Author Topic: Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline Superman'sMom

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Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?
« on: October 15, 2005, 02:21:55 am »
Hi all,
I am Mom to a touchy/spirited 3 month old. We have just gotten his reflux under control last week. Know it seems to me that he is going through a growth spurt.
Waking every 2-3 hours a night and feeds a good bit. But I have upped his daytime eating and cluster feeding him and df. He went almost 4 hours last night after the dream feed but he wouldn't go back to sleep for two hours.  Tonight I did his routine, he went right to bed snd he woke up 45 min later. I was sure not to over stimulate him today.
He has been doing this for three nights now adn before he was waking at all hours but in pain from his reflux. I really don't know what to try now. I can't feed anymore than I am, he isn't waking at the same times at night. So even if it was somehow habitual wakings how can I do wake to sleep if I don't know when he is going to wake up.
We do pat/shh to get him back to sleep and as with his naps I have to say with him the first twenty min until he is in deep sleep.
I am so tired I can't think of what is wrong. He is now messing up his morning routine because all morning I am putting him back to sleep and when it is time for him to wake up he is still tired. He will not sleep or wake then. Then I can sometimes get him back to sleep he sleeps through his first activity time and wakes two hours late. Then he wants to eat. When he doesn't get enough  day sleep he will not go to bed and then he is overtired and won't take his naps.  :?:

Mom to SPIRITED Aiden
Born 7/10/2005

Offline LindseysMom

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Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2005, 02:39:44 am »
First of all, hugs to you.  Second, just try to relax a bit with him. Yes, he is old enough to try and get him on some sort of routine but try and take a step back and just go with his flow a few days and see if any natural order of things start to go with him.  Yes, easy is a good idea but it is best to relax and try and go by your baby's cues. 

I also think he is most likely in a growth spurt as they do occur around 3 months old.   So hopefully things will settle down in a couple days.  I hope it gets better.     Try not to worry to much about  a routine right now, just try to get through his growth spurt.  Are you breastfeeding? If so him wanting to eat all the time is normal as he is increasing your supply so you will have more milk as he continues to grow. Hang in there.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline Superman'sMom

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Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2005, 03:39:35 am »
Actually I hav etried a lot to go with his flow. He is just a baby and i am not . concerened about him being on a schedule but when he does what ever he wants he is so erractic it is insane. I have written down his schedule for two weeks. His flow makes no sense. There is no loose schedule he will go to bed at 9 so nights and 1 so nights(for instence). The reason that I was trying to get him on a better routine is that i think maybe the lack of structure is what is causeing the wakings. It may have been a growth spurt to begin with but now it is not. I put him down tonight no problem. He awoke 45 min later and he is still awake. Nothing is going tomake him sleep. We have been trying for two hours. He seems to be completly awake. Not hungry not even really crying that much. I don't know what to do. he is tired, but he isn't crying like he had before when he couldn't get back to sleep.

I think that it is possible that he has decided that he doesn't need to sleep.

Last night he went down fine, woke up an hour or so later but went right back to sleep with pat/shh. Then at 2:30 he woke up hungry. I fed him an two hours later he went back to sleep only to wake uo 20-30 min later. Got him back to sleep more easily, he woke at 6 and ate. I ended up passing out while I was feeding him and woke about 2 hours later, I trie dto get him back to sleep and he awoke. Got him back down, woke at 9 to eat and then wouldn't stay awake. Took 30 min to get him to sleep then he woke at 10:30ish. Tried to go back to sleep but i decided that was enough. Nap okay today, though tonight would be better. 

Wow this is too long. So sorry, I hope it all makes sense. I can't seem to focus.

Mom to SPIRITED Aiden
Born 7/10/2005

Offline LindseysMom

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Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 03:56:18 am »
I know the swing is considered a prop but if you have one will he sleep in it?  I personally do not believe in sleep training anyway until a baby is older so if he will sleep in his swing during the day some and if you can at least get him to sleep in his crib for night time sleep then maybe the swing is ok til he catches up on some sleep.  Also, he is at the age where they start to become so much more aware of surroundings that could be affecting his sleep.  It is hard I know.  Just try if you can to sleep while he is and it may be that he is just going to take a while before he falls into any kind of routine per say.  Also, are you swaddling him any?  That really helped with Lindsey.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline Superman'sMom

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Have you ever been so tired your eyes might bleed?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 10:46:07 am »
Thank you for your replys. I hope hope I didn't come across as rude earlier. It is hard. We are up for 2 hours now. He finally went do at 12:30ish and would back up at four. He wasn't really crying but he took a whole feed. I tried to get him to gog back to sleep adn I got him drowsey but when I laid him down in his crib he was half asleep but he was talking and trying to flail.  He wasn't really upset so i let him be (when he is falling asleep I always have my hand on him until he makes it to deep sleep). But he just did that for 20 min and woke all the way up. I tried to get him back down but he was wired. So I brought him in here and he was fine for 10 min then he let out an ear piercing scream and did not stop. He is very tired but he doesn't want to sleep. Is there a phase where baby just don't sleep? I never heard of it but maybe. Is is starting to notice that there is a big world around him. maybe. 

I do swaddle him but only from the waist down. He will scream if his arms are wrapped. The swing doesn't really work anymore. He will only snooze in it.  In fact no other props work since we have tried the bw method. He really goes down pretty easy but I just can't get him to stay asleep. Or back to sleep once he wakes up.  He really only snoozes in the stroller and the car also. That used to be a sure way to snoozeville.

Thanks again for your help.

Mom to SPIRITED Aiden
Born 7/10/2005