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Offline Claire Marie's mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #75 on: October 17, 2005, 01:20:46 am »
Thanks for the welcome ladies!   I forgot to tell you all about my dogs.   :oops:  They would be so hurt.  We have 2 Weimeraners (never have been sure about the spelling).  A 6 year old male named Miles and a 5 year old female named Mickie (who is currently trying to get food off of the counter  :twisted:).  They have adjusted to Claire really well.  We were worried about jealousy issues, but so far things have gone smoothly and Claire thinks they are a riot. 

She's started solids, just some cereal and sweet potatoes, but getting them 3 times a day.  Its hard to fit all the food and breast feeds in :? !
Also using a sippy cup for water only.  Its a trainer by Advent, she likes to hold it and play with it more than anything.  I really don't think she's getting much.  We haven't used a high chair yet, as she doesn't sit up by herself and I can just imagine her sliding out the bottom!  She's kind of little for her age. Only in the 15th percentile for weight!

I think you all have already discussed this, but if you wouldn't mind, how many hours of day sleep are your los getting?

We're still having some night waking issues and I'm wondering if she getting too much day sleep?  On the sleep boards theres a post about average sleep and it says that 6mo olds should only have like 2.5 hours. :shock:  I am trying to lenghten activity time, but she's getting harder and harder to read and I've run into overtired twice today :( !

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #76 on: October 17, 2005, 01:28:14 am »
well, since I'm here still :wink:

I love weimeraners by the way.  They are big dogs right?  Gray usually?  Hope I'm right.

Cole sleeps 11.5-12 hours at night.  He usually has one 1:20, one 45 min and one 1:00-1:15 (about 3 hours day sleep).  It's hit and miss where they all land.  Depends on wake up etc. Sometimes the first nap will be the longest, sometimes the second. 

okay, i'm going to go try and get a life now.  LOL
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #77 on: October 17, 2005, 01:41:04 am »
Jessica (you'll have to add your name in your sig - I had to scroll back  :wink: ) - Danielle has a 45m-1.5hr nap in the morning and 2-2.5hrs in the afternoon with about 11hrs overnight (one feed in that time but goes straight back to sleep) - so about 15hrs total a day.

Hayley, I made carrots with Nathan but I recall reading a post here about a year ago saying it's not a good idea to do homemade carrots - something about high Nitrate levels, but the processed ones are ok because of the cooking temps.  Not sure what I'll do this time, I'd never heard of that before and haven't since.  Re kumura, the key is to not overmash otherwise it turns gluey, so just puree until mashed if that makes sense.  I think you can start to add lumps from now if Daniel's ok with them.  If you've done rice cereal, you could add some to change the consistency as well.

Well I've done some exercise today, so feeling great, right think I can hear Danielle awake now.

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #78 on: October 17, 2005, 02:47:33 am »
Jessica, the last few weeks Daniel has averaged 1 hour morning and 2 hours afternoon. He was the KING of 40min naps, so I am soooo proud of my little bear! At night it's about 11.5 hours. In saying that, sometimes he sleeps 4 hours in the day and sometimes can go back to sleep straight after his 6am feed and do 13H. But, I'm thinking 3 hours is really enough for him during the day.

Interesting about the carrots. I wonder if I should give them to him or not. And I've saved some kumara out for tonight, so we'll see if he eats them.

Oh dear, Mr grizzly needs me.
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #79 on: October 17, 2005, 02:58:27 am »

here is Taylor in her bumbo seat.  it's basically a seat that helps them to sit up when they can't quite do it on their own....and it can be used up until they can no longer fit in it.  I see that Sophie has one too in her Avatar.

BTW, regarding the homemade carrots, it is because of the pesticides and nitrates that they recommend not giving homemade carrots until they are at least 7 months (some say 1 year) bought is safe though.  When I say "they" I read it in various baby mag articles and also in Super Baby Food and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  There are a few other no-nos on the list as well.

Traci-I do watch Nip/Tuck but have been a little annoyed with it lately; a little over the top!  I'll post more later...gotta go unpack groceries.

I also know some others had Q's so will come back tonight.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline mrayohler

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #80 on: October 17, 2005, 03:24:36 am »
A couple thoughts to share/ask:

We just went through the stage with night wakings and playing.  I thought I was going to put earplugs in to get through it because I was terribly sick at the time but as everything does, it passed.

I'm very impressed with the wedding and staying out late.  I'm just a nervous wreck with my kids sleeping and don't have the guts to do that and go with the flow the next day.  Tell me what the thoughts are that keep you calm and sane about that?  I could use something to help me try to live a little more relaxed!

We had a rough Saturday with short naps and a very overtired baby for the catnap.  She keeps waking at 5am!!!  I'm not sure exactly what's causing this but she had a fantastic day today and went down tonight so happy and without a peep so I'm crossing my fingers she'll make it to 6 tomorrow.  I asked my husband to work from home so I don't have to hear his alarm at 5:30!

Thanks for the big group hug.  That made me smile.
Mom of:
Payton dob 3-5-05
Lauren dob 6-11-02

Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #81 on: October 17, 2005, 03:39:59 am »
traci: I watch nip/tuck....completely addicted!!  This past weeks show was good but next week looks pretty interesting!! :D

So...I had a phone call from my MIL :shock:   She asks me in a overly sickly sweet voice "so, you having a day off today?"  :shock:  I'm thinking "how long has it been lady since you've had kids???!!!"  but reply " I never have a day off!"  She comes back in an even sweeter voice "Oh, there's always laundry to do?"   :evil:  I don't know why she rubs me the wrong way...but ooooh she gets my blood boiling!
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2005, 03:50:02 am »
Jessica-Taylor gets about 3-4 hours of day sleep right now.  for a while she was pretty consistently doing 1.5 in am and pm and then a 40 minute cat nap, but I think she is going to be dropping the cat nap soon because she is close to 2.5 hours A time and her naps have been a little wacky the last few days...45 min am and then 1.5-2 hr in the pm...then no catnap!  She does a routine 12 hours ever night to the 'T'...if she goes down at 7:30, she wakes at 7:30.

Michele-I guess I feel more comfortable now knowing that overall Taylor is ona good schedule and EVERYTHING I have read (and I have read way too much!) says that the occasional switch in routine for a special occasion is long as it is a day here and there.  If I do 2-3 days in a row though of messing up her routine, forget it.  we have to work with her for the next few days to get her back on track.  But with BW, even when we get off track I feel pretty confident that we will find our way again!

Traci-regarding the Weissulbuth book, I guess one of the first things that caught me as contradictory was that it is okay to nurse then put to sleep...that there is no evidence that eating before sleeping messes with their sleep.  he also says 'NEVER wake a sleeping baby for a feed' and even pretty much quotes Tracy and BW by saying "some other books out there suggest force feeding the baby to tank them up" (one of Tracy's terms)...he's obviously referring to the DF. :?  :shock:  I am not done with the book yet and I like the explanations of how sleep works, but I figure I'll just continue with what I have been doing with BW since it has worked so beautifully for us.
And regarding Nip/Tuck-what is with the grandma smoking pot with the grandson??? :lol:   and then the cop seducing Christian and then Kimber coming home and they have a 3 way?!?! :roll:   So over the top!!!  I am so sad because I have been a devout fan for the last 2 seasons.  I love Desperate Housewives and Gray's Anatomy though!  Also Rescue Me with Denis Leary.  Have you seen that?

Okay gotta go get ready for Desperate Housewives!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Arwyn's mom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #83 on: October 17, 2005, 04:02:29 am »
Jessica... Arwyn used to have only 45 minute naps... drove me around the bend  :roll: but she was always waking up happy so I let it go. She is now back to longer naps but I really have to finesse them. I end up pat/shushing for a while and the only reason I do it is because she wakes up crying. If you add up 3x45 min, it is the 2.25 hrs. as per the guidelines for 6 months. SO, I say, if your lo is happy with short naps and you are happy with short naps, go with the flow!

Hayley... I made my own carrots and sweet potatoes. I steamed them for a LONG time, more than the recommended time so that they would puree more easily. I noticed with the leftover carrots from Thanksgiving that I had to add more water to get it to the consistency I wanted. I agree with Andrea, you should mash the sweet potatoes... I wrecked a whole batch of organic regular potatoes by putting them in the chopper. I ended up with glue. :x  :(

Michelle... have you tried putting your lo back to bed at 5 am? Even if Arwyn wakes up at 6 am, we try to put her back down. I am looking at my sleep log and in a two week span, she woke up 4 times at 6 am and we pat/shushed her back to sleep successfully for 3 of those times. The other time, it was not as successful as she woke again at 7 and we pat/shushed her back down for a wake-up time of 8 am. I am aiming for 6:30 or 7 am wake up so... if it is too early, she goes back down. And right now, I am trying to adjust for the time change so... for the past 3 days, have aimed for a 7:30 or 8 am wake-up.

Micky... breathe in through the nose, exhale fully through the mouth...  :wink:

Alright everybody... just watched Nanny 911 tonight. If anyone feels like their household is not as they want/like/wish for, watch this show and you will instantly feel better.  :D

Sorry... no Nip/Tuck or Desperate Housewives for me... I am an Amazing Race and CSI fan!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #84 on: October 17, 2005, 04:04:49 am »
Andrea, thanks for the bumbo pics. That looks really useful, although for Daniel we don't need now. I've never seen them here, must be an American thing.

Michele, they way I see it, if we have one (or two) off days but it means we can do something for ME then so be it! Admittedly, there's only 1 baby to get back into routine though. The funny thing is, I find if it's a day trip Daniel often sleeps better at night if he's been totally out of his routine. It's as if he's saying "thank goodness I'm back in my own bed. Now, let me get some sleep". :lol:

Interesting about the carrots. In that case I'll hold off giving them to him for another month. At least he'll probably cope with the slightly lumpier texture better.

Oh, and while I'm here, what's classed as constipated? IE, if Daniel's breastfed 4 x per day (sometimes 5) and 3 solids, fruit and veges (no cereal at the moment) how often should he 'go'? When he was EBF he was at least once a day, sometimes twice. Now I think he last went yesterday morning 36 hours ago. Should I be 'worried' if it goes much longer? I thought you girls might know, rather than posting on the 'foods' board yet. I don't want to look like a paranoid mum  :oops:
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline hayes

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #85 on: October 17, 2005, 04:06:10 am »
Hi!  sounds like everyone has had a busy weekend.  Ankie-I was talking about the bouncy chair and feeding Ben in it instead of the high chair because he decided that he had something against it. (just a refresher!)  So the bouncy chair is reclined but he sits up straight in it without any back support.  I am going to try to transition him back into the high chair this week.  Michele-I am constantly worrying about scheduling and sleeping.  When we go out with Ben and it is late I remind myself that he will get back on schedule in a day or two.  Also, I have heard tons of comments from moms who have more than one little one and they have said that their 2, 3, and 4 have been better adjusted because they didn't always keep to a strict schedule every day.  Of course I want my LO to be perfect in every way so I schedule him like crazy and try to stay sane when he goes off of it for a night.  Bec-I think you asked about constipation.  I fed Ben just fruits for a day or two without any cereal and that seems to help, I also added more liquid to the cereal thinking that he would get more liquids into his system.  Does anyone have any problems with little bumps on their LO faces?  I am pretty sure it isn't an allergy because it is minimal, I change his sheet frequently, not sure if I should be putting lotion on it?


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #86 on: October 17, 2005, 04:07:51 am »
Hayley, the way I understand constipation, it's not the distance between poos, but the consistency and whether the baby is having trouble passing them.  So just keep an eye out for how he is and go from there.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #87 on: October 17, 2005, 04:16:52 am »
Hello all.  Finally getting back to you all. I think my last post was about 5 pages ago. Wow.

Thanks to you all for chiming in on the dh rant.  It helps to know that their are others out there who have to work at helping dh understand the bw.

Hayley- great picture.  Sophie is a nick-name for Sophia which is her "real" name.

Traci- COle is so cute in his high chair. It makes me want to get one.  I use the bumbo for feeding, like Andrea.  We have such a small kitchen/dining area I didn't want to add a high chair...the bumbo was the perfect solution. I do sometimes wish she didn't have access to her feet while eating as she is an incredibly messy eater...we have a lot of carrot/sweet potato/winter squash stained socks now!

Andrea- Great work with the wedding.  I really ditto what you said about it being ok to take them out of their routine for a special occassion.  I think when I first started bw, I was sooo scared to stray from the routine because I thought things would go back to the way they were schedule...guessing what she needed when, night feedings etc.  Now that we have been doing it for awhile, I feel much more confident that things will eventually get back to "normal" even if we stray.

Thanks to everyone for the sleep times.  That was really helpful to me too.  Sophie currently sleeps about 4 hours during the day and about 10-11hours at night (still working on early morning wakings--is she hungry?) She usually naps about 2 in the morning, 1.5 in the afternoon and 45 in the cat nap time. 
I too have been wondering if she is sleeping too much during the day.  I have been trying to extend her A time to work on this.

Also, BTW, I just swtiched Sophie to the next flow level for the nipples we use . We use Dr. Brown's bottles and I went from a #2 flow to a #3 flow.  This seems to be helping her eating, as she had reduced her intake pretty drastically...I thought maybe this was why she started waking so early, so we shall see.

Also-aren't wemeraners...don't make me try to actually spell it--the dogs that someone takes pictures of dressed in people clothes?  Stegman? I love them too :)

Nip-tuck. don't watch it but a teacher friend of mine does and she was cracking me up telling me about the episode with the threesome...she is an older, VERY modest woman and was quite shocked by this!!  I'll have to try to catch it some day.  We are currently on a no-cable budget  :D So we only get Fox (if that means anything to anyone)  My favorite guilty pleasure is The dh calls it the Oh Crap...and he's really right but it's fun nonetheless.  Nothing is, however, on right now except baseball which I have been cursing as a result. about needing to get a life.

Anyhow...on the dh front. mine and I had a really great heart to heart today.  So nice.  So mature. So civilized.  Don't know if it will actually change anything, especially on the bw front, but we shall see.

Definately into the idea of him doing more naps/feedings etc...especially as I get geared up to go back to will be soooo important to share the child care work evenings and weekends.

Thanks for the group hug Naomi! Can't wait to chat you all up again on Wednesday! :lol:

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #88 on: October 17, 2005, 04:23:08 am »
That's what our ped said about poops too.  She said some babes start to only go once a week after about 4-5 months!!!!! (I am not blessed whith one of those children :) )
If they are staining and poop is like pebbles, that's constipation.
I have heard BTW that apples can contribute to const. rather than help...that was news to me.
Have a great night/day.

Brendan was here this weekend and wanted to add a tcker for him to my signature...cute huh? I showed him all of your pics etc...he loved jayson in the rain and Sara on the coffee table...I still laugh over that one, whenever I think about it!
OK, that's really all now!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #89 on: October 17, 2005, 05:16:47 am »
Mate this post is flying !!  Thanks to everyone for the welcome !!

Traci - thanks for the constipation info, I'm not ready to stick soap up her bum just yet :shock:  :lol:  :lol: but I just got some prune juice although it might be another thing trying to get her to drink it. Also somebody else suggested just fruit so thanks I will try that as well.

Keep the photos coming !!
