Author Topic: March/April 05 Thread #2  (Read 149438 times)

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Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #180 on: October 20, 2005, 12:49:18 pm »
Naomi...I saw Riley last night and forgot to mention it this morning!  I just love her cheeks...but I think i've said that before.  we all have so much to brag about :D

Bianca-priceless photos!  it almost looks like she has lipstick on.  what is that you're feeding her???

for those that wanted to see dress rehearsal for halloween, here is the link

and here is a example of my little guys strength.  this morning when he climbed the step he skipped putting his second knee on the stair and went right to putting his foot on it and pushing up to the next level!

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Offline Olivia's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #181 on: October 20, 2005, 14:41:50 pm »
Traci, adorable pictures! I cannot wait to get Olivia dressed up for Halloween. A friend bought a ladybug costume for her before she was even born! I hope it fits!

Hayley, I'm glad you had a good birthday. You have great friends to make it a special day for you.

Last night was better with Olivia. DH said she went to bed without a fuss. (He did bedtime, while I got out of the house and went grocery shopping...not glamorous, but still a night out alone.) She only woke 2:30 and 6:15. Both times, she settled herself and went back to sleep. She slept until 8:00 this morning. I, on the other hand, woke every hour. I think my body is used to waking more, plus we had a storm. So I'm still tired today. Hopefully we'll have good naps, and mom can get one too!

As for solids...she ate her cereal really well this morning. I waited an hour, then tried to give her a bottle. She only took 3 oz...even after not eating all night! I think she's not interested b/c I've interrupted playtime. I let her play after cereal, then try to give her a bottle later. She just takes a little, then she wants to play again. I think I'm going to try the two-tier approach that Jo suggested.

Well, off to play with Liv before her nap...have a great day, girls!!
Missouri, USA

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #182 on: October 20, 2005, 15:22:00 pm »
I have a Q regarding constipation.  Cole is on his 5th day of cereal.  4 days of rice and oatmeal this morning.  He's having runny poops still but is straining at every feed.  Is there anything to worry about if he's still pooping?  When your little ones are constipated, does nothing at all come out?  I bought prunes yesterday just in case but I don't want to give them today since oatmeal was new as well.  I'm going to get a sippy cup today (hopefully if they're in stock) so maybe some additional water will help him pass something more substantial!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #183 on: October 20, 2005, 15:33:07 pm »
I don't think constipation is amn issue unless they are really straining and uncomfortable and poops are hard like pebbles.

It was fun to chat with you ladies last night.  Sorry you have to suffer my horrible typing skills.

I have a few questions for you all.

Went to the doc yesterday.  She recommended flu shots for Sophie.  Is anyone else doing this?

Also, we talked about the spitting up issue and she said if we wanted to we could do a two week trial of meds to see if it helped.  I feel like I don't want to because it seems to be more of an issue for us (ie: puke EVERYWHERE) then it is for her.  She doesn't really seem bothered by i at all.  But maybe she is?

She thought I'd fish for some advice/opinions.

Also, Jo- I have been on zoloft for a few years, ever since my dad died and I was divorced.  I cannot tell you how much it has helped me. As much as I feel funny about taking a pill, I am so afraid of feeling the way I did before I started.  Some day I will try to go off...but not until Sophie is a bit odler.  I bf and Sophie has always seemed fine.  My doc. said zoloft was the safest for bf.  I hope that helps.  I don't want to push meds on anyone, because I know how hard it is to take them...just thought I would share how much they have helped me.  Of course this is also along with plenty of exercise/fresh air/good relationship with dh/helathy eating/ and years of counseling.  Meds are certainly not instead of any of those other things.  Just my thoughts. HTH.

Hope you all have a great day.
Good to see you back hayley.  happy Bday a little late.
BTW Traci Cole is tooooo cute in his lion suit and pulling himself up!  He doesn't need face paint, he looks GREAT! And you ahve now motivated me to try the cinderella costume on Sophie. Eesh, Cinderella! :lol:

Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #184 on: October 20, 2005, 15:59:44 pm »
hi all!!

hannah: we are going to do flu shots at our house.  I'm asthmatic so winter is a lot easier if I don't get sick!! :) 


traci: cole is super cute!!!  i still can't believe he is crawling already! :shock:  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #185 on: October 20, 2005, 16:26:59 pm »
Hayley - happy birthday hunny, I hope your day was as fantastic as you are.

Traci - Cole is such a happy baby, I bet you he is almost running around by christmas!!!!

micky, macaire and bianca... so nice to see you post, I was wondering how you were all doing.
 well things here are slowly improving day by day, I df riley at 9:50 last night and she went thro till 5:45am. Also she has been taking 1/2 jar of food at a time ant then about an hour after she fusses for a little booby magic.
It is good to hear that both of you, mickey and jo are doing better, it is nice to know that we can be there for each other on here.
Did you see that we are over 1800 views on this thread already.
Glad you all liked the pic of riley, I just had to come on here and brag, what about you other ladies, any of you lurkers out there up for a bragging session?
Well I must go for now, I think today is as perfect as it can get.
Take Care everyone.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #186 on: October 20, 2005, 18:03:15 pm »
naomi: TEE Hee  I am almost on here as much as Traci!!  :D  :shock:  :D   I just don't post every time !  :D  :D

well, if we are bragging...i've gotta put one of the few pics I have of Jack smiling...
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline kq

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #187 on: October 20, 2005, 19:19:59 pm »
Hi all,
Isn't this site full of the cutest babies!!!!
TRACI-the costume is just sooo cute!
The rest of you will have to post photos when you have your los dressed up in costumes. We don't seem to get into Halloween in such a big way here.
HAYLEY-Happy belated birthday! You mentioned it and it slipped my mind.  :oops: Glad you had a good day.
Hey you computer whizzes out there, is there a way to have a calender attached to this site so we can add things on like our los birthdays, our birthdays, anniversaries etc? I have it marked in my calender Micky, Jack's surgery on November the 9th and will be thinking about you both then.
JO-hugs and glad to hear that things are getting better.
HANNAH- Sam is a huge spitter upper too. He gets through an outfit change after each feed and sometimes it can be up to an hour after his feed. It does not seem to bother him so we just go with it.
As for solids, I have been breast feeding first or bottle first except for the last feed when we give solids first. I leave an interval of an hour between the two. Sam is still drinking well-20 minute breast feeds and an average of 6-7 oz of bottle. He eats really well too 3-4 ice cubes of solids. I usually go for combos eg-apple and peach, sweet potato and pumpkin, carrot and rice, you get the picture.
JUDY-how are your nights going? Are you getting any sleep?
Enough from me.
Take care all,

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #188 on: October 20, 2005, 19:21:01 pm »
hey mickey i heard that :wink:  that pic is way cute :D
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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #189 on: October 20, 2005, 19:57:38 pm »
hey micky what a lovely pic of jackson.....was that a tooth I see in his gums?....
We have a little success, today our routine has resembles EAEAS, karen I find too that riley likes her solids mixed up....I will finish this, i have a heart broken little boy as blue's clue's had just ended here.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #190 on: October 20, 2005, 20:08:54 pm »
well tragedy avoided... I told him blue had to go see other boys and girls, which was returned by Jay pulling open my tank top and saying "I see boobies" so I think all is good for now, just wait until thomas the tank engine or bob the builder is over.....
Anyhew, where was I, oh yes solids, riley like them mixed, anyone else. Like for example apples and blueberries, apples and bananas, and today's masterpiece brocolli, potatoe and cheese casserole. I appluad all you mums who make your own food for youe lo's. I can barely cook for my man as it is!!! :oops:
Mickey and Ankie, you may have company in the new year, I was reading dh the posts you wrote at the start of the week, and we have come to the agreement that if I can't find a travel agency job by say april/may then it it a very good option. It would probably be BC, but who know at the mo.
Well I am off, for now, haha.
Take Care all.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #191 on: October 20, 2005, 20:27:11 pm »
Oh look at all you chatters, seems like things are looking up for you all.

Nothing new going on here, but since we're all posting photos, here are some from the last few days:

Offline Arwyn's mom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #192 on: October 20, 2005, 20:35:12 pm »
Naomi, would love to have ya in BC!

Lots of cute babies!!! We are quite the braggin' bunch  :D If I weren't such a techno-peasant, I would post more pictures.  :(

Anywho... came back from swimming lessons... Arwyn loves to kick and use her arms when she is floating on her belly. She has also learned that she can suck the water up at certain angles  :shock: . Gross...

She is down for her nap right now... just tried wake to sleep 10 minutes ago... I don't know if I did it right. I tried to stir her by putting my hand on her back. This usually works when I go to get her for her DF but she didn't move. So... I rubbed her back and up and down her legs (can you start to feel the worried vibes now?) and still no motion. I lift her right arm and am starting to worry that I will wake her right up! I then lift her left arm and her eyes finally flutter. Then I left. Anybody else tried this? How awake does she have to get? She actually semi-opened one eye and smacked her lips. Is this enough? I want to get the hang of it first, before I try it at night... that is, if she will stop waking up randomly... :roll: I want my 4 am wake-up girl back (insert whining emoticon here).

Gotta run... I have mountains of laundry here. It just snuck up on me and now I have to run the machine practically all day!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #193 on: October 20, 2005, 20:51:23 pm »
Goodmorning.... can you see the matchsticks holding my eyes ope  :shock:

Firstly, Ankie, what you did is basically what I did for Daniel, I think it kind of worked, although I now know why we have a 5am ish wake up. THERE'S A TRUCK THAT IS VERY LOUD THAT DRIVES ALONG THE STREEET EVERY DAY!!!! Can you tell that I don't like that truck. It even woke me thismorning and of course minutes later Daniel was awake. Wouldn't settle till he had a quick sup. And that was his 3rd waking for the night.  :cry: I definitely agree, if they don't get enough day sleep they have bad night sleep. Daniel totally missed a nap yesterday so only had 1.25h all day  :? Grrrrr. Hopefully he'll get back on track today.

Anyway, LOVE the pictures, especially Cole in his lion outfit, that's just beautiful. And Nathan's smile is just great!

Thanks for all your birthday wishes. It did turn out really well, my present from my DH has arrived in the shop, a new hairdryer that the salon has ordered for me, the same as there's. Hopefully we'll get it either today or tomorrow. Yay, can't wait. No excuse not to blow dry my hair now.

Daniel enjoys his solids mixed or by themselves, I do a bit of both. And try to leave at least 30 mins between b/feed and solids. Depending how his routine is going for the day. His milk feeds have definitely dropped back since being on 3 solids a day though. Daniel usually has about 3-4 icecubes of food per meal also. Still hates the highchair though.  :cry:

Hannah - Daniel has reflux and was doing loads of spills, but since being on Losec he's improved heaps. I've also had him to a homeopath and has become even better since taking 2 remedies from her. I'm hoping to be able to take him of the meds soon. It could be that the solids have helped too.

Traci - you don't need to paint Coles face, it's sooo cute without the paint. IMO that is. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could always make a nose and whiskers out of cardboard or a plastic bottle cap or something and attach with elastic instead of painting. He might try to pull it off though. Mmm maybe a bit young. Just a thought.

Well, I too have laundry waiting to be folded and put away. Ahhh a mothers work is never done.....
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #194 on: October 20, 2005, 22:12:25 pm »
Hey Everyone,

My day was going okay even though we had two short naps. Went to Walmart and found the Nuby sippy cups at last!  I bought the last three :D   Then I went to another store and bought a Taggies blanket (cole LOVES the tags on everything). and some robeez  It's a small store and she was clearing out Robees for $20 no tax (normally about $28+tax) so I got a pair of sandles.

ANYWAY, what I was supposed to be telling you about was that he skipped catnap. Why you ask?  He was babbling away for about 15 minutes and then started to cry. I thought it was strange because when he babbles he usually just goes to sleep.  I went to check things out...he was STANDING UP in his Grobag! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:   I was certain he wouldn't be able to.  Well, the packnplay was in the car so there was nowhere for him to nap!  I guess i could have put him in the stroller but it was raining.  so, I plunked him on the floor and he played while i took his crib apart to lower the mattress.  I knew I wouldn't be able to put him down tonight without worrying he'd tip himself out of the crib with his heavy head!  then I put him in all proud of myself for fixing it and he reaches up, can barely get his fingertips on the top and pulls himself up  :?   At least I know he can't fall out.  So i left him to go the washroom.  he started crying and when i came back he must have been happy because he let go, fell back and hit his head :oops:  :cry:  :oops:

surprisingly he managed to get through the rest of the evening okay.  we did dinner for the first time (rice) and gave him the sippy cup.  why not eh? throw it all at him when he's exhausted!  He took to the sippy cup but had trouble tipping it all the way back.  fell asleep on the boob, woke up while putting on the grobag and fell promptly back asleep at 5:45.

Okay, that's all I think.  I'm going to start pushing him later for his first two naps since they were both short.  I think the catnap is on the way out.

Great pics Nikki!  Nathan is loving the camera :D

hubbies home, exam over-we can start our life again!!!
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