Hi Ladies,
I need a bit of insight here, I have recently put both dds into the same room to sleep because dd#1 (3 1/2) has always had problems sleeping alone and I guess she just needed the company. Apart from the two girls having a right old riot up there for about an hour every night this has worked out very well. Until recently. Dd#1 has always been afraid of the dark so we keep her light on, now she is afraid of absolutely EVERYTHING.
When I say eveything I mean everything, teddies, toys, posters, her bed, bedclothes, curtains, the intercom, shelves, nails in the wall, pencil lines on the wall, labels on things ..... I means the list is endless. I have done everthing I can, removed everything from the room, taken her big bed away and put her little bed back in, taken nails out of the walls, I am even on the verge of taking the shelves down. She just lies with her head under the blanket looking terrified or sobbing. I can see her scanning the room for things she is afraid of - very soon there will be two mattresses on the floor and nothing else. I don't want her to be afraid but I don't want to foster the idea that there is something to be afraid of. Last night I tried to be stern with her - now come on there is nothing wrong here and all that - she still cried when I tried to leave. Are these just extreme stalling techniques? Or is she really scared? Should I take her to the doctor?