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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #195 on: October 20, 2005, 22:23:16 pm »
opps....missed the aussie/kiwi chat last night.   :oops: I keep forgetting they are on.  We have been having success with settling lately.  I have found clock watching to be working.  2.5hrs and James is ready for sleep and I put him down even though not many tired signs. Only a little mantra cry and off.  But then again it will probably all change next week. 

Jo, I am so sorry that you have been feeling sad.  I had a lovely time at coffee last week and would love to offer you any assistance that I can, even if you would like me to take Fraser for an hour or so, just to give you a break,or I could come over and keep you company.  Don't worry about having to take meds.  I had to take them many years ago (althogh I wasn't bf).  It it hard at the beginning, but it does get easier when you take them.

Re:  solids. I tried James on some couscous and veges in chicken stock the other day and he thought these were not too bad.  Just in case you are looking for some new ideas on what to feed our lo's.

Just one quick question:  How come our lo's won't drink water out of a cup/bottle, but they happily suck on the face washer in the bath? :?  :?

Ihaven't had time to read all the posts of late (they certainly do come in thick and fast) but maybe sometime over the weekend, I will find time to read them all.  Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala bear

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #196 on: October 20, 2005, 22:27:13 pm »
LOL  Traci,  I have just quickly read your message where you say Cole loves tags on all his toys. James does the same thing - I never wanted to say anything as I thought this was strange  :shock:  and I have never seen any of his friends do this.  I wonder if I can find one of those toys in Australia.  I was going to give him a box of tags for Christmas as these seem to be his favourite toys.   :D    Maybe I will look at it as having very good hand/eye co-ordination. 

I willhave to visit the website.  Two peas in a pod!!!  LOL

See you

Lisa mum to James my textbook/spirited koala bear


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #197 on: October 20, 2005, 22:57:51 pm »
Heya Ladies!! :)

Great pics everyone!!  Traci you got your hands full with that Cole I tell ya!!  He's SO mobile.  Wow... I'm picturing him being quick and tireless as time goes on!!! 

So last night - well, Hannah did normal.  At least she's eating and going right back to sleep now - 15-20min max (unless I fall asleep and wake up an hour later :))  So generally she wakes at 10.30pm (anyone figure out why their lo started waking for that dreamfeed?) then again around 3am or so and up for the day anywhere from 6-7am.

Kaia - now that girl slept all the way through last night!  HURRAY!!!  I was REALLY late getting them to bed.  DH had to work late, which usually isn't an issue but I didn't KNOW this until after 5pm.  Had I known earlier I woulda changed the whole evening around and had the older girls fed at or by 5pm.  As it was we did baths before supper for all the girls, then supper... blah blah blah and it was 8.10pm by the time I was giving K&H one last feed.  They'd slept through the 6pm feed (I missed catnap  :roll: )  Anyway, Kaia went to bed without a peep after that and I didn't hear from her till 6am!! SIX!!!!!! :)  Then Hannah woke at 6.30am just as I finished feeding Kaia so I put Kaia down to play on the floor while I fed Hannah and didn't she lay down, start sucking her finger and fall asleep???  Wow - ok so I put her back to bed and she slept until 9am!!! NINE!!!!!

Poor things had their needles today though - so doesn't it just figure.  Hopefully it won't affect their night.  Oh, and miss Hannah chomped down hard on my thumb tonight and I'm positive there's a tooth just under the gum.  I've been wondering this for a week or so as one side of the bottom gum (one side of where the front two will be) has a big bump on it.  Maybe that's all part and parcel to this (not that she's been teething for the entire last 5 3/4 months LOL but it's gotta account for something. :))


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #198 on: October 20, 2005, 23:13:03 pm »
Yay Judy!!

Traci, I remember asking on this website a while back what taggie blankets were, anyway a lovely friend off this site made Danielle one and sent it over when she was born.  I haven't given it to her yet, but I bet she would like it too.

Lisa, you can make those blankets if you're a sewer - it's just two squares of fabric (mine is polar fleece one side and satin the other - about 30cm across) and you sew different types of tags onto it (that decorative tape stuff folded in half).

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #199 on: October 20, 2005, 23:18:13 pm »
OMG they make something with tags all over?!?!!  Taylor LOVES tags and can't get enough of them so I will have to get this.  THanks Traci! :D   Here I thought I was all clever the other day thinking I should make somthing with tags all over it! :lol:

btw, had so mcuh fun on the chat last night!  will have to do it again def.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

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DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #200 on: October 20, 2005, 23:19:05 pm »
BTW, tried to update my avatar with a cute pic of Taylor from the oterh day but resized it wrong, so need to fix it later!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline kate585

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #201 on: October 20, 2005, 23:28:57 pm »
Hey!!!  Big ((hugs)) to everyone! 
We are doing okay here.  Couple of short naps yesterday and today.   :roll:   Yesterday, after abouat 40 mins, I went in and tried to help him settle and put back in this paci.  He doesn't actually need me to do that anymore...he can do it himself (not a prop then, eh?).  So, he saw me and was sooo happy he wouldn't go back to sleep.  Uggh! 
When he woke up after 35 minutes today I waited him out.  He didn't cry, just talked to himself for 15 minutes or so and then back to sleep for over an hour.  :D   Yippee!!!  Lesson learned!!!  No need to go in unless actual crying occurs.

Traci, I got a Nuby Sport Sipper yesterday....the only Nuby I saw at Wal-Mart.  Is that the same as you got?  I was thinking it was was $2, not $1.50 as some others suggested.  Ryan loved it, though...played with it on the floor for about 15 minutes while I unloaded the dishwasher and cut up some fruit.  Whatever keeps him happy! 
Have a great day/night all!
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #202 on: October 20, 2005, 23:34:27 pm »
Just checked out the taggies website.  I have got to get one for Sophie.  She loves tags too!!  I always think it's so funy that they have these great toys and all the want to do is play with the tags :)
I have been lurking all day reading and looking at pics.  I love the pics. Too cute everyone.  The cheeks, the smiles, the shiny eyes.  OMG!
Just found out dh is not going to be home until 5:30...
It's odd, all day today I was feeling like I don't ever want to go back to work I just want to stay home with my precious bug...then 3ish rolls around and all I can think about is getting out of here for a minute.
My sister just called.  Someone broke into her apartment the other night while she was there!  She lives in Chicago near the rest of my family.  The weird thing is they didn't even steal anything.  So she is absolutely traumatized and moving etc. Poor girl.  I can't even imagine waking up to hear a stranger in my house.
Can't wait to here about the mom's group Andrea.
Judy congrats on the sleeping girl (one at least).
We bought Robeez too, on ebay. I thought we got a good deal fro about 24...but 20 wow! They are cute but a little big still.  Plus, she's not walking like COLE practically is, so no biggie.  Good luck Traci!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #203 on: October 20, 2005, 23:35:58 pm »
I think the Nubys sport is the one with the straw??  There is one that is a little different, more like a nipple.

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #204 on: October 21, 2005, 00:05:20 am »
look at me, i'm back surprise surprise. DH went to get groceries because our fridge looks like bachelor lives here.  I just realized I forgot to put Cole's list of fruits and veggies together :(   oh well, guess i'll get that myself.  For those of you that make your you buy only organic?

Naomi-"i see boobies"  LOL priceless!

Hayley-you're right, i won't do his face.  He pulls all his hats off so i figure he wouldn't like anything on his face.  Does everyone elses los pull their hats off?  what will I do when it's minus 10 degrees out and he won't wear a hat?  guess i'll get one with a chin strap and hope he can't get it off.

Lisa-I hear you on the wash cloth!  That's why I gave Cole the sippy cup today. He was sucking on the cloth I used to wipe his face and hands after dinner so I thought he might be thirsty :?

Judy-yay for Kaia.  Where did you hear of her name by the way?  It's so original...been meaning to tell you.  And so much for my early bedtime theory :?

Nikki- I probably could make my own taggie blanket...but who has the time?  I might make some as gifts though...along with receiving and swaddling blankets.  I have two good friends giving birth soon, Dec. 22nd and Feb 26th (well, not so soon)

Kate-I saw the Nuby Sport sippers too but they were different.  I saw someone post a link here somewhere which helped me identify the right one.  it says on the packaging "No valve"  "No Mess" "Soft Spout"
oh-found the link in the Hoggwatch board

It looks like a sippy but the spout is soft and has 3 slits like a bottle.  HTH
BTW, it was $3 here!!!  what a rip off...

Hannah-your poor sister.  hope she's okay.

I might have a lead on a mom's group finally too.  Someone is trying to establish one at the store I go to.  it's more than a store really,  it's a place where you can do exercise classes, sign language classes etc.

okay, that's more than enough for me again today.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #205 on: October 21, 2005, 00:19:49 am »
Quote from: Colesmom
Judy-yay for Kaia.  Where did you hear of her name by the way?  It's so original...been meaning to tell you.  And so much for my early bedtime theory :?

Oh I think early bedtime is a great idea really.  In fact maybe she would have gone the whole 12 hours?  In any event at least she got her 12hrs in.

As for Kaia's name... well dh had been wanting to use the name Kai for a boy since before Zoe was born and when we found out the twins were both girls I suggested making it a bit more feminine (since I was ruling out the idea of 'going for the boy'!! LOL).  Anyway, I think he read it in a magazine back when.  Since though I've seen it online as a girl's name and even heard someone speaking to her own dd out at a park and her name was Kaia.  Sometimes I wonder if we should have spelled it kya though - to avoid constant confusion for the rest of her life?  Ah well.

Quote from: Colesmom
I might have a lead on a mom's group finally too.  Someone is trying to establish one at the store I go to.  it's more than a store really,  it's a place where you can do exercise classes, sign language classes etc.

What store?  I've heard of some awesome baby supply stores in Toronto!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #206 on: October 21, 2005, 00:29:00 am »
Judy-wouldn't have been a place you'd heard of.  It's in Pickering actually.  The store within is called Mama's Love

You've likely heard of the larger stores like Crayons, Nestings Kids, Dear Born Child etc...
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #207 on: October 21, 2005, 00:42:39 am »
Here's a link for making your own taggie, scroll down about 4-5 posts and the instructions are there.

Judy, do people often mispronouce Kaia's name?  I always say Kya.  Also been meaning to ask, when naming twins how do you know which one's going to get what name?  Do you kind of say #1 twin gets xx?  Strange question I know but I was intrigued also when you said they both have their own birthmarks, do you think it's possible that they might have had their names switched on them since birth? :P

Right, really have to get off here, I received my study material yesterday and read a few pages and got distracted and logged back in. :oops:


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #208 on: October 21, 2005, 00:49:20 am »
ok I gotta be quick because THE DONALD is on in 10 min and I LOVE that show... and I need to get in my shower first.

Nikki - most people pronounce Kaia's name fine - but both grandparents pronounce it KAYA for the first week (or even Keeya??)  old people eh?  LOL  Hmmm... well Kaia was the one name we were certain on so we just decided that Twin A would get that name.  We couldn't decide between Hannah and Taylor for Hannah.  Asked the nurses even, after she was born and it was a complete toss up - Zoe came in the room that night and simply said  "it's Hannah mommy!"  Ok, Hannah it is!!  I don't THINK they got mixed up!!  LOL They had their ankle bracelets on for a good week or so - then Hannah's fell off in her sleeper (Kaia's was still on) and I just about died!! ACK!!! So I quick painted her toenail - but then we discovered the birthmarks.  Ok ok so we SHOULD have discovered the birthmarks on day one but we're loosers!!  :P  :P

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #209 on: October 21, 2005, 01:15:32 am »
Hi Ladies,

Happy B'day Hannah!

Ankie must be a GREAt anniversary  :wink: !!

Traci - love that little lion adorable!!

Love all the pics - what a great looking group.

It has been very eventful here - massive storm surge.  Last I posted the downstairs condo was getting some flooding well, I 'm in bed and a wave hits our window (FYI we live on the waterfront but our bedroom window is 20 feet from the ground!!)  The people downstairs got washed out - along with all coastal areas ect...long story short - shatterinig windows, furniture lodging into walls and out the front door ect...Sophie slept through it all!! :shock: !!  We are ok upstairs but don't want to get into the sgag of the island still tryting to recover form Ivan last year... :(

In other news I have decided to pack my job in, another long story and I am too exhausted and depressed to get into it.

Big hugs Jo!!

I love hearing that everyone else's babes suck tags and puke all the time  :) !!

A few pic's of Sophie....

PS  Sorry I missed the chat last night but hey the caos here kept us busy....


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