Can anyone offer any advice?
I have a 27 week old DS (who weighs 19lb 2oz) and he has tonight refused his DF!
He usually takes a full 8oz bottle but would not entertain the idea of any tonight. Up until now he has been having "solids" at only one or two meals (from 4 months old) but i have given him them at all three today. Could this be the reason he has refused his DF? Our routine looked something like this today:
6am - wake
7am - 7oz formula
8am - banana cereal with formula (about 1oz)
11am - solids (chicken and veg) probably the eqivalent of 2oz of milk then banana for dessert (only half!)
12pm - 6-7oz formula
3pm - solids as lunch (without banana)
4pm - 6-7oz formula
7pm - 5-6oz formula
7.45pm bed.
This is our usual routine but with less solids. He has been taking i suppose about 2oz of solids at each meal.
Is this refusal of DF normal? Am just waiting now for him to wake in the middle of the night for a bottle, if he does - should i give him one or should i just ride it out and try and wait until the morning.
We're not really used to him waking in the night as he's slept through from 9 weeks old (i know we are blessed with an angel baby!!!!!). Should we cut out the DF all together if he goes through tonight OK?
Hope someone has a little advise for us.