Welcome to everyone new. I am relatively new myself, so it's good to have company.
Andrea-thanks for the link to the nursery rhymes. I JUST said to dh the other day...I am so sick of the itsy bitsy spider and the wheels on the bus...I need new material. This is great. I am going to go check it out as soon as I am done posting.
Naomi- that picture was hysterical! I love it. It reminded me that we are always telling Brendan to stay OUT of the puddles when it rains...how awful of us, we need to let him let loose!
Judy- fun to see a pic of you too and your two. I have been wishing that I had a hands free pumping set up so that I could type while pumping, since I do it sooo much, but at least I can read...
Speaking of pics, did anyone see the pic of the little girl who fell asleep on the coffee table? I wish I could tell you which forum it was in, but I cannot remember. Maybe someone else who's seen it can lead the others there. It is pure comedy. lol.
Ankie- I am wondering also, was it an open cup that you taught Arwyn to use? wow. I would really like to do that! It just seems that they have to lean so far back to take anything from a cup. I like the idea of taking the valve out...I too have tried to suck from one of those and it is NOT easy..some are however easier than others.
Richelle richelle richelle!!!! I am so sorry. I have been seriously wanting to vent the last few days about my dh...They really don't get it sometimes. I don't want to appear to be a basher but...maybe this will make you feel better. Here is a snapshot of my house today. We are gone all afternoon taking Brendan to his indoor soccer game (useless!). Sophie has had no afternoon nap because she basically won't sleep anywhere anymore EXCEPT her crib (be careful what you wish for ladies) She also is about an hour or more late for her late aft. feeding and fed horribly during her first two feedings of the day, so I know she's hungry...and mommy dearest (that would be me) forgot her bottle of EBM!!!! So we stop at Babies R us pick up formula, pears and bottles. Well, dh doesn't want to buy bottles, he wants to buy another sippy cup..."we can just feed her the formula with that" right! Uh, hello...have you EVER seen her drink more than a drop from a sippy cup? (I wanted to say) well she's not going to start now...but I held my tongue, not wanting to make him feel disrespected in the whole baby rearing process and just made a case for having the bottles for an emergency.
So anyhow, we are on our way home, after she had refused the formula, ate a ton of pears and didn't sleep a wink. She was so obviously exhausted and overstim. All I can think about is of course getting home so that she can eat and sleep. Plus I am starving having not eaten lunch and only a couple of pieces of toast for breakfast. So I suggest that we stop and I run in and get a few bagels etc, knowing there's not much a home....he kind of shrugs and says oh that's ok, WE can make something when WE get home....well, as you ladies probably understand, WE, meaning ME was going to be very busy when we got home trying to feed and nap a very tired very hungry baby, not to mention i needed to pump badly having not done so since morning....so WE were not going to just get around to making something for at least an hour or two! And I was starving. So, it feels really good to vent. Sophie, thankfully ate and went down easy. I pumped (and had to beg for a little computer time to read while I did it) then I went to the grocery store and made dinner. Which he scarfed down in seconds and announced that WE could clean up later!!!!!! (he did actually just clean up...I have to give him a little credit) but it's just that they just don't GET it, and you just can;t keep educating them, they take it too personally. Ugh. DIdn't realize how badly I needed to get that off of my chest. I am usually so good at communicating these things to him, but I lately feel like I just don;t know where to start! I think he's a little jealous of me coming here. BTW
Anyhow, Richelle, don't know if that helped you, but it helped me. thanks
I can't remeber who said it but it is so true, you are the mom, there is no substitute. Not now, not ever. She loves you above all else. You have the most primal bond. She was Inside of your body!!! No one can trump that wild card baby!
Oh, and by the way, I loved your joke in your intro..Hi my name is Hannah and I am a Baby whisperer...I really feel like I need to do that now!!
As always. This is wonderful.
BTW---so glad I have a girl...no peeber (?) to keep track of :lol: