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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2005, 03:02:27 am »
Quote from: sophieandhannah
Speaking of pics, did anyone see the pic of the little girl who fell asleep on the coffee table?  I wish I could tell you which forum it was in, but I cannot remember.  Maybe someone else who's seen it can lead the others there.  It is pure comedy. lol.

 :lol:  :lol:  Oh you mean the practically naked kid on the coffee table?  Yup, that's my Sarah Bear!  :lol:  :lol:

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #46 on: October 16, 2005, 03:15:28 am »
Oh my gosh!!! That makes it even funnier!  I LOVE it!!!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #47 on: October 16, 2005, 03:36:48 am »
man this thread moves fast!!!  i was lurking this morning and came back tonight to 3 more pages!!

It took me 3 different types of sippy cups and about 2 weeks of trying to get Jack to use one.....the free flow ones were too fast, the ones with the valve were too hard to suck (he'd just chew on it), and now i've finally found one that is kindof a cross between a bottle and a sippy cup.  The spout is made out of silicone (like his bottles) and then the end is indented and has about 4 slits in it.  It was a little tricky for him to get used to the indented end but now he will drink formula or juice out of it.

I asked about who was brushing their LO's teeth cause I was wondering if that was why Jack was such a good eater???  (We've been brushing since he was 4 months) Maybe he is used to different sensation in his mouth rather than just the bottle?  Just a thought for some of you that are having some difficulties with solids.

Naomi- I LOVE that pic of Jayson!!!  LOL!!!!!
mom to 2 beautiful boys!


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2005, 05:34:05 am »
Oh boy, I don't drop in for a day and all of a sudden there is a new thread, 6 pages of posts and new mums joining in to boot!  Welcome to all the recent arrivals, we are glad you have come to join us.

My quick overview (before my little man demands food)-

I'm 29, married to Brett for 6 years next week, together for 10.  Fraser Jeremy is my first (and last! - see earlier post!) child.  He is grumpy/touchy with reflux and so the last 6 months or so have been pretty exhausting.  But he's lovely and although I often think about selling him for a profit  :lol:  :lol: (don't know if I'd get much!) I am so glad I decided to become a mum.

I work full time and DS stays home with DH who is studing to become a teacher (a rather common theme on this board!).

I'd love to tell you more but someone is demanding some food - I will pop back later and say hi again and give you our latest update  :roll: More on that later!!


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2005, 06:08:34 am »
Judy that is HILARIOUS!!! :lol:   how in the world did she end up falling asleep up there?  was she jsut playing up therre and then passed out?  and the fact that Hannah brought it up and it was your kid makes it even funnier!

Hayley congrats on the good nights!

And Richelle and Hannah, I hope you feel better after venting  :)   feel free to do it anytime. 

Didn't I say earlier that I was posting for the last time today? :roll:  :wink:   I just can't stay away from you ladies!  DH is definitely jealous! :lol:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #50 on: October 16, 2005, 06:15:46 am »
Hannah, I notice on your ticker that you have written 'Sophia' with an A, yet you refer to her as Sophie. May I be so bold as to ask why? I love the name Sophie and so have taken interest in the different spellings. Very clever having their photos on the tickers too.

Does anyone else have issues with feeding in the highchair? Daniel often won't take much food in the h/chair but will happily continue eating if I sit him on the bench. :? Strange......

Gotta go DH just cooked dinner.  :D
Ohakea, New Zealand


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #51 on: October 16, 2005, 07:13:10 am »
Welcome Macaire!  :D

Andrea, my DH gave up a long time ago being jealous.  :lol: 

Judy, that is so funny with Sarah falling asleep on the table.

Well I forgot to put Danielle down for a catnap this afternoon - she was all over the place today, she had a big 2.5hr nap this morning since Nathan woke her early at 6.15am, then only 30mins at 1.45pm and then we got busy outside playing etc that I looked at the clock at 5pm and realised she hadn't been put down and was starting to rub her eyes, so after putting her to bed for a catnap, she chatted for 15mins and then got cranky.  Still, she managed to be up and happy until her 7pm bedtime - CRAZY!  I hope it doesn't make tonight too bad.  She's gone onto having a 2am waking now, strange, still I haven't got the nerve yet to work on it, I just feed her for about 2-3mins and pop her back in bed after a few protests of being taken off the boob.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #52 on: October 16, 2005, 13:52:58 pm »
Hi Everyone,

We had a good night.  phew.  I needed a good night.  Cole slept from 6:15-6:15 with feeds at 10 and 4.  He woke at 2 something and 3 something and went back to sleep both times :)   And he went right back to sleep after both feeds.  I have been trying to reduce his time at the breast for the middle of the night feed and I don't think he was liking it too much and that's why he was staying awake.  He still fed at 6:30 am, not as much but that's okay.  I figure the 4 am feed will soon become the 6am feed anyway.

Cereal went very very well this morning!  He loved it.  He gagged himself on the spoon once when he grabbed it out of my hand though.  We got it on tape and it's kind of funny really.  I'm so mean.  Here are a couple of pics of the big event.

Lori-I returned your PM.  You are welcome to chat here with us obviously...but there is also an April/May chat that you may find more helpful as the los will be closer in age to your Hailey (did I remember her name??)

One thing I remember about the posts...Hayley I think it was-Cole is crawling and climbing like crazy.  Can't sit still.  I bought a gate yesterday and DH is intalling it today.  I have moved our coffee table to the wall and stacked pillows against it for now.  It's wood and has sharp corners.  His bumbo and a basket of toys/books block the fireplace (some sharpish edges on the venting).  Other than that the room is pretty safe.  Just gotta get out some electrical plug covers...but the only one that's exposed is behind the coffee table.

gotta run...hear him fussing.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2005, 15:08:47 pm »
Hayley-quick note.  Ben had no problems at the beginning eating in the high chair.  I went away for the weekend and came back to screaming in the high chair.  What did my DH do?!  I have been feeding him for the last week in a bouncy chair where he sits up all of the way and he is eating solids well in it.  He sits in his high chair when we eat dinner and has finger rice foods and plays a little with a toy.  I know this may cause some bad habits but I am trying to break him back in.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #54 on: October 16, 2005, 17:25:03 pm »
Hello and good morning!

About the sippy cup... yes, it is an open cup with thin handles. We bought it at IKEA and it is great. It doesn't have those screw on threads when you take the lid off... it looks just like a cup. When we started a cup, Arwyn wanted to stick her tongue INSIDE the cup to lap up the milk. We just kept correcting it and now, all is fine but it still takes a long time to get her to drink more than ~ 1oz. Usually, after every meal, she gets half to a full oz. of EBM or water. Sometimes she will refuse it and sometimes she reaches for her cup.

Macaire... don't worry about finger foods and stuff... everything I read says to let them explore (I don't like the messiness but  :roll: ) and it will get Ben used to the highchair again. I don't understand what you mean by him sitting up all the way in his bouncy chair? Our highchair can sit up all the way but the bouncy chair reclines all the way.

Traci... we are having the same thing happen during the night as you are experiencing with Cole. Arwyn wakes up in the middle of the night now and has wanted to play for the past 2 nights. Like I said, I just put her in her sleeping position and try to pat her back to sleep. Last night though, she didn't cry but screamed and then rolled over, perfectly happy to amuse herself. So... I left her alone to putter and started to pump... less than 10 minutes later, she started to cry so I pat her to sleep. I don't know why she can't sleep without crying these days :cry: .

Great pics of Cole, BTW!

Hayley... CONGRATS on sleeping through the night! Good job, Daniel!

Judy... great picture! I love it. I remember seeing it before and you saying that you told your girls many times to get off the coffee table  :D .

Well, here is my vent about DH... It is Sunday morning over here and Arwyn gets up at 7:30 am (trying to prepare for the time change... she normally gets up at 6:30) and I change and feed her by 8 am. I pull her into our bed and she plays for about 30 minutes. I ask DH to please get up with her... so... he says, "Baby Einstein it is!" :roll:

I fall back asleep and wake up to Arwyn's hungry scream/shout (and Baby Einstein in the background)... I mutter from the bedroom to feed her breakfast because she should have eaten by 9 (currently 9:15)... sometime later, he asks, what should I feed her for breakfast?... sometime later, should I add cereal? At 9:30 (read... nap time), I realize that she is fussing because she is sleepy... I mutter again from the bedroom that she is tired and that she needs to have a nap. I say this twice and then DH tells me to SHUT UP! At this point, I get up and am headed to the bathroom where she is being changed and he slams the door shut! She has a minor meltdown during her diaper change, DH puts her down at 9:50 and then that's that. BUT, my point was that she is now HOW OLD?... We have been taking naps for HOW LONG?... We have been eating solids for HOW MANY WEEKS?... Has he not been listening to me tell him about our day and our routine? Flew right by his thick head, I tell ya! :roll: And then when I comment, he tells me to shut up???

Anyway, all is calm now and she should be down for 1hr 30 min to 2 hours. Dare I wish that she gets up at the 45 min. mark to teach him a lesson? When I mentioned that she doesn't sleep long if she is overtired, he just replies, well, I'll just get her back to sleep! GOOD FOR YOU!

AHHHH... feels good to vent!

Happy Sunday everybody!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #55 on: October 16, 2005, 17:52:48 pm »
well I had to pop on and say Hi to everyone, the regulars , the newbies and everyone else who watches at how fast this thread goes!!!
We are trying to get back on track from having colds.
 For some reason everyone got sick except for me. I have no idea how it happened, I am just extremely grateful.
Riley is sorta back on her routine, but her appetite is up and down so her feed are erratic, the naps and A time are on track though, so I guess I have 2/3 of it down pat.
I am trying to keep up with the soilds, cereal is a go, at lunch we try veggies, but she seems to like them mixed together, I tired peas and carrots seperately, not too fussy on them, but together, well it was hard to keep up with her. I wonder, could this be a bonus from her being bf, with all the flavour in my milk in together. I have no idea what bm tastes like, but the idea behind it sounds good :D .
Well I can't really complain about dh, he is a rare breed my man, he tries his best to go along with the routine, but it seems like most men he needs a little coaxing as to what needs to be done by when etc.
Thanks for the comments on Jay, he is really starting to become his own little man, it is facinating to watch.
Jo, I just wanted to say one thing about you not wanting anymore, JMO tho okay, I had a really rough time with Jay, colic and reflux together, very touchy baby, still is in a way. Riley couldn't be further from him, she is relaxed, angel, no reflux or colic and bf since she was about 1/2hr old, no latch issues at all which is what I had with Jay. I just wanted to say that, but I respect your choice, raising children is never easy at the best of times, let alone with all that you have had going on lately.

Okay everyone, seems we are having crappy dh days and such stuff, I fugured we could all gather around, closer, arms around each other,
okay here goes......
{{{{{{{SQUEEZE, GROUP HUG!!!}}}}}}}
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #56 on: October 16, 2005, 19:13:39 pm »
Goodmorning from NZ. And what a beautiful day it is here so far. Yay, I think summer might really be coming.

My great news from yesterday, turned into not so great news. Daniel woke again last night. So that's 3 sleeping thru, 2 not! :cry: I thought it was just that he hadn't eaten so well on Saturday but yesterday he took 4 b/f really well and his solids, but he still woke at midnight. mmmm same time as the night before, what's going on there?? He did sleep for 4 hours naps thou, so whether that was part of the problem. 2 x 2 hour naps, all by himself, no encouragement, nothing different. Which ofcourse, I thought was fantastic and so nice, but not if it impacts on his nights. Oh well, I shall see what today and tonight brings.

Just when we think we've got them sorted out........ they go and change the rules on us.  :oops:  :?  :D

Ankie and all of you who are having DH problems, hang in there, someone suggested on another forum I'm involved in that the book we can get here on Raising Boys is very insightful for understanding your husbands too. Maybe we should all go and read it!

Naomi, good to see Riley is getting back to normal after her cold, and that she's enjoying cereal. It's nice when you can see they really enjoy the food, rather than just eating it.

Macaire, thanks for your comment on the highchair. I'm doing a bit of that sort of thing too. Not pushing the h/chair issue, but when Daniel will sit in it happily and eat it's great, but when he gets fussy I'll take him out. I wondered if he didn't relate the h/chair to eating because I always used to put him in there when I was in the kitchen with his toys. I like the idea of you putting Ben in there when you're eating though.

Traci, had to giggle about the taping of Cole gagging. Videoing eating is a great idea. Love the pics.
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #57 on: October 16, 2005, 20:01:07 pm »
Okay, so finally, here's a photo of Daniel and me, and one by himself which I love.
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #58 on: October 16, 2005, 20:25:08 pm »
Hayley-I love the pics!  It looks like such a nice day.  Was that recently?

It's so yucky here in Toronto.  Winter will soon be upon us :oops:

It will be fun to see Cole during the first snowstorm though :lol:
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #59 on: October 16, 2005, 20:28:45 pm »
Good to see a pic of you Hayley!  :D   Yay for the sunny weather - we even brought a blow up pool yesterday since we missed out last year and Nathan was running around in the nudey having a great time.

I think I am mostly fortunate on the DH front too, he sticks to the routine, but I need to remind and remind where we're at since things change so fast.  Of course sometimes I forget that I'm coming here and getting fresh ideas and to me it becomes second nature and I wonder why he's not getting it. :lol:  :roll: 

I also put Danielle in the highchair at our meal times even if she's not eating - although she's now having a little at both lunch and dinner now. 

Hayley, it's frustrating isn't it when you think the nights are getting better - after our 2 sleep throughs last week I thought we might have cracked it, but then the wakings started to creep in closer to midnight again.  Although last night she was back to 3.30am which has been a long time since she's done 8.5hrs straight (not including the sleep throughs).