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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #210 on: October 21, 2005, 02:06:10 am »
richelle, so good to hear from you, oooo she is gorgeous. Glad to hear you are okay, don't worry about missing the chat, hunny you took care of yourself and your family and that is the main thing. I have a great aunt in the caymen islands, my dads aunt, that is all i know of her, she lives there, but still nice to know, I should check in with my dad about her.
so what is up with you not wwroking anymore, let us know if oyu need a shoulder, for anything that you need with all you have going on.
I just wanted to pop in and say hi to my fine ladies, and richelle i am so glad you are okay, take care everyone.
Man what gorgeous kids we have, maybe it was something to do with the time they were born :wink:  :wink:
Good night/morning where ever you are.....
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #211 on: October 21, 2005, 02:11:39 am »
richelle:  SO GLAD TO HEAR YOU ARE OKAY!!!  I was wondering today how things were down yonder!  I hope that's it for hurricanes this year!

Jack also didn't have a catnap today...his naps were a little short during the day ( only and hour each) I thought that he would catch up but then I put him down for his catnap and he slept for 10 min. :shock:   Needless to say he was ultra crabby and needy (wanting to be held) for the rest of the day!!  I think his second nap was interrupted by him needing to poop.  I hope this isn't the beginning of him phasing out his catnap because it is hard to carry an 18 pounder around for 3 hours!! :shock:  :shock:  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline kate585

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #212 on: October 21, 2005, 02:24:54 am »
Hi, lovely ladies!
Richelle...I've been so worried about you.  I love having friends around the globe, but now I have people I care about wherever there's some crazy world/natural event!  But, you're all worth it!   :wink:
Took Ryan to school today for a retirement party and boy were those teachers baby crazy!  He was a hit, of course. 
Thought I'd share some pictures from Ryan's first haircut, since you all shared you ADORABLE kids!  I thought I did a good job, but as you can tell in the bathtub picture a MAJOR touch up was needed.   :roll:   It's much better now.
[img width= height=][/img]
[img width= height=][/img]

Offline kate585

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #213 on: October 21, 2005, 02:25:33 am »
Poop!  They switched my pics again!  I tried to outsmart it by switching them myself.  Oh well!   :roll:

If you look at the avatar, you can see how LONG it was and why he needed a trim!
[img width= height=][/img]
[img width= height=][/img]

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #214 on: October 21, 2005, 03:02:59 am »
Kate - I love the haircut photos, very cute. I don't think I'll be posting a photo of that for years.  :lol: Daniel's hardly got any hair at all.

Those Nuby sippers look good, it's times like this it's a pain living in NZ cos we don't get half of the stuff you guys talk about. I'm still trying to get Daniel taking a bottle and will try anything I can get my hands on.

Richelle - I hope things are still okay with you guys. It must have been pretty scary. How come you didn't have to evacuate just in case?

Amazing to think you can actually buy a tag toy. Next they'll be selling empty boxes!!!!! Cos of course, the box and wrapping is the best bit!

Daniel's nearly back on track with his naps. 1.5h thismorning, but then a 40 min nap at 1pm, he hasn't done that for ages. So he's back down again now, hopefully for an hour.

DH has had the afternoon off before our Labour weekend. Even though he's been away all week and you'd think he'd enjoy/want to be around to bath and feed Daniel, he played his computer game for a good while, then has left going into town until now (it's 4pm). So, once again I get bathtime. Which, cos I love my little bear I don't mind, but it's nice to have a break.  :roll: He is picking up pizza for dinner on the way home, but I think he came up with that idea so he could go later. Admittedly, he did keep an eye on Daniel while I dozed on the couch and played with him a bit, but still, it's not the same as me having a complete break as you all know. Anyway, there's my little grumble. At least he's doing the supermarket shopping which I hate!

See you later.

PS Judy - I always pronounced Kaia like Kya too.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline BiancaB

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #215 on: October 21, 2005, 04:24:04 am »
Hi to all :)
Traci- WOW-Your little guy sure is strong!! Sienna is not even sitting by herself yet and seems very unmotivated to roll!! Total opposite of her bro. But there is no hurry--it all goes so fast before you know it they are little boy's and the baby is all gone :cry:  Kyan is going through another growth spurt he is already 100cm tall and only 29 months! So I think Si is going to be a shorty like me as she is still only little.
Nikki- How cute are your two together-isn't great when they just adore eachother/Kyan is Sienna's biggest fan :D  Have to watch that he doesn't squash her with all that love :shock: - I need to ask Judy how to cope when they don't see eye to eye so I can prepare!!!
Here is Si's current routine-including solids-
around 4pm-fruit/cereal
(may have short nap here)
6:30pm-BF-BEDTIME around 7pm
Still having one feed at night...
Bianca{Ky and Sienna}

Kyan Scott 21-05-03

Sienna Charlize 21-03-05


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #216 on: October 21, 2005, 08:43:56 am »
Good to hear from you Bianca!  I just love the way Nathan and Danielle interact, she just adores him so much.  He's also the protective big bro saying things like "don't eat it Danielle" (when she grabs something she's not meant to), or "foot off me Danielle" (when she kicks him in the bath or kicks him while she's feeding - yeah she's doing it on purpose!  :roll:  :lol: ).

I wish Nathan would have a growth spurt, he's such a shorty (quite likely because of the Celiac disease he's just been diagnosed with - he's only 89cm high).  I am short, but DH is tall, so it is possible he's just taking after me, but apparently now he's diagnosed he will do a catch up growth wise.

Si's routine is very similar to ours and we're also still feeding once in the night.  Danielle ate her solids at dinner tonight (or I should say slurped/drank - she purses her lips like a fish and drinks it off the spoon, I'm sure she's got a make-believe nipple in her mouth LOL).

Richelle, that is scary that wave hitting your window!  :shock:  I would be terrified.

Hayley, my DH does the grocery shopping too, it's his and Nathan's daddy and son time on Saturday mornings LOL.

Righto, off to drink my milo and into bed.  Thought summer was coming and then tonight we've lit the fire again. :roll:

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #217 on: October 21, 2005, 13:18:31 pm »
Richelle-so happy to hear you are safe.  was watching the news last night and it's all so scary.  sorry to hear about your job.  best wishes whatever you decide to do :cry:

Kate-love the haircut pics.  the bathtub one is hilarious with it all crooked :wink:

Nikki-thanks for the link to the taggies blankets.  ladies, if i decide to make some i'll let you know.  for those that can't get a hold of one i could ship one over to you (homemade or brandname)

Hayley-i laughed so hard at the empty box comment.  that is so true.  My DH took Cole for 15 minutes this morning so I could shower.  I then said "Cole, mommy just has to brush her teeth" and DH says, "can you take him?".  duh, i just said i had to brush my teeth.  he looks at the clock like he's in a big if two minutes will make him miss his train.   :evil: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.  okay, that's my rant.

Ladies, I want to go to this today:

but i'm not sure if it's fair to Cole.  We'll be out all day tomorrow at the filthy dog house!  and sunday he'll be with DH at his brothers while I go shopping :D   Is that too much do you think for 3 days in a row.  All his first and second naps will be in crib or packnplay.  Only his catnap would be in the stroller today...
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Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #218 on: October 21, 2005, 15:52:54 pm »
traci i think you should's only the catnap and cole seems pretty easy going.  Then you can tell us all about the cool stuff they had there!! :D   We can live vicariously through you.  Pretend we are all getting out of the house!!  :D  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #219 on: October 21, 2005, 16:44:09 pm »
HI Ladies,

Glad to hear Richelle you are okay.  Sophie is so cute...Taylor has the same Exersaucer and she loves it!

Everyone else that posted pics...they are adorable, esp. the haircut!  lvoe the red hair.

So don't have much time today because I have to get ready to go to a Baby Whisperer Pow Wow!   I am meeting up with 4 other local moms today that I found here on the BW site.  I am so excited and will take pics and then post in the gallery.

Traci-go and get out!  3 days will not undo all the hard work you have done!
Judy-yay for Kaia!

And everyone else, sorry I can't recall everything, but HUGS to all! 

you ladies are the best and don't know what I'd do without you! :D  :D
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #220 on: October 21, 2005, 17:04:26 pm »
Richelle... so glad you and your family are okay. It is very scary, I'm sure as I can't even stand the tiny little wind storms we get.

Kate... miss work do ya? There are days I do (like today) and days I don't. I have been going out to the picket lines and will wander up there today too. I think there is an end in sight. A mediator presented non-binding recommendations yesterday. I think there is an end to the 10 day strike.

Well ladies... I tried wake to sleep again this morning to extend her nap and I WOKE HER UP COMPLETELY. She is now grumpy and tired.  I really screwed up her day now... she has dropped her catnap for 4 days now and the reason I wanted to extend her first nap is because I need to get her to wake up later from nap #2.  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Now I have a crank-pot and I don't know how to get through the rest of the day :roll: (I woke her at 30 min from her usual 1h 15 min nap!!!) STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!

Anyway... Andrea... I know what you mean about the deer in the headlights and are you insane look. I have a friend from the drop-in whom I can't even mention what we do (there are 3 of us who BW) because she will shut down, not listen and then actually start to argue that you need to account for the needs of the family, how every baby is different and therefore, her DS goes to sleep at 11 pm.  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Oh well, whatever works I guess. Every time I look at her DS, he is clearly tired but whatever. On the other hand, I recommended BW to DH's co-worker (well, actually to his wife) and she loves it! Open-minded-ness is the key here.

Off to settle my grumpy pants and perhaps go for a walk to kill some time!  :roll:
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline Claire Marie's mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #221 on: October 21, 2005, 17:07:59 pm »
Hi ladies,  I haven't posted in a few days as I've come down with the worst cold.  Hoping that Claire doesn't get it.  I'm feeling better today.  I think that sleeping while she's napping has helped.  The house is a total disaster though.

I was glad to see the link for the taggies!  Claire loves to suck on them.  I'm going to have to check that out.

Those of you that are having night wakings still:  How do you handle them?  Claire has been real random with these lately.  I think its mostly my fault because I'm so inconsistent with feeding, not feeding ect.  DH and  I were talking and we know that she can go until at least 3am with out eating (no df) because she's done it several times and has even gone until 4:30.  So the plan has been to have DH try to settle her if she wakes before.  We had so so results and then I got sick and DH had a meeting early this morning so I fed her 3 times last night!  Yes, I said 3 times :oops:   I was feeling so nasty and just wanted to sleep.  Now I'm afraid of tonight.  DH is going out of town all weekend (pheasant hunting opened up here :cry: ), so it will just be me.  When I go in and try to settle her, she brings the house down if I don't feed her.  I don't want to undo all the hard work we've put in (Claire too). I'm thinking its going to be a rough night.
Sorry this is so long, just wondering what the rest of you do!

Tomorrow were going to my SIL's couples babyshower.  I love how DH got out of this one.  Its HIS sister!   

I'm going to try and add a picture of Claire on here.
Here's to a great weekend!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #222 on: October 21, 2005, 17:50:43 pm »
It didn't work.  I'll try again later. 

Andrea - I know what you mean about discussing BW with "non- believers"!  So many of my friends put their babies down at 9 or 10pm.  Claire would never make it!  Even her ped.  told me to try and put her down later to get rid of the night wakes.

Also, I ordered the Bumbo!  Thanks for the tip. :wink:


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #223 on: October 21, 2005, 19:46:27 pm »
RICHELLE-glad to hear you are OK. Very scary though! Was thinking about you last night when Sam kept waking up because his windows were rattling as we had a bit of a windy night. Sophie slept through it all!!!! :shock:  :lol:  Well done Sophie!!
JUDY-Yay for Kaia!!
NIKKI-Thank you for link. About to dash out and buy some tags and fabric. Will have to dust off the sewing machine as have not made anything since Sam was born.
TRACI-thanks for the tip
HAYLEY-Sam loves the Avent sippy cup for under 3 months as the spout is soft and although it has a valve, it is really easy to get liquid out of...yes dh and I road tested it. We also have the Tommee Tippee one but found that I could not coordinate to get the fluid out and when i took the valve out, I just about drowned so did not even attempt to give it to Sam.
KATE-love the haircut, cannot believe he sat still for you. I worry that I will chop the tip of Sam's finger off one day when trimming his nails, he is so wriggly!
JESSICA-hope you are feeling better!
LISA-love the couscous idea but did you have to mash it at all or was it soft enough for James?
Anyway, enough from me, Sam woke last night every 2 hours because of loudly rattling windows, I even considered AP by bringing back into our bed but am terrified of smothering him so I just sat with him and kept my hand on him. I am going to the shops to get me some tags!!

ps: TRACI-you should so totally go to the parent and child thing..we have one coming up next weekend and I am sooo looking forward to going to it.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #224 on: October 21, 2005, 21:28:21 pm »
Hi everyone,

I did go to the show.  There were some good booths but it wasn't nearly as big as I expected.  It was a bit hairy getting there.  I decided last minute so I was rushing around the house to get Cole and I ready and had to feed one boob on the train!  I live right next to the train into the city so at least that was convenient.  I left my bank/debit card at home!  I couldn't get a cash advance on my credit cards because i've never set it up :twisted:   I didn't have a single penny in my wallet.  I had to go to my bank branch (thankfully on about 15 min. walk away) and get the cash advance on my visa.  Half my ID is in my maiden name, half in my married name so i was lucky to be able to get it at all!  They only took cash at the door.  After that fiasco I paid a fortune for lunch.  Why didn't I buy it before I got there I have no idea :?

Cole ended up having naps 2 and 3 in the stroller, 30 and 45 min.  oh well.  You would have never known it.  He was great all day thankfully.  As I said the show was smaller than expected so I went to my office after.  I got tons of compliments "what great eyes", "such a smiley/happy baby".  One girl is back from mat leave and pregnant again and she asked about his sleep.  She nearly fell down when I said he sleeps 6 to 6.  Then she made some comment about I'd rather mine wake up later so they go to bed at 8.  So I know what you're saying Andrea!

Train ride home was in rush hour but thankfully Cole slept most of the way and I managed to get a seat.  I will post website links in a separate post once he's down for the night.  There was some cool stuff.  Would you believe I came away empty-handed?  I was going to buy one thing, a leather bib that attaches at the back with magnets.  I put it on Cole and he promptly yanked it off.  Oh well, so much for that purchase.

Okay, he'd done with the saucer...gotta run.  see you again later tonight.
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