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Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #90 on: October 17, 2005, 06:15:44 am »
Michelle-ditto what Ankie said.  if Taylor wakes up before 7 we always try to pat her back to sleep and most of the time it works.  On the rare occasion I have given a feed at 6 am the earliest if for some reason I think she needs it...but really I haven't fed her before 6 am in weeks.  it almost makes me wonder if I should be???  Many moms seem to be still?

The 5 am wakes up are tough, but I think it is pretty normal at this stage.  Taylor can fall asleep independently yet she still wakes around 5ish 3-4 nights a week.  I'd say 2/4 times she'll go back to sleep on her own and then the other 2 times we pat her back to sleep.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #91 on: October 17, 2005, 12:41:34 pm »
Andrea- Oh right, I remember those points in Healthy Sleep now.  I think what he's saying is that it's okay on occasion if your lo feeds to sleep.  Not every time, but if it happens don't wake them up to put them to sleep.  I think this is based on the fact that your little one can already soothe themself.

And yes he does pretty much quote Tracy about tanking up and says not to wake them to feed (at night).  I stopped the DF because it didn't seem to help much and honestly I kind of agree with Weissbluth...I don't want to feed Cole unless he's hungry.  I don't think it disturbs his sleep (him waking for it) as he's only stayed up after that feed twice.

As for Nip/ is totally over the top this season.  What was up with what I refer to as the "couch" lady!  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.  Matt smoking up with grandma must have happened episode two?  I missed that one.  And the threesome...WELL....that is just so Christian and so in line with the show that it didn't really phase me.  By the way, do you find Sean attractive?  I don't at all.  Christian, well, that's another story (can you see me drool!LOL)  okay, I'll take this discussion to PMg so as to not bore anyone else.

Can you pm multiple people at once?  like email?  just curious.

Hannah-we have a small kitchen too.  I would have liked to have gotten another row of cabinets but then the high chair wouldn't fit in!  I figured we'd have to use the high chair eventually anyway.  The Peg is great as it folds up pretty narrow and gets out of the way.

Micky- what's up with MIL?  And did your DH ever say anything about the other incident (that was you too, wasn't it?)  what did she mean by day off?  when is Jack's surgery scheduled for?  want to be sure I'm sending out my positive vibes on the right day. (your lo is jack, right? memory is horrible)

And I think weimaraners are the dogs that guy dresses up as people.  I was going to mention that but wasn't sure if anyone would know what i was talking about and i'd look like a crazy person :roll:  LOL

bye for now.  see you guys later today.


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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #92 on: October 17, 2005, 13:17:54 pm »
just wanted to say hi to my girls, I am having the worst day ever. very tired and worn out in every way possible, and jayson running away when I was trying to get him dressed to take him to play at a mums group was the last straw. Thank goodness riley went down to finish her sleep after jay woke her up this morning.
I will check in with you all when I am ot bursting into tears so much.
Thanks girls
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


Offline Colesmom

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2005, 13:27:41 pm »

{{{{{giant hugs to you}}}}}

Hope things improve later today.  I know Jayson's been trying your patience.  Just make it through today...tomorrow will be better.

Can you get him outside to burn off some energy?  (once you do get him dressed that is!)  Maybe there are some more puddles he can frolick in :wink:   What do I know...just hang in there hon'
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Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2005, 14:17:46 pm »
Big Hugs Naomi!!!  Hang in there and come chat wehn you are ready for a breakdown...we'll be here! :)
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Claire Marie's mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2005, 14:19:48 pm »
Traci - you're right!  William Wegman dresses them up as people.  I'd like to see him try that with our dogs!  LOL  Weimaraners range in color from a "blue", which is really kind of a slate gray, to light gray and some are more light brown or fawn colored.  When I figure out how to put pictures on here, I'll post a picture of ours. :D

Thanks all for the sleep information.  Claire is getting 3-4 hours a day, which seems about average.  Her naps have been a little crazy lately.  Yesterday she would not take a catnap  and ended up being awake 4 hours before bed.  She held up pretty good though and went to bed without a peep!

She also has a wake up around 5 or 6.   If its before 6, I usually feed her to get her back to sleep.  I don't mind a 6am wake, but maybe I should start expecting a 7 wake to adjust for the time change?    Her wakes have been a off lately too.  Sometimes 7 or 7:30 other times 6.  I'm wondering if this is why her naps are out of sorts.  The whole biorythm thing? 
Sometimes my brain hurts from thinking about all of this :roll:

Have a great day!


Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #96 on: October 17, 2005, 16:37:12 pm »
Oh My Lord this moves quickly. 

First of all thanks everybody for letting me vent and the DH support - I know we can mostly chalk it up to "men" but they are not all bad and dh here is on board with BW, although it is only now that he is in full support as everything is in place\...oh well...sigh....

Naomi {{{{{{hugs}}}}} hang in there, it must be soooooooo hard with 2.. :shock:

Welcome Jessica I love the name Claire and Welcome Bec - I love Horses and/or ponies!

Traci Cole is so cute in his high chair

I love those bumbo things I figure it is now too late to order on for Sophie I wish i would have seen them before.  I forget who was saying that they had trouble with a high chair but we got a peg perego that reclines and rocks ect... it seems very comfy and Sophie loves it.  We also put Sophie when we are eating dinner.

Micky - What is up with the MIL - Breath......Mine can be a little tiresome seeing as her daughter and other grandson corner the market on perfect.... :shock:  :roll:

I know there is more but I am taking the day off so I will try to get on here throughout the day...


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #97 on: October 17, 2005, 16:51:28 pm »
Naomi...{{{{HUGS}}}}... Put a rainsuit on that boy and send him outside!  :wink:

Richelle... just noticed your Sophie was 6 months on the weekend. Happy 6 months!

Hmmm... about dreamfeeding. Those of you who don't DF, does your lo wake up in the middle of the night to feed? How do you determine if it is hunger? I am in the process of weaning the DF but wonder if I could just go cold turkey... I tried it once and Arwyn woke up at 1 am wanting to latch onto my chin.

Ta ta... won't be at the chat on Wednesday! It is my anniversary!
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline solnme

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #98 on: October 17, 2005, 17:25:19 pm »
Wow... this moves fast.

Thanks for the info about constipation and carrots.  We just gave DS some prunes mixed with carrot to get him going again.  I found I had to cook the carrots for a really long time as well.  I hope they're ok. 
Today, we had lift off! :D

We're having some nap schedule changes as well.  He used to do 1.5hrs in the am and 2 in the afternoon.  Now he's doing 30-45 mins in the morning but wants to sleep again by 1:00.  This is when I like to be out and about but I guess it's not about me is it.

 I can hear him rolling around right now and it's only been 30 mins!  I've tried to shh/patt him back to sleep but he just smiles at me.  So i leave him to roll around until he protests to come out.  What else can I do? :?

Not a nip/tuck fan but love, love Amazing Race and 24.  I hope the families leave the US at some time.  I like to live vicariously through the contestants and remember my days of travel.

I'm about to give my lo squash.  I think I'll have to cook it for a long time like the carrots.  Has anybody else had success or problems with it?

Sol  Enzo - Born April 29, 2005

Reese Ivana - Born June 4, 2007

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #99 on: October 17, 2005, 17:28:46 pm »
Arwyn - I know the ticker says Sophie is 6 months buI count October 24th as her 6 months but thnks anyway the ticker must go by 4 week months???  I have never done the dream feed, i could never wake our little log up enougto latch on and we instead did a bedtime that got progressively ealier from 9Pm to our now 7 or 730 PM bedtime.  Sophie has always been a great nightime sleeper (sorry :shock: ) and has only ever woken around 4am for a feed until 6 weeks ago when she started going until 6 to 7 am, gotta love her!  Why not try to cut back on the amount - I think this is what Tracy recommends.  I also think there is a thread on the solid food and weaning board about it...

Arwyn was it you that said you give Ankie a lovie to go to bed with?  I am nervous about doing this and Sophie sleeps good at night but she is already attached to a monkey blanket and the remote control (honestly she is obsessed with it :roll: ) I love the idea of her having a comfort in bed with her - What does Arwyn have?

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #100 on: October 17, 2005, 17:38:35 pm »
oh yeah...

Macaire,  my lo had little bumps on his face too.  At first i thought it was baby acne but it never went away.  This made me worry cause DH had really bad acne as a tween and spent the best part of grade 8 at the dermi. 

I put a little pure aloe vera gel on his cheeks at night and it cleared up in about a week.  I figured it was all natural so why not.

Sol  Enzo - Born April 29, 2005

Reese Ivana - Born June 4, 2007

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #101 on: October 17, 2005, 17:44:56 pm »
Sorry Ankie I got you and Arwyn's names mixed up - very tired....

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #102 on: October 17, 2005, 19:24:21 pm »
Hi all,
Sam has just decided that he wants to only sleep 2.5-3 hours during the day. It is more 2.5 then 3...and he has just decided that in the last week! Nights, I have been trying to put him down earlier to try and "cure" the 5 am wake ups but I have now give up. He sleeps about 10-11 hours overnight and does not wake for a feed. That is why when he wakes at 5 am, I feel that I need to feed him. Although i try and hold him off till 6. I heard his little tummy rumble yesterday morning so he got fed! After 11 hours, his last feed is 6 am, he takes 30 minutes to feed and is not having a bar of short feed and back to bed. Also after 30 minutes, it just does not seem worth it to put him back to sleep.
Q-how much is everyone giving their los in terms of solids? Sam takes about 3-4 icecubes worth 2 meals a day and I am thinking of adding a 3rd meal.
Hayley-is Daniel still wrapped? Sam just did not need it and we have not been wrapping him at all in the last 3 weeks.
I am very lucky on the dh front as he is totally on board and actually taught me how to do PU/PD although I do not have very much success with it and he does! He is going to look after Sam when I go back to work so has always been very hands on.
Anyway, must dash, another beautiful day here so must make the most of it and put another load of washing out.
BTW, a couple of pics...


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #103 on: October 17, 2005, 19:40:07 pm »
Man this thread moves fast!!! there were FIVE new pages since I was here yesterday!!  I can't keep up.  I'm never getting to the rest of the site anymore! :)

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #104 on: October 17, 2005, 20:13:08 pm »
Karen - I LOVE the sunglasses photo, so very cute. And the one of the both of you is lovely too. I don't wrap Daniel anymore. He really protested about it and I physically couldn't wrap him anymore. He's got a sleeping bag though. I'm soooo happy to have him out of the wrap now.

I've fixed his night wakings which I think were cold temp induced by now dressing him in a thermo bodysuit plus PJ's.

Naomi - I say send him outside without his rainsuit on in the rain, he'll soon want to come inside and get dressed!! :lol: Just kidding!

Another highchair question, if you LO's can sit up by themselves, how far back do you tilt the chair for feeding? Maybe I should have him tilted back? I ususally have Daniel fairly upright.

Can't stay and chat although I'd love to. I'm off to stay at a friends with Daniel as DH is away for 3 nights, and I need to pack. I'm probably only going for one night, but by the time I next check in, anything could have happened.  :lol:
Ohakea, New Zealand