Author Topic: March/April 05 Thread #2  (Read 149450 times)

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Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #225 on: October 21, 2005, 21:35:18 pm »
That is sooooo funny about the bib Traci--afetr your post , I went to the site and looked up a ton of the businesses that were there including the bibs..Mami bib?? can't remember.  Anyhow, I was just sitting ehre thrying to think of a subtle way to hint to mil for one for christmas...funny.  Maybe I won't now.
I'll post more tlate.
Anyone up for a chat tonight?
dh is going to be out.

Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #226 on: October 21, 2005, 22:03:53 pm »
hi all!!
I'm glad to hear you went to the show Traci!!  I was feeling "adventerous" and went to Toys R Us, Michaels and Starbucks... :D

I don't know what's with Jack'd think I was ripping him limb from limb the way he cried when I was vacuuming today!! :shock:   So I had to vacuum carrying him so that he wouldn't cry. :roll:  Oh well, I guess that won't ever be his chore!! :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #227 on: October 21, 2005, 22:05:09 pm »
Hello Ladies!

Wow, it is hard to keep up..... but here goes

Andrea - I know what you mean about 'non-believers' but for every one there is an open minded mom out there whose sanity and sleep are helped by BW!!  Definately know though about not wanting to say anything....

Traci - So glad you went to the show but what excitment getting there!

Kate too hilarious about the crooked haircut - I have one of myself as a baby after my mom cut my hair :shock: classic honestly!  That is one to show the future daughter in law!

Judy - I was so happy to hear about the good night and the progress of the twins.  I am still flabbergasted as to how you are sane :shock: !

Naomi - glad you are feeling better anf you had a nice day

Nikki - great link for the tag thing - i still giggle b/c I thought Sophie was the only 'weirdo' who was obsessed with the tags on her toys!

Karen - bummer about Sam's night with rattley windows!!  That Sophie is a sleeper.... :shock:  :D

Arwyn - was the anniversary???!!! :wink: I read an article regarding the bc teacher's union getting fined $500,000 for contempt of court but that hoopefully things will smooth out.  It was difficult to tell from the article if it was good or bad news for you!

Jessica - feel better, it is awful being sick.  Do what you need to do to get some rest and make it through the weekend alone and then concentrate on the night wakings, just my opinion.

I know i have forgotten some but ohhhh there are so many of us and we are fabulous..

So, yes I resigned today  :shock:  :o  :(  :P  :twisted:  :wink:  yes i am a little mixed up about it.  I was in a meeting yesterday morning and thought to myuself - "Am I really missing out on Sophie for this?"  Long story but they are not wanting me to go so it will be a struggle - wish me luck and help me stay strong in my decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #228 on: October 21, 2005, 22:36:24 pm »
hannah, and anyone else who wants to chat, let me know and I will be there, I have to keep checking the board cuz my email is down at the mo.
OOOO, I need good vibes and prayers to come my way. I emailed my resume to a corerate travel agancy the last week, I didn't think I ould hear anything back, but they called me today for an interview on mon at 11am, and even better they are looking to fill 10 positions. It is what i am trained in, but having kids and getting married kida took me a little off track.
Talk to you fine ladies later.....
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #229 on: October 21, 2005, 22:42:26 pm »
Hannah-the bib designs were WAY cute but it really didn't seem entirely practical.  I liked the fact they didn't have to be laundered and that they stuck on the fridge!  However they didn't seem big enough and like I said, I think Cole took it off too easily.  Would love to chat tonight but DH is getting the "early" train home and we obviously haven't seen much of each other with his studying.  Early is in quotes as the best time he can get home is 7:10pm :?   Thanks for pointing out the vendors have links on the show I don't need to post the individual ones.

Mickey-I often carry cole in the sling to vacuum-used to be part of wind down in fact.  Then I started leaving him on the floor and he would watch me.  Last week he chased the cord and the vacuum around the floor and i'm worried about sucking up a finger so no more of that!

Richelle-do whatever makes you feel good.  I am going to have a real hard time going back to a job I hate just to make money.  Would rather live without a lot of "stuff"

oooh oooh oooh- I might be able to chat Hannah.  It's our friends sons second bday and Tony has been dying to see his friend for a while.  I'll see if he's interested in heading over there for a bit.  He really needs to get out and have a beer and relax.  He's freaking because he thinks he failed his exam :oops:  Please post the time you'll be chatting. 

dinners cooking, back soon :wink:
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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #230 on: October 21, 2005, 22:48:54 pm »
well the email is back up, crappy computer stuff....let me know of a time ladies, you know I will be there!!!!!
POst the time for EST and I can figure it out as we are 1hr ahead of that.
Gotta run, riley is grooving to videos....
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #231 on: October 21, 2005, 22:49:35 pm »
Good for you Richelle!!!!  Stay true to yourself - if this is truly what YOU want then don't let them sway you!  Nice to know they don't want you to leave though!

ok - these Nuby cups... can I be the only wet blanket on this?  Or should I keep my mouth shut ;)  HA!!  If any of you knew me in person you'd know that's hard for me to do!! :)  I bought them for Zoe and Sarah about a year ago and they hated them - they couldn't get anything out of them.  They'd been used to the typical playtex sippies by the time I bought them - I ended up taking them all back. :(

So last night was another good night for Kaia!  Went to bed around 7.15pm (was ready earlier but I was holding them off pacifying on the boobs while dh bathed the older two.  Bathroom is right next to K&H's room and dh seems unable to bath the girls without a lot of crying and yelling from them???)  Anyway, she went down and then didn't wake at all until 5.20am when I gave her a quick feed and she went back to bed till 8.15am!!  Hannah was a little more restless - cried at 11.30pm as she has been, I assume it was her, but by the time dh and I both got to their room (he was asleep on the couch as per usual) no one was awake?  Anyway she woke at 1.30am and then again at 3.30am.  Fed both times but I don't know that she was hungry at 3.30am.  Her nose was so stuffy I could hear her from our room trying to breath through it.  DH and I got up and put some seaspray up there so then I fed her because she was HYSTERICAL.  :(  Then she didn't wake again till 7.45am!!  She's also working on that tooth so I imagine that will disrupt her sleep for a bit.

Ok - so I gotta clarify this sleeping through stuff.  Traci you said your office coworker didn't believe you on Cole sleeping 6-6.  He is waking though for a feed or two though right?  See Hannah generally is waking for a feed at 11pm and 3.30am give or take.  She feeds and goes straight back to bed now (finally) but I consider then that she's up twice - would you consider this that she is sleeping 7.30pm to 7.45am?

BTW - I loved the pic of Cole in his lion costume!!  I thought I was doing great to have bought the older girls their costumes at Children's Place mid-Sep!!  Then I remembered them today and got them out to show them.  Turns out I stupidly picked up a 12-24month size for Sarah and she's a size 3... so of course it didn't fit.  I took it back today and of course they have nothing left.  They put them all on sale when Oct hit and sold out quickly.  Shoot!  I ended up getting her a bumble bee costume from Zellers on the cheap.  She won't mind - but I was so excited about her little witch outfit.  BUT - they did have a few costumes left at Children's Place all only 12-24month size so I got two (50%off) fairy costumes for Kaia and Hannah next year.  They better fit!! :)  My girlfriend had the same costume last year for her dd Sarah's age.  She now has third little girl just 3 weeks old - so next year we'll have the three of them dressed the same!!  How cute!! (We live in the country so we go to their little town and go out with them to about 10 houses)

Anyway I should go.  Giving K&H their last feed.  DH is outside plowing his fields (all 7 acres  :roll: ) and I have actually let Z & S watch Dora which I've never done at this time of day.  I may regret it but I really want the house quiet so I can get the babes to bed amongst calm for once.  I was out shopping for a few hours today as dh was off work so I imagine they've watched A LOT of tv already.

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #232 on: October 21, 2005, 23:06:12 pm »
Yay for Hannah and Kaia!  That sounds great Judy. 

As for the Nuby cups.  I believe they are meant to be a babies first sippy because the spout resembles a nipple sort of.  The texture of it and that they have to suck.  Also good because of the no mess factor.  So I think Zoe and Sarah would have been too old for them???

And yes, cole feeds at 10pm and anywhere between 2 and 4am.  last night woke at 1:10...fought him until he went back down at 2 and he got up at 4:30, then slept until 6:45 after going down at 5:45 last night!  I consider this sleeping through...I guess when I mentioned that to my coworker her shock was more at his early bedtime.  I think a LOT of babies go to bed late.  One girl in our office, her daughter used to go to bed at 11 otherwise mommy and daddy would never seem her.

I bought his Lion costume crazy early.  And I'm lucky it fits. It's 6-12 months and just fits him...but he has a long torso like his daddy.

okay, DH home any second now and dinner isn't quite ready!
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #233 on: October 21, 2005, 23:29:30 pm »
Judy, my take on the sleeping thing is this.  When I talk about overnight sleep - I talk about how long Danielle considers her night sleep, so for us it is 7pm-6.30am.  But she's feeding once in there somewhere.  I think this is totally normal considering we don't DF - but I don't think of her sleeping through.   But I do think my kids going to bed at 7pm seems to be quite early for most people on this site even - we have a popular soap on at 7pm so I'm off duty to watch it. :oops:

Well Danielle slurped her way through avocado for lunch today watered down with watery rice cereal - this chick is weird LOL!

DH has just put Danielle down for her 2nd nap and she's grizzling - I obviously haven't handed that chore over to him often enough (same thing happened this morning when he put her down too), for me she goes down without a peep.  It's not like she even has a winddown, I just close the curtains and put her in bed - oh well mummy better go check her...

Right, she's off to dreamland now...I used to get Simon putting Nathan down all the time, but just haven't got in the habit of it since he often puts Nathan down for a nap while I sort her out.

Naomi, here was a conversation I had with Nathan this morning when we were all lying in bed and Danielle had just joined us for her first feed.  Anyway, she's been getting very distracted lately and pulled off and turned around and Nathan said "Danielle come back here and eat your booby". I do say the first half of that sentance which is why he got the words in the wrong meaning, but I've never said the booby bit LOL.

Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #234 on: October 22, 2005, 00:20:00 am »
Would about 10pm work for chatting or is that too late?  I think 10 EST would be about 7 my time, which would hopefully be after Sophie is asleep.
Any takers?

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #235 on: October 22, 2005, 00:45:55 am »
I can try hannah, it would be 11pm my time, so I can chat for a bit. Man I really ned to move to the west coast so I can talk to you all at a decent time!!!
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #236 on: October 22, 2005, 00:46:09 am »
hey girls.  DH stayed home.  To be honest, Cole totally wore me out today!  I think he'll sleep better than me I am so overtired LOL.  no chat for me.

have a wonderful weekend. At the ILs all day tomorrow and out shopping sunday.  I'm sure I might be here sunday morning or night though.

bye bye

sorry i posted this so late...i didn't hit submit!
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Offline sophieandhannah

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #237 on: October 22, 2005, 01:01:48 am »
Traci-sorry we won't see you. Naomi I'll look for you there.  If you don't end up able to that's ok, but I'll be looking for you :)

Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #238 on: October 22, 2005, 01:11:27 am »
hey girls.  DH stayed home.  To be honest, Cole totally wore me out today!  I think he'll sleep better than me I am so overtired LOL.  no chat for me.

have a wonderful weekend. At the ILs all day tomorrow and out shopping sunday.  I'm sure I might be here sunday morning or night though.

bye bye
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #239 on: October 22, 2005, 07:56:05 am »
Just had to quickly report that Danielle is finally eating properly!!! Yay!!!  She had about 3Tbspns rice cereal at dinner time and still seemed hungry so ate 1Tbspn pumpkin.  At lunch she ate a few Tbspns avocado (which she'd already tried last week) mixed with rice cereal.  She still slurps it up though, but did manage the pumpkin quite thick instead of watered down.  She loves drinking her water too.  So that was a good 4wk process, but looks like we're getting there.  Phew!!