and say hello to you all.

Oh and incase there's anyone else who's as Christmas crazy as I am, I bought 2 Chrissy decorations today to take up to Auckland for my mum and best friend. It's a tradition we have to exchange a decoration each year. Anyway, it was soooo great going into a Christmas shop and hearing carols playing it got me all excited!  :lol:
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #177 on: October 20, 2005, 05:50:07 am »
Hayley-Happy belated birthday.  SO glad that your friend made your day, brought tears to my eyes!  I am super excited for Christmas too!  Can't wait for Ben to watch all of the lights!  I am off to bed.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #178 on: October 20, 2005, 11:39:51 am »
(((Hugs Jo))).  Glad you're sorting things out with your doc. 

Hayley-Happy Belated Bday!  Did you tell us before and it just got lost in all these pages??

I forgot to mention one thing yesterday girls.  Cole extended a nap by himself for the first time!  Usually when he has a 45 min. nap I try to go in and extend it but then he just wants to play. I KNEW he was tired yesterday because he'd been up since 5:10 am.  Anyway, he cried for about 5 minutes and went back to sleep for another 45 so I was really excited.  He did it the day before but then woke after 5 minutes so I didn't really count it.

Andrea-I put Cole down at his regular bedtime of 6:15 last night and although I heard whimpers and a cry out at 6:45pm he slept until 6:30am this morning.  Early bedtime is the key I tell you :D  (For others reading he fed at 10 and 2 in case you were curious)  I'm certain now that his 2pm feed (actually 1:45) has become habitual.  Exact same time every night so I'm doing wake to sleep tonight.  Was going to wait until Friday...but why wait?  I need sleep!

I'll be back in a little while.  Oatmeal for the first time today :D

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Offline BiancaB

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #179 on: October 20, 2005, 12:31:48 pm »
Hello everyone :) seeing that solids is the topic of the month I thought I would pop on and post a pic of my little Miss Piggy :) 
Naomi-Riley has beautiful eyes! I love all the pics, such gorgeous babies! Can't believe Sienna is almost 7 months! Does she remind anyone of a baby bird with that gaping mouth :lol:  Loves her food. Actually these pics should be the other way round the smiling one she has a mouthful!!
Bianca{Ky and Sienna}

Kyan Scott 21-05-03

Sienna Charlize 21-03-05