Goodmorning.... can you see the matchsticks holding my eyes ope :shock:
Firstly, Ankie, what you did is basically what I did for Daniel, I think it kind of worked, although I now know why we have a 5am ish wake up. THERE'S A TRUCK THAT IS VERY LOUD THAT DRIVES ALONG THE STREEET EVERY DAY!!!! Can you tell that I don't like that truck. It even woke me thismorning and of course minutes later Daniel was awake. Wouldn't settle till he had a quick sup. And that was his 3rd waking for the night. :cry: I definitely agree, if they don't get enough day sleep they have bad night sleep. Daniel totally missed a nap yesterday so only had 1.25h all day :? Grrrrr. Hopefully he'll get back on track today.
Anyway, LOVE the pictures, especially Cole in his lion outfit, that's just beautiful. And Nathan's smile is just great!
Thanks for all your birthday wishes. It did turn out really well, my present from my DH has arrived in the shop, a new hairdryer that the salon has ordered for me, the same as there's. Hopefully we'll get it either today or tomorrow. Yay, can't wait. No excuse not to blow dry my hair now.
Daniel enjoys his solids mixed or by themselves, I do a bit of both. And try to leave at least 30 mins between b/feed and solids. Depending how his routine is going for the day. His milk feeds have definitely dropped back since being on 3 solids a day though. Daniel usually has about 3-4 icecubes of food per meal also. Still hates the highchair though. :cry:
Hannah - Daniel has reflux and was doing loads of spills, but since being on Losec he's improved heaps. I've also had him to a homeopath and has become even better since taking 2 remedies from her. I'm hoping to be able to take him of the meds soon. It could be that the solids have helped too.
Traci - you don't need to paint Coles face, it's sooo cute without the paint. IMO that is. I'm not sure if it would work, but you could always make a nose and whiskers out of cardboard or a plastic bottle cap or something and attach with elastic instead of painting. He might try to pull it off though. Mmm maybe a bit young. Just a thought.
Well, I too have laundry waiting to be folded and put away. Ahhh a mothers work is never done.....