Author Topic: Waking at 5.30am every morning - arrrrggghhhh!  (Read 1257 times)

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Offline Khyan & Sahria's mum

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Waking at 5.30am every morning - arrrrggghhhh!
« on: October 16, 2005, 22:29:14 pm »
Khyan has decided that 5.30am is a perfect time to start the day  :evil: He wakes up bright and chirpy and plays happily until about 6am when he asks for breakfast (sign language) and then continues to play until about 9am when he starts to get grumpy as he is obviously getting tired.

This all seemed to co-incide with his longer naps, they went from 1.5 to 2.5hrs !

Do you think that this could be the reason for the early wakings? Wake to sleep doesn't seem to work and I'm wondering if it really is just a habit that needs breaking - but I really don't know how.

I try to hold him out till around 10.45 for his nap and he normally wakes around 1.15pm and then bedtime is 7.30pm although I do adjust it if he seems really tired.

Please If you have any ideas on how to start our day a little later it would be really appreciated.
Khyan & Sahria's Mummy

Offline Katet

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Waking at 5.30am every morning - arrrrggghhhh!
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 10:33:41 am »
Michaela, I'd say it is due to the early nap time... If Aiden goes less than 5.5 hours from wake up to to nap time 2 days in a row, he seems to compensate by an early wake up the next day. I would try holding him out until at least 11.30 if you can. What I tend to do if I need to is "allow for a 5-10min snooze in the car around 4 hours if he does an early wakeup & that seems to help us get back on track.
I think at the moment is it the early sunrise... can't wait for Daylight saving, but do you get in in WA??
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline elfin

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Waking at 5.30am every morning - arrrrggghhhh!
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2005, 10:52:56 am »
Hi Michaela,

No real words of advice for you, as Myles has been waking very early lately!  I agree that maybe pushing his naptime back a bit later may help.  I have found that if I try and compensate for an early wake up time with an earlier naptime, it resets his clock to be on an earlier schedule.  On the days that Myles has woken early I just try and keep the later part of the morning really low key with reading books, etc., so he doesn't get too overtired.

Sorry, I am not much help, but I do feel your pain!!

Myles 12/06/03