Hi all,
Sam has just decided that he wants to only sleep 2.5-3 hours during the day. It is more 2.5 then 3...and he has just decided that in the last week! Nights, I have been trying to put him down earlier to try and "cure" the 5 am wake ups but I have now give up. He sleeps about 10-11 hours overnight and does not wake for a feed. That is why when he wakes at 5 am, I feel that I need to feed him. Although i try and hold him off till 6. I heard his little tummy rumble yesterday morning so he got fed! After 11 hours, his last feed is 6 am, he takes 30 minutes to feed and is not having a bar of short feed and back to bed. Also after 30 minutes, it just does not seem worth it to put him back to sleep.
Q-how much is everyone giving their los in terms of solids? Sam takes about 3-4 icecubes worth 2 meals a day and I am thinking of adding a 3rd meal.
Hayley-is Daniel still wrapped? Sam just did not need it and we have not been wrapping him at all in the last 3 weeks.
I am very lucky on the dh front as he is totally on board and actually taught me how to do PU/PD although I do not have very much success with it and he does! He is going to look after Sam when I go back to work so has always been very hands on.
Anyway, must dash, another beautiful day here so must make the most of it and put another load of washing out.
BTW, a couple of pics...